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Projectile spell that can pass through walls


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Hey all


Trying to create a spell that can pass through walls, though not a cloak or radial effect. It needs to be projectile, however I am not sure if this is entirely possible. Cone based projectiles like shouts will visually pass through solid objects and walls but will stop effecting things after they have passed through. Does anyone know a way to allow it to continue effecting actors after it has passed through a collision layer? I have tried playing with the collision layers in the projectiles box but not really sure what effect they have, so far haven't had much success with that.

Can anyone think of any spells, either modded or in the vanilla game that have this effect, ie that are aimed projectile based and pass through walls/solid objects and still effect npcs even after doing so.



This is a potential work-around solution to a function im trying to get working, basically I have a spell that places down 'remote mines' that detonate when you press a hotkey. What I want to do is instead of having them all detonate when you press the hotkey, instead have only the one you are looking at detonate. And you may think that HasLOS() will do but it won't since need this to work through walls. I was hoping I could make this work using the crosshair but the GetCurrentCrosshairRef() function will only 'get' what is directly under the crosshair, seemingly within grab distance, whereas I need it to get the closest 'mine' that you're pointing the crosshair to. However couldn't really find a way to do this so if you have any thoughts let me know!

Since that didn't work though I'm going with a spell effect instead, hence needing the projectile to pass through walls but still effect targets, since the remote mines are actually actors, so I can have a magic effect applied to them via the projectile which will trigger the detonation effect.



Edited by Drazhar753
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