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Project Nevada or Missing Textures


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So for awhile now I've had trees and cactus' have missing textures, which has been annoying but I've put up with it for a little bit. but now it's really starting to ruin the game for me so I looked for a solution and found that disabling archive invalidation in FOMM fixes the textures completely, but in turn breaks Project Nevada for some reason, with the mod stating that "There seems to be a problem with your Project Nevada installation because the HUD extensions were not detected" but reactivating archive invalidation fixes it, but again breaks the textures so if anyone has some sort of solution to this, please do reply and let me know since Project Nevada is my go to mod and I really don't want to have to uninstall it over something like this.

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You have two separate problems; so two different solutions. The good news is they are compatible.


Because "Texture/Mesh" replacement mods replace vanilla versions of those files, you absolutely have to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-then-on again after installing or removing one of them so it recognizes that there are loose files (added by the mod) which have to be used in place of the vanilla files in the BSA files or are no longer there and the BSA files should be used instead. That failure to toggle is the most common reason behind most "not working problems". This is usually evidenced by red "!" icon for missing meshes, and solid colors for missing textures. Please see the 'ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager)' section, 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section, and also see the 'Checklist Item #15 & 16' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.

The Project Nevada (PN) message and solution is explained in the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article.


If you still have issues after that, Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as NVSE and it's related plugins, texture replacements (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX.


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Lol typical. Awhile ago I downloaded the flora overhaul mod, and I deleted it for some reason, can't remember why but I just thought about reinstalling it and boom, textures fixed. Sorry for the trouble, thanks for replying though.

Edited by Lunar32
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