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Starter Vault Workbench Issue


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Now, I am one that is heavily OCD, due to being autistic with ADHD,

This said...


I cleared the beginner vault entirely.

Summoned a Workbench.

Tried to enter it.

"You need to clear all enemies from this location first" it tells me.

Odd, as no critter lives no more.


Entered Console, KILLALL => enter....


Hit Workbench... same error.


Annoying, as I want (read: NEED/HAVE) to clean up the vault and get the resources from it.



Does anyone know a way to overcome this issue, please?


An OCDude thanks thee....



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By “starter vault” I’ll assume you are referring to Vault 111.


Problem #1 You’re spawning a workbench into a cell that was never designed to support one. That alone will likely cause problems.


Problem #2: I’m fairly certain the default workshop script properties include a flag for a location to be hostile by default. So even if you clear a location first, spawning a workshop will be flagged as if you need to clear enemies because the location isn't on the master list of workshop locations to check against hence the message about clearing enemies you get.


You can try this console command to set the workshop ownership, but I don’t gurantee it will work. Open the console, select the red workbench and enter:

SetPapyrusVar OwnedByPlayer 1


I make no promises that will resolve it and strongly advise making a save you can revert back to before trying this.


Spawning a workshop into a location that is not designed to accommodate one is problematic at best and is not something I would recommend doing.


Problem #3: You mentioned wanting to "clean up the vault": for that you would need to use a scrapping mod that disables the cell’s precombined meshes. You will almost certainly run into problems placing objects you build (if that is your intent) since the Vault 111 cell was never intended to include a workshop. Disabling the precombined meshes with a scrapping mod (or anything else like an .ini edit) may have side effects such as not being able place objects onto the floor since those items do not have the workshop keywords required to make that possible.


It's certainly your game to break as much as you like (who hasn't broken their game at least once..OK, twice, right?), but those are the basic issues you're facing doing what you are asking about. Not saying you will outright break your game...but you do stand to create some issues within that cell is all I'm saying...but then again, not much reason to go back to Vault 111 after you leave. Your game, your call. Save often.


If you just want to strip the vault for resources, honestly...there are much better and less problematic ways to get resources early in the game and plenty of mods to help with that.


I feel I would be negligent not to mention the obvious: The above console command should never be used on a settlement workshop! I have used it in the past for quick and dirty mod testing on a throwaway test character and have no idea what the repercussions might be when used to unlock a settlement in an actual game. Using it to unlock a settlement workshop can very well break any quests associated with said settlement and cause other potential issues.

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Well, I hope it helps. Please don’t take my post as the equivalent of flailing my arms screaming “Ehrmagerd, don’t do that!” It might have come across that way.


It’s just that I occasionally see various console commands and .ini edits being suggested as “solutions” to problems without an understanding of the potential consequences of their use, even if it isn’t readily apparent that they may cause more problems than they aim to solve.


The last thing I would want to do is tell someone to “just use this console command” (just as an example) and go on my merry way without trying to give some background on the potential downsides from using it. Apologies for the wall o’ text, but more detail is always better methinks. :wink:

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@RedRocketTV Sir, rest assured, you did not give me that "feeling".

I am blessed with autism, emotionally I am a flatliner, I read things as they are. ;)


I want to try and create a new race (exercise), but I have no clue where this data can be found.

A friend told me to begin CKíng in depth, I figured: Why not try to make a race, blunder it to death, and learn from this?


By the way, where in CK can I change race data?

So I made a Body mesh, I have some texture files as body, but...


In the TES Construction Set it's under Character => Race, but in FO4CK... it is not...

So, how do I give a new race a body, Sir?

Asking you since you seem to be quite aware of modding/altering game stats and the likes, so I hope you can help me with this particular CK issue. :)


Thank you very much,


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Honestly, the race question is something better asked in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. I couldn’t even begin to try and answer what you’re asking (nor would I attempt to), having only made NPCs based on existing vanilla templates. Creating races is above my current pay grade.


If you poke around the CK forum someone there is more than likely to be able to help…just be sure to provide as much detail as possible on 1) what you want your end result to be; 2) what you have already researched and attempted; 3) try and be specific about what it is you are asking for help with. If you run in just asking “how do I do this? HALP!” you’re not likely to get much response other than “give us more info.”


But before you start trying to make new races in the CK, learn the basics first. I’ve never used the Skyrim CK but I do know there are some big differences between the two. If you’ve used the Skyrim CK, this info on the Bethesda CK wiki will be worth a read.


Actually the entire FO4 CK wiki is a good place to start. It’s not as fleshed out as the Skyrim CK wiki, but still has lots of great info. Good luck!


EDIT: After posting this I saw you said you figured it out. DOH! Thought you are asking how to actually crate a race, not just find the entry in the CK. :wink:


EDIT 2: Turns out that CK wiki link deals with the differences in Papyrus scripting between the two games...could have sworn there was something about the CK itself but can't find it.

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Hilarious: I was in the steel factory, and I figured: "Damn, there's a LOT to scrap here...."

Opened the Workbench once, error, use papyrus code, scrapall....


Well, all went nicely into the workbench alright, and fast too...

Walls, floors, ceilings and all! lol.


Meh, not that i have to be there again.



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