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Need help getting followers to enter my dungeon


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Evening everyone, I'm building a high level dungeon based more around an MMO raid style with very difficult bosses with mechanics that would destroy most lone players. The problem is getting followers to enter the dungeon and load doors inside the dungeon. I can get them in every once in a while but not consistently. I'd like to know if anyone has a solution to this problem? My navmesh is fine, no holes I've seen, I navmeshed the whole dungeon by hand so I wouldn't miss areas.


Thanks in advance hope some of you out there have some answers for me.

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Did you finalize the navmeshes in your dungeons cell(s)? Also, did you refinalize the any navmeshes that your dungeon connects to, such as the exterior cell that contains the door to your dungeon?


If you don't finalize your navmeshes, your mod will not contain the new nav-connections, which are required for AI pathing.

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Did you finalize the navmeshes in your dungeons cell(s)? Also, did you refinalize the any navmeshes that your dungeon connects to, such as the exterior cell that contains the door to your dungeon?


If you don't finalize your navmeshes, your mod will not contain the new nav-connections, which are required for AI pathing.


Yeah, I finalized the navmesh. I didn't finalize the tamrial entrance, though I did now at your guys advice. However, only one triangle near each doorway is green. Should all of the Triangles be green if they are around my loaddoor?

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Okay, I've got it working now, thank you both for your help. I would have hated to lower the difficulty to a one man dungeon, skyrim has too many easy dungeons once you hit 30.


Thanks again, now I might have my dungeon out before I head home for summer break. Just 4 more boss encounters to go...

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