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How do I get Informations about the respawn-time of containers?


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first I have to apollogise for my english, I´m no native speaker.
I would like to know, if the containers in a mod (Castle of the dwarven Lady, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=436226350&searchtext=Castle+of+the+Dwarven+Lady) respawn. How do I find this out? Unfortunately, I was not able to load the mod in the Creation Kit, it can´t open, the error message is

"Multiple master files selected for load. Load operation aborted."

I just choose the mod-esp, and didn´t set an file as active file.

I hope, anyone can help me!

Thank you and good by from the beautiful Münster

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If the containers have the Respawns flag set, they will reset according to the iHoursToRespawnCell game setting which has a default of 240 hours ( 10 days ), and/or iHoursToRespawnCellCleared for clearable dungeons with a default of 720 hours (30 days).


If you want to check this, you can make a small mod to change those game settings, or use console commands(google it), and change it to something like 1 hour, then wait somewhere NOT in the cell with the container, and the check to see if the container reset.

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first I have to apollogise for my english, I´m no native speaker.

I would like to know, if the containers in a mod (Castle of the dwarven Lady, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=436226350&searchtext=Castle+of+the+Dwarven+Lady) respawn. How do I find this out? Unfortunately, I was not able to load the mod in the Creation Kit, it can´t open, the error message is


"Multiple master files selected for load. Load operation aborted."


I just choose the mod-esp, and didn´t set an file as active file.


I hope, anyone can help me!


Thank you and good by from the beautiful Münster



can I wait for 30 Ingamedays, too? My abilities with the console are very limited


thank you for you´r fast reply!!!



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