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Question regarding a stand-alone face editor


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Hello :)

I have wondered for a while now if it would be possible to make a stand-alone tool that lets you edit/create faces outside of the game itself? Just like BodySlide, but for faces (which includes one's current mods as well). I am in no way knowledgeable about these things, hence my post. :) I do realise it's probably a very complex thing to accomplish, but it would be so sweet to try out presets and edit my own existing presets without having to:


1. Fire up the game.

2. Either use console commands (I know how to do this but I'd still need to do 1. first).

3. Find a doctor in-game. Where the outcome somewhat depends on lightning, and it also takes even more time (I'm playing on survival, which is ofc my own problem, but still).


Also, the character editor in-game is just REALLY wonky and it depends on lightning etc which makes it a bit flawed, in my opinion. I am not trying to skip paying 100 caps for a makeover at a doctor; that's actually what I would do normally, if not for the above. And when starting a new game, if it would be possible to edit the face before starting the game, you'd just need to load that preset (using LooksMenu) in the first scene in the bathroom and then GO! :)


Also, when trying out presets from other users, in 9 cases out of 10 they do not look like the pictures at all, instead they usually look more like burn victims or Chernobyl survivors. I do not mean to be rude to either of these two mentioned, but I do not want my character in-game to look like that. :) If one could load a preset into some kind of tool and have a look first, you'd know if it would work well with your own setup. One could possibly imagine an easy way to change companions etc without having to find a good spot, use the in-game console and such (plus, changing Curie is a real pain in the rear if one would wish to do so).


Thanks for reading my ramblings!

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It might (and that's a big might) be possible.. but I don't think anyone is going to attempt it when there are already quite a few ways to edit your character's face. As for the lighting, maybe try a new ENB or something? I've never found the lighting to be an issue and if I have all of the required mods for presets there's no reason for them not to look how they are supposed to.

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Thank you for the suggestions. I have used a few ENB's but I'm pretty sure it's not the "problem". :) I also use PhotoLight in-game which remedies the weird lightning to a degree.

My biggest gripe when it comes to the editing in itself is probably the lack of zoom, rotation and such basic controls. I mean, you can't really see the entire hair if you want to change it, to give one example.

Just to clarify, I would suggest a very lightweight editor that only loads/shows the face and possibly hair and nothing else.

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