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A mod project


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I intend to start a new mod project that adds several scripted spells and small changes, and a possibly a quest. I will post my ideas here and you people may also post ideas. I am moving though at the end of this week so i wont be able to work on it for a few weeks.


Some starter ideas

1. Anger - allows your character to be come stronger as he/she losses health or aka Hulk mode.

2. Force push - I know it has been done before but its cool none the less

3. Force pull - I also has been done but very usefull when you need to pull an archer towards you.

4. Max Out- I have made this one already and it does what it says it maxes out your characters stats.

5. Decrese Vampire age offset

6. All arrows that hit an enemy npc will show up in their invetory.

7. Spell that summons black soul gems.

8. Vampire hunter spells- Just think grand cross.......

9. Thats it thats all i can think of.

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