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I'm hoping that someone here will know what I'm talking about and be able to help me. The mod I'm looking for, which I've used before, adds a dart/syringe gun for institute coursers. It's sort of an smg type weapon, and looks rather rounded and bulbous. I remember the weapon itself very well, but I can't for the life of me remember the name. If anyone knows of that mod and could tell me the name, or otherwise contribute to my attempts to find it, say by suggesting keywords for searches, it would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: The search terms I've used on both the Nexus and Bethesda.net (with no success) are:


Edited by Wolfbane771
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Maybe this one Courser Crusher

I found that easier and quicker to fine mods in google. I type it like this in one line and then hit search: Courser syringer nexusmods

if you change your search to the following it works better by restricting results to just the nexus site:


Courser syringer site:nexusmods.com

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Maybe this one Courser Crusher

I found that easier and quicker to fine mods in google. I type it like this in one line and then hit search: Courser syringer nexusmods

if you change your search to the following it works better by restricting results to just the nexus site:


Courser syringer site:nexusmods.com


Thank you for the tip Damanding :)

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