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ENB Problem


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EDIT: Problem solved. Please close topic.




I've problem with ENB. I downloaded today this ENB Profile:




I decided, that I will merge it with my ENB profile, and I made it. Works great, but I have two problems.


1. Take a look please on both screens. First screen shows one day- everything is bright, and generally ok.




But when I'm waited one day/night(I was in River Wood), I got something like this:




I mean, that everything is so dark. It's 12 o'clock, sun stays over my head, centrally. Shadows are very dark, and I don't know what is happening. Trust me- it's a big difference than earlier day. But it's no end- I noticed second very weird thing.


My ENB: http://s16.postimage.org/g86cp3f4l/enb2012_4_22_10_46_47.jpg


Vanilla: http://s15.postimage.org/m4dly9hm3/enb2012_4_22_10_46_48.jpg


Do you see the shadows? Why I have this straight line? What's happening?

Hope, that you guys know how solve it!




Edited by vandrerer
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