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my f4se keep crashing mid load


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Here are some things you can check since Fallout 4 has had another update:

1. Check on updates to F4SE.

2. Check on updates to your mods.

3. Head to Bethesda.net and find the general load order guide. Make sure your load order follows that (All base game content, DLC, and Creation Club items go first, in that order), importing and exporting the load order can help. NMM will ignore lines with a # sign, so that can help organize the mods.

4. If the order is good, make sure that the ba2 files are where they need to be, as NMM has a habit of losing the virtual links and not putting those texture files where they need to be.


Assuming all of that has gone well, see if your game is more stable. Do make sure aside from F4SE, make sure the Fallout 4 Unofficial Patch is in your load order, as that squashes a number of bugs.


Hopefully that helps.

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