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Can still make new saves but these won't load anymore


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Hi there everyone,


I'm playing at level 125, have all the settlements build, did all the quests and now i started to build vault 88, but strangely enough the new saves won't load anymore, i mean i can save and they show up in the savegame folder as well in the list of the game but ican get no loadings anymore, it has nothing to do with memory or gpu use because the last save that loads well has an great amount of data and that one is just loading fine, tried evrything : updating, new graphics card, renaming new saves, etc...

Vault 88 has the overseers office build and then it started to act weird as discribed.

Is there a gamelimit somehow? That would be a shame because i like the world i created and love to stroll around in it...

Any solution for this problem?

THX in advance for a reply....

Greetings from Ninove,Belgium

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my guess would be that your save files got corrupted , which tends to happen with modded games after a long play time (and seeing as you are level 125 , I would guess you've played for more than 80 hours on this character)

how many mods are you using , and are you sure you are using them correctly? (by that I mean that they don't cause save bloats and corruption)

what is your save file size? what kind of error do you get when trying to load a save file? does the game crash , or something else?

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thx for the fast response.....

my gamesavesize is around 38 mgb, no gamesave bloat icw earlier saves....

but what struck me was that it happened after i did give CWSS mod a try..... i deleted it afterwards and returned to earlier (saved) gamesaves wich still are loading perfect....

It's just new saves that don't work anymore...

No black loading screen, loading screens are normal but infinite and i have to quit the game trough taskmanager...

Mods i'm using:


*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Repaired Roofs.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp
*Police Car By Mr. Mobius.esp
*DustX Revolver.esp
*Femsheppings Autumn Fashion.esp
*Cammy Tactical Suit.esp
*Motoko Hair.esp
*Silence Brahmin.esp
*Live Action Handy Pre-War.esp
*Hamed Taneh-e-Derakht Wall.esp
*Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp
*CBBE Furry Undergarments Fix.esp
*llamaCompanionHeather-AE Patch.esp
*Sinking Bodies.esp
*Molotov Behavior With Crippling.esp
and the only place where there are many (?) lights is sanctuary and that save is just loading fine......
There are a few dead bodies that remain lying about like crickett and the other male trade with ol' girl dead brahmin, other dead bodies are ghouls in jamaica plain and a few bos members who are gameessential ( i guess) scattered around (not many)...
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from what I know , 38MB is a bit large for a save file in this game (most people have reported their usual saves around 20-25MB , also on long playthroughs)

have you added or removed mods on active saves , and continued playing with them? because this could cause issues , some could be noticed early on , but others could arise after a long time , and are very difficult to pinpoint at times

I don't know all of the mods you use , but none of them shout out to me that they could be causing save bloats , but that would require checking each mod to see what they do


I'm guessing nothing really changed between the last save you were able to make , and these new saves that don't seem to work , right?

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That's right, wasteland assassin,

with the last save that can be loaded i can do everything i want ingame, fast travel everywhere, shoot enemy's, visit setllements, etc, etc...

The game works as it should, makes autosaves, quicksaves, exitsave, manual save but not single one of these new saves is able to load....

So everytime i want to enter the game i have to refer to that one save (or the earlier ones) that loads, losing all progress....

And yes: no gamesave bloat, all the new saves stay around 38 mgb (give or take a minor kb difference)....

These mods are ingame for quite a time, the only one i used recently was CWSS as discribed in earlier post, but i did not have to do a savecleaning because i did put my backup saves in the folder again after deleting these with CWSS active, maybe it is not an gamesave thing, maybe something

did change the game behavior , but that is only a speculation because i did a complete reinstall (with updated version) of the game...

Could it maybe register setting related?


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I don't think I've ever heard of such a problem not being save file related

but there should be an easy way to test this

don't touch your load order or anything , launch the game with the mod setup as is

however , instead of loading your last save , start a new game , play a bit and try to save

if this new save works properly and loads , it's probably related to the save itself rather than the game

but I think this is simple enough and shouldn't take much time , so it is worth the try

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allright wasteland assassin,

started a new game, the only things i had to disable first was the sanctuaryrelated mod to pass the intromovie (with the vault-tec guy) ,but once out of the vault i loaded

everything, in the good load order as you mentioned, everything is working fine.....did the red rocket thing and could recruit 2 followers and dogmeat, every save is loading, so i guess the mods are allright, it has to be gamesave related, but how can i clean my gamesaves from corruption and how did they get corrupted in the first place after so long playing with these mods ? Strange .......



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well , how they got corrupted is difficult to answer

if you have removed mods on this active save file , that could have lead to this

this could simply be a result of the mods you use , in these cases it usually takes a long time for the negative effects to happen

it could be other causes I can't think of right now , and it really depends on what you did both on the modding side , and in terms of gameplay

as for fixing the save , I honestly have no idea

I believe there is a tool that can attempt to remove bloat from save files , but I'm not sure if it will fix the issues (I believe it's a save cleaner , and called something like that , so you should be able to find it)

I'm not really sure all saves can be saved in such cases , but I suggest you do a little research on cleaning save files , maybe you'll find a solution that works for you (hopefully)

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THX for the help and your time,

gonna give it a try with tools that are able to clean, i now they exist for skyrim because for that game i use it all the time when needed and it works great and userfriendly, the one for fallout 4 is complicated, not easy to use.....

Greetz and maybe next time with better news.....

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Hello.So i'm back again,


after some playing around with the saves i found this out:

returning to older saves did let me save again with loadeble saves, and what struck me (after trying over and over again) was that the last save that i could make (that was loading) always had the date notification " 49d 3h 0m" playtime, every next save ( with later gameplay time notification like " 49d 3h 2m f.e.) refused to load , it' s almost like there is a timelimit to the game... Is this possible or is this caused by dirty scripts?



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