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Account Recovery


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Hello. Recently I tried logging into my Nexus account again for the first time in probably a few months or more, and I was unable to do so. At first I thought that maybe I had simply forgotten the password, so I went to reset it using my email. I should note first that I have only one email account and have used only that email account for a decade, so I'm about 99.9% sure I'm not misremembering the right email account to use in this situation. The recovery page said it couldn't find that email address. So I put my username into it instead, and that worked, stating it sent the recovery email to the email account associated with the user name. Except the email didn't show up the three times I tried it. The username is "oldmanpoo" without the quotes. I can post the email if needed.


So this leads me to believe the account has somehow been compromised and the email changed for whatever reason. I did change my password when news of a possible breach was made public a while back. Losing the nexus account isn't the end of the world for me, although it was a supporter/paid account. I'm just more disturbed by the fact that the password was stolen at all and am wondering if I can receive some sort of verification on this from a mod, or better yet, help recovering the account, before I commit to a new account.



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