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Need Help, SSAO not working


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Hey everyone,


For whatever reason, Ambient Occlusion (forced through Nvidia control panel) only works indoors. Outside, the ambient occlusion is off. I was using driver version 296.10 but just installed the beta 301.24, and the problem still exists; SSAO inside but not outside. Can anyone help me re-enable SSAO, as it is such an enhancement that I really really want it.



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Download Nvidia Inspector and set the SSAO compatibility for Skyrim to Fallout 3. That'll fix it.


However, Fallout 3 SSAO is slightly lower quality than Skyrim's. If you use Quality SSAO you won't notice much of a difference in appearance, but Performance SSAO set to Fallout 3 compatibility will flicker. If you can spare the fps, try to set SSAO to Quality rather than Performance.

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Thank you, that did re-enable it. Its weird that the default Skyrim profile of SSAO just stopped working outdoors like that. Are there any other SSAO profiles that I can use via the Inspector that will work? The Fallout 3 setting is indeed poor, and even set to Quality it flickers horribly. If there are other working profiles, I'd like to use those. Anyways, thanks for the help.
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