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Settlement Assignment List


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My first question is, have you reached the population cap for either of these settlements?

The second question is, did you let happiness lapse in either settlement leading to them becoming unallied with you? If the answer is no, than it might be a bug.


I had a similar problem a short while ago. I found that ‘conquest’ was causing the issue, but I also found a console command work around. Not sure if it will work in your case, but it’s worth a shot...


Go to one of the settlements causing the problem. Approach the workbench there, and open the console. Click on the workbench to bring up its ID and then type two commands into the prompt:


setpv ownedbyplayer true

setav 33c 1


It worked for me, although I had uninstalled ‘conquest’ when I did it, so if you have ‘conquest installed I would recommend uninstalling it first.


Anyway, hope that helps.

Happy modding!

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