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Mod Updates + NMM


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Normally, I will re-download the mod in it's entirety and be done with it. Sometimes that takes a while, specifically with the larger mods. That being said, some modders offer smaller files, of just updates. My question is this (I know it's simple, and stupid, but I feel the need to ask anyway): If I download just the update files, how exactly am I supposed to install them, through NMM? When installing, do I click 'Yes' or 'No' when NMM comes up saying 'A newer version of the mod was identified. The new version is x.x, the currently installed version is x.x. Do you want to update?' If not, the mod installs normally, and asks for overwrites (most of the time). When re-downloading the entire mod, I would click 'Yes' and it would update appropriately. With the update files though, would that be sufficient, or would I have to have it install normally, and allow rewrites?


I ask this because I want to keep the amount of clutter in my NMM to a minimum, and also because the update files are usually VERY small in comparison to the full download. Makes me think I will install them incorrectly.


Thank you ahead of time for anyone willing to take time answering this (probably) stupid simple question.

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