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Keep getting "5 gold bounty added to Whiterun" periodically


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Out of nowhere I keep getting a "5 Bounty added to Whiterun" message every few hours in game, when I am nowhere near Whiterun or doing anything to cause this.


It's very annoying as if this message appears when I am near any guard they instantly try to attack me as if I broke the law in their presence.


Very immersion breaking please help! Here's a list of the mods I am currently using.




I added realistic Crime Radius to see if it would fix, but it did not.

Edited by andros_forever
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Its a bug in Better Villages. See the comments here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13601 If that doesn't stop it, then - you have a few mods to check.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll try and disable it right now and see if that does it!


--Edit yes it worked. Thanks bro! KUDOS

Edited by andros_forever
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I have the same issue


I get 5 gold with the Tribal Orcs


I get 5 gold in Whiterun



I only have a handful of Mods:



Deus Mons

Dragon Falls house

Seaside House


Wrye Bash


I didn't have any issues until I went on the "horn of jurgen windcaller" quest.


any suggestions?

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Its a bug in Better Villages. See the comments here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13601 If that doesn't stop it, then - you have a few mods to check.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll try and disable it right now and see if that does it!


--Edit yes it worked. Thanks bro! KUDOS



check to see if you have dropped a weapon in town. is a child picks it up for get the bounty

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  • 3 years later...

Its a bug in Better Villages. See the comments here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13601 If that doesn't stop it, then - you have a few mods to check.

This is a rather old post, so I don't know if anyone will respond. Anyway, the link, which I assume might have been helpful, just tells me that the file I'm looking for isn't on the Nexus. Can anyone help me out here?


Edit: It says I have a 5 gold bounty with the Imperial Legion. I couldn't tell you which mod I might have that would add bounties to the Legion, but suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by lmsthesecond
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