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Ye Olde' "WETriggerSCript" Issues


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After not playing Skyrim for a number of months, I decided to get back into it. However, the game refuses to start. If I try to load a save (any save, even my Prisoner save) the game will begin to load, showing a typical loading screen, but then crash to desktop after just a couple seconds. If I try to start a new game, I get this error message, as well as a short sequence of similar ones that come up if I hit okay. At first I thought, like usual, it was a mod issue, but I tried deactivating every mod and still had the problem. I believe I may have traced it to being my update.esm file, as only once could I deactivate that (for some reason every other time it would keep showing up as checked in NMM) and it allowed me to load my Prisoner save. To that end, I tried reinstalling Skyrim, but still no avail. Not sure what to do from here.
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If you are still experiencing a CTD or WETriggerScript error when loading a game after you do any of the following:

  • Change Load order via NMM
  • Check/Un-Check an .esp/.esm via NMM
  • Add/Remove a mod with a plugin (.esm/esp) via NMM

Nexus Mod Manager my be corrupting a file called "plugins.txt" by adding additional entries to it like "syrim.esm," and "Skyrim.esm." The file is located here: C:\Users\"user name"\AppData\Local\Skyrim (hidden file/folder). Keep in mind it will re-corrupt this file every time you make one of the changes listed above with NMM.


Visit this bug report and try some of the Moderator's suggestions. If you have experienced this issue with recent versions of NMM, please click "Confirm" While you are there. Good Luck.

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