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how to display the level progress bar

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I have a mod I am working on that has its own skills - and want those skills to increase character XP.

I have figured out the math, and can affect the XP, but I can't get the notices to work....


Specifically what I am doing;

When a character raises a level in my new skill, I want that character to gain XP (that part I got working).
I want to display the level progress bar, and show it go up by the amount of experience gained (I have no idea how to do this).
If that amount of XP is enough to raise the character level, then I want the level up notice to fire (I can give the xp, and the game recognizes it, but can't figure out how to display the g event).



What I have figured out;

* I have created new skill using it as a global (as you can't create new actor values).

* I know about how fast my skill should raise, and how to raise it

* I know about how much XP each skill level should contribute to the character level

* I know how to determine the character's current XP, and how to increase it (SKSE functions).

* I have identified the event which is triggered when a character levels - Increase Level - (not useful - I want to trigger it, not react to it).



What I have NOT figured out, and want to see if anyone knows an answer;


* How do I display the level progress bar, when a character gains XP?

* Is there a way to trigger the Increase Level event if the amount of XP gained is enough to raise character level?




As an Alternative;

If I can't trigger the progress bar (or simulate it?) I am hoping to figure out;

* Can I display my own bar when this happens? (some mods have bars, so it should be possible)

* How do I access that big font that displays when you gain a level or increase a skill?

(I have figured out the correct sound, so I could just fake it if I could do the bar and font).



Again, I am NOT trying to react to a level increase - I am trying to cause one.



Thank you anyone who can help...

I am a bit new to modding, and have been trying to learn as much as I can, but have not found any references to how to do this; I am now hoping someone more experienced may be able to lend a hand. Thank you very much.






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As I have got not replies to this - I am going to post my own follow ups, in case anyone in the future finds it with a search.


Since I can't find a way to activate the real level progress bar (unless someone more experienced than me posts something) I am going to try this route;


When I detect a skill or level should go up;


- I am creating a dummy quest - that will show a "complete" custom message when a level goes up.

- I will play the level up sound (found it.....not sure yet how to play it)

- I will if I can, display a meter.swf using some code from SKUUI to maybe show a level bar of my own (I have no idea if I can do this yet).



I will post progress here for posterity, or if someone has better ideas.


thanks in advance to anyone with better ideas.

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