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Can't get manikin to stand on table/shelf


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I'm trying to get a miniaturized manikin to stand on a table or shelf, it keeps falling to the floor in seemingly random locations. I messed with all of the settings I could find. I tried putting flooring inside the table, just under the surface to try to get it to work. Nada.


So I have 3 questions:

1) How can I get the manikin to stand on a table?

2) How can I keep it from moving about?

3) Is there a way to dress the manikin in the CK?

- 3a) Is there a way to use an NPC and make it so they just stand there, looking like a manikin?


Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Interesting, and thanks for the idea! I took a look at that mod, but it appears to only work "in game". I'm trying to make a mod that has miniature manikins standing on a small table. The above mentioned mod would be perfect if I just wanted to add manikins to my saved game; but, alas, I don't.


I DID find a mod that changes how manikins look, and another is supposed to keep them from wandering around. I'll have to see if that's something I can incorporate into my mod.


Any other ideas? Maybe how to remove the AI from an NPC so they just stand there?

Edited by MrSly
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