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Weird CTD when exiting to skyrim from cities or inns


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Right, I've been having a CTD when exiting certain cities/inns/mines onto the Skyrim cell. I get the loading screen and then a CTD with no warning. Its pretty frustrating. Im running SKSE and around 30 odd mods.


I have confirmed that even with a vanilla game it still crashes. I have started new saves, reinstalled (including wiping out Pref.ini's etc), de-fragmented, verified cache, all to no benefit.


However I think I've worked out the cause now but cant figure out a proper solution. I was getting a crash when exiting Windhelm (I could enter but not exit) and was playing around with turning mods on and off. On one attempt i mined ore just outside, and hey presto I could enter and exit the city. However when I exited I would appear suddenly beside the ore pile. I guess something in my game has corrupted the exiting locations from certain cells but its strange that i cant seem to fix it with reinstalls etc, its only been happening since the 1.5 patch.


I tested it again in kynesgrove. CTD when exiting the inn. Chopped up some fire wood first outside. Exited no problem. So long as i do an animation outside before entering it seems fine (minus the teleporting to wherever i did the action on leaving the inn).


Any one got any ideas as to what's causing it? Im completely out. My game is playable but slightly immersion breaking when your character has to suddenly do mundane chores to walk through a door..

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I have the exact same problem as you, but I crash upon entering houses or cities (especially Windhelm)

I also have trouble fast-traveling to cities.


Here are the mods I use:


Better Dynamic Snow

Caster Config

Cloaks Of Skyrim

Crimson Tide - Blood


Enhanced Distant Terrain

Enhanced Night Skyrim

Lush Grass

Lush Trees

Possesive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots

Skyrim Flora Overhaul


Xenius Character Enhancement

Static Mesh Improvement


Mark And Recall

Sounds of Skyrim


I found that disabling ALL the mods made the game somewhat more stable (I could enter and exit Windhelm without CTD)

I will try that animation trick you mentioned and report back.

Do you use any of these mods? Maybe the ones we use in common cause the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes! Sorry for the slow reply i ve been on holiday!


Im using all of your mods apart from:


Mark And Recall

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Static Mesh Improvement


Im still no closer to working it out.


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I use mucho more mods than you, and got the same problem, first I thought it has something to do with the recently installed mods, because I played +150 hours with my main character and not get much problems besides some random CTDs when I install some mod and I got insuficient RAM to handle all I've installed, that's a reasnable issue, but I got one secondary character with only 20 hours of gameplay and I started again to playing with it after the 1.5 update was released. I played about an hour or two and entered a cave, without problems, done whatherev I done by the quest, and when I trying to exit the cave my game crashes in the skyrim's landscape's loading screen. I tryed many times, but nothing...


I'm a person who got 3 o 4 saves per character, so I've tried one save just before entering that cave. When I loaded that save I no entered again that cave, but I teleport to Whiterun(by legal mean through world map) I not get any problems with that, but, when I tried to exit the city though the main door I get another and same CTD in the loading screen. I was very frustrated, but still trying and trying. When I saw nothing worked (turnyng oof/on difefferent mods, etc) I tryed to load a save 1 or 2 hours earlier in the gameplay, the same character but 1 or 2 hours earlier. With this safe I've tried to go to whiterun and the exit, and IT WORKED!!! So I think IT'S GOT SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE SAVES, maybe some mod or 1.5 change some info in the files and make them "corrupted", I mean, the saves worked all normally, but the latest has yhis bug exiting to Skyrim landscapes, and the olders hasn't.


I was happy and still playing with the character about 5 o 6 more hours, but I get the same bug in another cave!!!! And this time I hasn't got older saves, all differ in minutes in the gameplay, two in the cave and one outside of it, but still GOT THE BUG! So I let down that character, tried with my main and first character and in his saves I didn't have that bug and the game is working normally or in this time anyway.


So I decided to start a new game with another character, all worked great, but yesterday, after a total of 6 hours of gameplay with this character I got THIS BUG AGAIN, tried the 3 saves I have: Inside the Inn I connot exit/Outside the Inn/ and one about 30 minutes earlier, have tried all of them and all of them GOT THIS BUG. It's very frustrated and until now I only see that the only way to "fix it" is to have MANY saves per character so you can to load a one BEFORE this issue appears.... :(


Just for love per science I tried something stupid that worked yesterday. I figured that entering any city/cave/Inn I get no issues, it just get an error when I trying to get out "to skyrim", so what I tried was: enter Whiterun, and then, not exit through the main door and just open the world map and quicly travel to whiterun's stable, just outside the city, and surprisely that stupidity worked somehow, so this BUG has nothing to do with mods I got for skyrim's landscapes, or anyways, not has to do with their properly work just IN THIS MOMENT, like I said, maybe this issue has to do with something, mod or not, that changes some essential data what "saves" though the game saves, I have no idea....



And I have to ask about what you mention: You say if you do some animation before enterin, like chopping some wood, etc, if you do this animation then you don't get that bug? And when you do this animation, I mean you do it just before entering an Inn/Dungeon/city or just before exitign it? Thanks

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And I have to ask about what you mention: You say if you do some animation before enterin, like chopping some wood, etc, if you do this animation then you don't get that bug? And when you do this animation, I mean you do it just before entering an Inn/Dungeon/city or just before exitign it? Thanks


It seems to work both ways, If you chop/mine before entering and inn/cave/city when u exit u are transported to the object u interacted with. If its too far away the game crashes. :wallbash:

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I have to say I've tried everithing i could, even I installed this mod: My link , And nothing, no results. So, for the last I've tried what you manage, do an animated action before entreing/exiting, I got a save in an Inn, and get thee CTD when exiting to skyrim, so I just SIT in a table 2 seconds, and the tried to exit, and for my HONESTLY SURPRISE it worked!!!!! So I made a new save outside and then tried to enter and exit again but without any anymated action, and it worked again, I dunno how, but this "fix" that doesn't nothing to do with nothing at all it works for me 100%, and I'm very happy because I recover the two of my characters!!! Thanks a lot, I didn't hope it would work for me but it did, thanks a lot. But still thinking how sit in a table/chop some wood/get some minerals ore can fix the issue of getting a CTD on loading another cell of the game, i just can get it XDDDDDD


Betheshda, you still having ways to surprise us all!!!

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I have the same problem too. Whenever I quit from an inn or city, CTD happen.

But on my case, the CTD always happen whenever I have a follower. I already tried disabling follower related mods, disabling all mods, verify game cache, fragment it, but CTD still happen.

When I told my follower to wait/ dismiss them, I can exit normally without CTD. So I think my CTD only happen when I have a follower following me.


I tried to disable "save on travel" then exit the inn, this is what happen




I still don't know how to fix it entirely other than stop using follower. Maybe I'll try doing some animation like others before exiting.



edit :

yeah, for some reason. If I use an activator (i activated a bench) before exiting the inn, no CTD happen... lol


so to fix this there are two ways it seems :

1. If you have a follower when the CTD happen, dismiss him/her first

2. The most effective way without sacrificing follower is to activate an object first (bench/ chair, etc) then exit.

Edited by egga
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Im glad it helped, I'm having a break from skyrim so i've stopped looking for fixes but hopefully the animation trick will work for a few people who are finding it frustrating! :thumbsup:




Well, I can also confirm now that for some reason, your animation trick stops crashes when directly entering or exiting cells.

Fast traveling still is a problem, but I'm working on it.

Thanks for your trick! :thumbsup:

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Sitting down for a bit then exiting seemed to fix my issue too.. So weird. Thing is, I only ever got this bug when I had a companion following me. Whenever I told him to stay, I could exit freely. When I had him following me, I crashed every time, but sitting down seems to fix that for now.


Did you guys have companions following you? I thought it was first because I switched from UFO to AFT and had Lydia with me, so I made a new character. Got to Dawnstar, got Era as a follower, went to Morthal, left him inside the inn, went to retrieve him and crashed like before when exiting the building when he was following me. That's the only time I ever had crashes when exiting places, when a follower was following me.


I would really love to know why this issue exists though. In regards to load lists, specifically the one mentioned way above I have a few of the same mods. But disabling them didn't fix my issue at all. Reckon the same was for you.


The mods I have in common: Better Dynamic Snow, Cloaks Of Skyrim, Crimson Tide - Blood, Enhanced Distant Terrain, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, W.A.T.E.R, Xenius Character Enhancement, Static Mesh Improvement and Sounds of Skyrim.

Edited by Metal-Gear-REX
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