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Feng Shui


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Well to put simply, I would like to see This http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/11532, in skyrim, It would make creating a personal and unique player home easier for those that want to make it themselves, but are too impatient to use the creation kit. For example, I've just recently cleared out and cleaned up Raldbthar, using the disable command, and I want to add things, The creation kit is still new to me and It's confusing for me. So yeah, Anyways thanks for taking a look!
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If a mod was built like this, then the NavMeshing would be all wrong and I do not believe the game supports any way of changing NavMeshing in-game. So if you added a new table to your house, your followers would crash into it and keep on walking against it trying to get past it.


So if you want to do a real nice and functional furnished home, you will need to use the CK, and will need to reNavMesh. But then to get around the NavMesh bug, you will need to use more advanced modding techniques to turn your .esp into an .esm or turn part of your .esp into an .esm, and use both an .esp and an .esm to make your mod work.

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