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Annoying script problem...

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I am trying to update my Backbreaker - Big Junk mod by rebuilding the mod from the ground up (I know a lot more about mod-making now). However, I wanted to give the six or seven people still using the original a patch to update the junk they have already collected. I created a chem that has the following script. However, nothing actually happens and I get this as a result:



Scriptname updatebigjunk extends activemagiceffect

Group ArraysAndSuch
MiscObject[] Property NewJunkArray Auto
FormList Property OldJunkList Auto
Message Property CompleteMessage Auto
MiscObject[] Property ScrapArray Auto
Potion Property UpdateChem Auto
Group AutoStuff
MiscObject Property C_Wood_Scrap Auto
MiscObject Property C_Cloth_Scrap Auto
MiscObject Property C_Concrete_Scrap Auto
MiscObject Property C_Steel_Scrap Auto
MiscObject Property C_Oil_Scrap Auto
MiscObject Property C_Rubber_Scrap Auto
Container Property WorkshopWorkbench Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor None1, Actor None2)

	Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
	Player.AddItem(UpdateChem, 1, TRUE)
	ObjectReference Target = Game.FindClosestReferenceOfType(WorkshopWorkBench, Player.GetPositionX(), Player.GetPositionY(), Player.GetPositionZ(), 5000)

	Float TotalItemCount = 0
	Int ReplaceNo = 0
	Int Counter2 = 0
	While Counter2 < 124
		ReplaceNo = Target.GetItemCount(OldJunkList.GetAt(Counter2))
		TotalItemCount = TotalItemCount + ReplaceNo
		Target.RemoveItem(OldJunkList.GetAt(Counter2), ReplaceNo, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(NewJunkArray[Counter2], ReplaceNo, TRUE)
		Counter2 += 1

	int Tabulate
	if Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1]) > 0
		Tabulate =  Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])
		TotalItemCount = TotalItemCount + Tabulate
		Target.RemoveItem(ScrapArray[1], Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Concrete_Scrap, 12 * Tabulate, TRUE)
	if Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[2]) > 0
		Tabulate =  Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])
		TotalItemCount = TotalItemCount + Tabulate
		Target.RemoveItem(ScrapArray[2], Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Steel_Scrap, 8 * Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Oil_Scrap, 3 * Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Rubber_Scrap, 2 * Tabulate, TRUE)
	if Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[3]) > 0
		Tabulate =  Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])
		TotalItemCount = TotalItemCount + Tabulate
		Target.RemoveItem(ScrapArray[3], Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Cloth_Scrap, 2 * Tabulate, TRUE)
	if Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[4]) > 0
		Tabulate =  Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])
		TotalItemCount = TotalItemCount + Tabulate
		Target.RemoveItem(ScrapArray[4], Tabulate, TRUE)
		Target.AddItem(C_Wood_Scrap, 8 * Tabulate, TRUE)



Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've been tearing my hair out for two hours on this thing.



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I don't think this will solve your problem, but your

Tabulate = Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])

always counting ScrapArray[1] (not ScrapArray[2], ScrapArray[3], ScrapArray[4]).


"nothing actually happens" means, you checked workshop after using chem and nothing in inventory changed?

Did you try using chem repeatedly? (I suspect somehow you got wrong container.)

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I haven't looked too much into the workshop container system but it looks like a lot of the WorkshopWorkBench references (I didn't check all of them) are linked to a dummy chest underground or behind a wall. Maybe give that container a shot?

keyword property WorkshopLinkContainer auto

ObjectReference DummyContainerREF = YourWorkshopWorkbench.GetLinkedRef(WorkshopLinkContainer)

Also if you want a reference to each of the workshops all at once you could check the RefCollectionAlias in WorkshopParent quest. The WorkshopParentScript has a pointer to it called WorkshopsCollection.

WorkshopParentScript property WorkshopParent auto

int counter
while counter < WorkshopParent.WorkshopsCollection.GetCount()
     objectreference YourWorkshopWorkbench = WorkshopParent.WorkshopsCollection.GetAt(counter)
     ;do stuff
     counter = counter + 1

However in the RefCollectionAlias, Home Plate does not meet the conditions to be included because its location seems to be lacking the necessary keyword so you'll have to add an extra few lines to get that reference too.

Edited by shatsnazzle
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This is a script I used to get all workshop actors and add them to ref collection. Though some actors seem to disappear when unloaded... so the accuracy is only near to 90% , it still allows to obtain all workshops and run functions on them. You can try and adjust it for your needs.

WorkshopScript[] workshopArray = WorkshopParent.Workshops
    int index = 0
    while index < WorkshopArray.Length
        If WorkshopArray[index].OwnedByPlayer==true
            ObjectReference[] workshopNPCs = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopActors(WorkshopArray[index] as WorkshopScript)
            If  workshopNPCs
                mycount = mycount+workshopNPCs.length
            index += 1
Edited by kitcat81
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I don't think this will solve your problem, but your

Tabulate = Target.GetItemCount(ScrapArray[1])

always counting ScrapArray[1] (not ScrapArray[2], ScrapArray[3], ScrapArray[4]).


Yeah, I caught this after I posted...



WorkshopWorkBench references (I didn't check all of them) are linked to a dummy chest underground or behind a wall. Maybe give that container a shot?


Aaand this might be it. I hadn't thought of that.



it still allows to obtain all workshops and run functions on them.


Not a bad idea, tbh. Would be a lot quicker if it did all the workshops at once.


Thanks for the suggestions and tips, folks!



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Ok, the script works, but now I have a different problem: I fill in NewJunkArray with the MiscObject forms from Big Junk Redux, then the game blanks the array because it can't find the items in the Transition plugin. When I copy the forms over with FO4Edit (from both Big Junk plugins), the script looks for the forms from the transition patch, and doesn't actually replace anything from 2.5.


I'm about to give up and just merge the two Big Junk plugins, making it an optional file for people who had the old mod.


Edit: That doesn't work, either. The old junk still goes away when I remove the old plugin. sigh




Edited by GenghisKhanX
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Ok, the script works, but now I have a different problem: I fill in NewJunkArray with the MiscObject forms from Big Junk Redux, then the game blanks the array because it can't find the items in the Transition plugin. When I copy the forms over with FO4Edit (from both Big Junk plugins), the script looks for the forms from the transition patch, and doesn't actually replace anything from 2.5.


I'm about to give up and just merge the two Big Junk plugins, making it an optional file for people who had the old mod.


Edit: That doesn't work, either. The old junk still goes away when I remove the old plugin. sigh




if you mean that the objects you want to find are from another plugin , you can use GetFormFromFile function. And also IsPluginInstalled. I understand it that you want to help people to avoid losing components when undating your mod. If so, you can make an update for the old mod that would be the same old plugin, but with the chem that allows to scrap all stuff before uninstalling. So they have to install that update and then replace it with new rebuild version.

Edited by kitcat81
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