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Graphic problems with textures


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Hi, first time in here, but I need some help.


I just played Skyrim right now and I noticed some graphical issues, like missing textures on some buildings, giant pixels on the snow or weird blocky textures. I deleted some mods but nothing helped to fix the glitch. My video card is up to date.


Oh! And I have downloaded the official HD pack from Bethesda, since then I had this issue, I deleted the pack but the issue is still present.


Here are some screenshots:







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That problem seems to happen with the recent AMD driver update. Try installing a driver prior to 12.3 (For me 12.1 works great but I have heard of people having problems with it. 12.2 wouldn't work properly with my crossfire cards though). Using a slightly older driver may fix your problem.
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Well yeah, it looks like I had to disable antialiasing to make them disappear, a shame really. I hope the next updated driver works better, I'm using AMD's Catalyst.


Thanks for the help!

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