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Armor/weapon mod levelled list question.

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I'm looking to get a randomly spawning NPC with multiple pieces of armor to always use one randomly selected misc mod (a recolor, out of the pool of 3-4) for all of them. Or at least one for each of them, I'd settle with different colors if I absolutely had to. At a glance, the cleanest way to do it would be levelled list, but I'm not sure how exactly to implement it.


Typical levelled lists don't seem to offer uniform upgrades like these, it's either always a specific misc/mod/color, or all items randomly modded somehow. What are the alternatives? A script?

Edited by DekkerR
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You'd probably have to make a background quest that generates the specific armor, and then use the armors generated in your leveled lists.


Dig into the Aspiration and Custom Items quests for some idea how the game handles those.

Edited by GenghisKhanX
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Hmm. I was thinking about maybe listening for and catching LL call, and after it was resolved applying the randomised misc to whatever it generated (upon the NPC spawning). I've never tinkered with Havoc scripts before though, not sure if that would work.


Pre-generating all the variants seem to be a fairly clunky idea; all the possible variations of slots/tiers/misc number well over a thousand in total. To give you some context, I'm looking into Raider Power Armor Chop-shop. The llist integration doesn't seem to include the actual colors (and the author is long gone)


Could you possibly give me some links to the items you mentioned? Google and Nexus both are being stubbornly unhelpful :sad: Regardless of that though, thank you for the idea.

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After some research I'm ready to abandon the project. There is no way, as far as I know, to change a mod slot on an already existing item with an event, and force the game to switch according to the keywords. Only manually inject it. And given the nature of the task, that requires 6(slots)x6(tiers)x8(ish possible misc)x5(desired paints available) precompiled items. 1440 in rough approximation. Maybe, one day I'll get to it, but that day is definitely not today.


Regardless, again, thank you for the help. Myself I never really thought about legendaries and such, and how they're seeded.

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Weapons and armor pieces are randomly assigned mods via object templates. They are tricky to explain in text but are fairly easy to implement. Open up a weapon or armor piece in the Creation Kit, and there should be a button saying Object Template. Click on that, and take a look at how it's all done. If you set up the object template for your weapon or armor piece the same way, any time an NPC spawns with it equipped or in their inventory, it will have a random assortment of mods. As far as I can tell this is what you're trying to achieve? Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Yeah. Not my finest moment. After that post I got a chance to talk this thing out in person and realised I totally missed the point of what I've seen. What I'm trying to do is get a random levelled assortment items and mods (full suit of armor as per llist) on an npc, and then force a particular (randomly selected in-script) mod in all of them at once (material).


Now I have a better idea what to do.

Edited by DekkerR
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