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Why Me? Every mod ends up with this ugly face.


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Do you have any other mods that also affect appearance? Or any of the other body mods, like XPSE and FNIS and CBBE? That looks kind of like a vanilla female face. The nexus page recommends Facelight as well, but I don't do follower mods so I don't know if they're supposed to come looking like the pictures.

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The mod requires XPMSE skeleton, and CBBE.

Lullaby is supposed to look like this,



which she did when I found her, but as soon as we left the Hall of the Dead, she turned butt ugly. happens with Seranaholic, all the Bijin mods, every one. None of the mods are conflicted and I'm sick of re-loading all the mods to find which one it is.



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