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Non-Essential Followers


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Can anyone make a mod that makes it so that when a Follower's health reaches zero they simply die rather than go into the kneeling stance? I looking for a visceral experience where companions can be killed left and right. No kneeling and getting back up, I want 'em to drop like a sack of potatoes.


Just to clarify, I know there are Non-Essential mods out there that make all NPCs non-essential, but this doesn't solve the matter of followers taking a knee in battle. That's what I want fixed.


Any responses would be greatly appreciated!


- Kyoh

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I think this thread can help you: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/622770-no-truely-killable-followers-mod-out-there/


To put it simple, you can make all the followers killable by unticking the "protected" flag found in the Object Window -> Quests -> DialogueFollower -> Quest Aliases -> Follower


To make your spouse (follower) killable, do the same to the "protected" flags found in the Object Window -> Quests -> RelationshipMarriage (All options) -> Quest Aliases -> LoveInterest


This is very easy to do in the Creation Kit. Just make sure that you have unticked the essential/protected flags from your followers in the actor window. Save your creation as a new mod or overwrite the edited companion mod of your choosing.


I'm personally using tinkered UFO 1.0h as my companion mod and it works flawlessly. Followers die when their health reaches zero and other NPCs can kill them with killmoves.

Edited by Guest
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I think this thread can help you: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/622770-no-truely-killable-followers-mod-out-there/


To put it simple, you can make all the followers killable by unticking the "protected" flag found in the Object Window -> Quests -> DialogueFollower -> Quest Aliases -> Follower


To make your spouse (follower) killable, do the same to the "protected" flags found in the Object Window -> Quests -> RelationshipMarriage (All options) -> Quest Aliases -> LoveInterest


This is very easy to do in the Creation Kit. Just make sure that you have unticked the essential/protected flags from your followers in the actor window. Save your creation as a new mod or overwrite the edited companion mod of your choosing.


I'm personally using tinkered UFO 1.0h as my companion mod and it works flawlessly. Followers die when their health reaches zero and other NPCs can kill them with killmoves.


Thanks so much! That seems to have done the trick.

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