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This may have been asked, but?


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Is there a mod or something to get rid of that annoying help dialog boxe that shows up in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I can understand it when you are new to the game, but c'mon guys, let us have the ability to turn that annoying stuff off.

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Dialog box = Modal artifact that takes control of the screen with a button to clear.


Notification message = Transient on screen display.


You are getting modal boxes with a button you have to press to clear it ?

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Is there a mod or something to get rid of that annoying help dialog boxe that shows up in the upper left hand corner of the screen. I can understand it when you are new to the game, but c'mon guys, let us have the ability to turn that annoying stuff off.


Are you talking about the tutorial messages with the little animated vault boy? Oooh boy... I tried to make a mod that gets rid of those. Never did get it to work. The tutorial messages are wired into EVERYTHING. I even tried blanking the Tutorial quest and all the messages, but they just. didn't. go. away.

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