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Dwemer Hidden Blade(s) Idea


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Yo, so I was watching the 1.5 kill cam update video for Skyrim on YouTube and I was going to comment, why not just get all the animations from assassins creed (as a joke and im a huge fan of AC games...) then I thought of Hidden blades, and through my thought of hidden blades I assumed someone has already made one of those or is making one, so at this time I thought of an automatic hidden blade, like a piston but a blade... and I have noooooooo idea on how to make mods for Skyrim the only thing I ever get to create in games is maps for games like TF2 and CS:S, but yeah just to sum it all up in the next sentence what I would like to see is... An Automatic Dwemer Hidden Blade that may use Dwemer Oil as Fuel, like how soul gems fill up enchanted weapons / staffs. Now that is just my idea, wether it is possible or not I have no idea but it sounds and looks pretty cool in my head, I would give it a go but I'm horrible with stuff like that...


Just so you can visualize it, picture your arm with a golden bracer in a rather idle pose, when you attack you lunge your arm forward and as it is lunged 1 or maybe 2 blades to will slide out one after the other *if you have 2 blades on one bracer*. Maybe a little exhaust on the side of the bracer to give it that Dwemer feel I don't know xD that is how it was pictured in my head, I'm sure someone else out there could think of something better though.

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