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Tales of Faerun


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Weyland went absolutely ballistic the instant he spotted Westgate miles upon miles off into the distance, cheering until he was raw in the throat and then watching it with wide eyes as it grew steadily closer. Arland eventually joined him, already well on his way to getting drunk with the help of Dagny's everfull mug.

"Ha! We're almost home!" Weyland cheered.

"Yup!" Arland agreed happily. "I kinda....'member where they live too. I can lead...you. There." He wasn't drunk yet, but he was close.

The instant he could get his feet on the dock, Weyland vaulted off the boat and only resisted tearing down the pier at top speeds to wait for Arland, who shakily got off the boat and wobbled on his legs, drunkenness combined with adapting to the rocking of the ship doing absolutely nothing at all to help his usually-stellar coordination.

"Hold on...hold up!" Arland hiccuped. "I'm near-drunk, y'see. Can't walk right."

"Hurry. The hells. Up." Weyland ordered. "Say, anyone wanna come meet the rest of the Greys?" He asked loudly. "Tak'We? They're all your type of people, you'll like them just fine. Amendale, I'm not giving you a choice, you're coming along. Dri? How 'bout you?"

"Oh her..." Arland stumbled. "She'll like Ethel. Just like her." He yelped as he fell into the water, where Weyland fished him out. He clutched the everfull mug in a death grip.

"Rhaine, I think you'll get along with Sybille just fine." Weyland offered, hauling Arland to his feet. "Either way, offer stands for all of ya!" Weyland declared. "Yes, Hexol, even you. Anything 'falls into your pockets', though, and I'm giving you a dunk in the ocean." Amendale smirked and quietly followed along, mentioning to Rhaine that he was going with them in case they got into trouble. And with that, Arland led his brother deep into Westgate.

Despite his by-now drunken state and years since he'd last visited, Arland still knew Westgate like the back of his hand. It came back slowly to Weyland, and he was still uncertain about where they were until they stepped into the markets where they used to buy food from as children, back when their mother had some colour in her hair.


"Oh hey, now I know where we are!" Weyland announced with a grin.


"We live where the Sings used to." Arland stated. "Moved out before I did, though."


"Sings... Sings..." Weyland ran through as many faces and names as he knew.


"We used to play war with them as kids, dummy." Arland hiccuped again.


"Oh right, them!"


"Yep. We live there now." Arland looked at Weyland, grinned, and walked up to the door. He rapped on it three times with excitement. Weyland, suddenly feeling butterflies in his stomach, stood off to the side behind Arland. Amendale stood beside him.




Then, immediately, heavy footsteps grew louder and louder until at least two or three latches were unlocked from inside and the door opened. Within the doorframe stood a giant bear of a man almost seven and a half feet tall, with a long black beard streaked with grey and white running down to the top of his stomach. His face was knarled and wrinkly, his eyes the same ordinary green as Arland's. He was very muscular and obviously incredibly strong, but he had a pot belly to match. He held a double-edged battleaxe just as big as he was like a walking stick.


"Yeah, what?" He asked, his voice more of a thunderous rumble than anything human. He squinted a little, Arland's face unclear in the darkness of night.

"Why're you armed?" He added threateningly.


"Pa, it's Westgate. Why would I not be armed?"


His mashed-potato of a face brightened up. "Arland!" He boomed. "How ya been!"


"Shuddup!" Arland snapped in a whispered tone. "I dunno if they're still after my head around here."


"Let 'em come." Dunsam Grey waved off Arland's concerns. "They wouldn't dare. ANNABELLE!" He barked. "C'mere! Someone at the door for us!" Arland and Weyland both subconciously tensed up.


"Who would POSSIBLY be up and about at this time of night?" She fussed as she poked her head out from behind Dunsam, who moved aside.

"Hi ma!" Arland greeted her cheerfully while Weyland shuffled his feet awkwardly.


"Arland, dear!" She smiled from ear to ear and hugged him tightly, nearly breaking his spine. "Brought guests!" He wheezed.


"So I see." Dunsam rumbled. "Welp, who are you two?"


Arland grinned like a devil. "Well, the Moon Elf's name is Amendale. He's the one that keeps us patched up, even if he's a bit too soft-hearted for me." He grabbed Weyland by the lapels of his shirt and dragged him into what little light there was, revealing some of his face. "Guess who!" 'Given that Weyland and Arland were very nearly identical, with only subtle differences like different-coloured eyes, hair, and Arland's stubble, it only took the two of them a second or two to figure it out. Weyland nearly knocked Arland senseless, but Annabelle's exclamation of joy reddened his cheeks and she gave him an even tighter hug than she'd given Arland, and Weyland almost saw his life flash before his eyes. Dunsam smiled surprisingly warmly and clapped him on the shoulder so hard he almost knocked Weyland out.


"Ack! Mum, too...tight!" He managed to squeeze out. Arland smiled so widely he looked like a different person, and even Amendale couldn't resist a broad grin.


"Weyland Grey!" Arland announced belatedly. "Y'know, the first one mum squeezed out." He got a whap upside the head that knocked him on his rump from the combined might of Annabelle, Weyland, and even Amendale. Dunsam laughed and clapped Amendale on the back, knocking the wind out of him.


"I like this elf already!" Dunsam laughed. "Come inside, all of ya!"


Without much of a choice, he took them inside and sat them down at the dinner table. It was a surprisingly spacious house, though it was likely so to accomodate Dunsam's size more than anything. But Weyland and Arland noticed something that bothered them: It was mostly empty. Not of furnishings, but of people.


"Hey, where're Ethel'n'Sybille at?" Arland asked.


"Sybille's out with Marie and Annette." Annabelle said matter-of-factly. "Ethel's.....Well, Ethel's not with us anymore."


Weyland recoiled in his seat. "What? She moved out, or...?"


"Plague took her on the way to Waterdeep." Ethel explained sadly.


The brothers sat there in shock, identical expressionless faces staring at the table in front of them. Amendale looked troubled, and patted Weyland on the shoulder reassuringly, for what it was worth.


"B-b-but-" Arland stammered, suddenly stone-cold sober. "I murdered Ilen to keep you all safe...!" He slammed a fist into the table. "DAMMIT! This wasn't how it was supposed to play out!" The younger brother's eyes glistened with tears. Weyland heard him curse the Ordains' name under his breath as he covered his face with his hands.

"I guess there's...well, there's nothing any of us can do about it now." Weyland stated huskily. "We can mourn later."


"Listen to your brother, Arland, he's got a brain between those ears." Annabelle instructed. Arland sighed and ran his hands down his face before setting them back on the table.


"Yeah." He took a long swig of the everfull tankard.


Dunsam sat down in the massive chair occupying the far end of the table that neither Grey brother dared touched. "So, Weyland, where've you been all this time?" He asked, rapidly changing the topic with a twitch of his beard."


"All over the place. But I'd prefer not to get into it." The eldest answered swiftly. "You said Sybille's still around?"


"Yep." Dunsam answered. "Got a lot of friends around the city. She looks a lot like you, actually. Keeps the company of those Ordain girls, but they're alright by me."


Arland, oblivious to the mention of the Ordains, continued drinking.


"When will she be back?" Weyland asked, before he smiled smally. "I'd imagine I'll be a bit of a surprise."


"Depends on if she's taking a bounty job or not." Annabelle answered in Dunsam's stead. "The three of them work together. Usually hunting some bandit or another, hauling them in alive so the guard can slap 'em in irons. Could be back in a few minutes or not until tomorrow."


Weyland, beginning to cheer up, smiled a bit more widely. "I guess we're all alike."


"No surprises there, my boy." Annabelle responded. "She filled in your shoes when you were gone. A real big sister, alright."


Arland, who had suddenly come back to his senses, agreed. "She's a lot like you, now that I think about it. Kinda funny, she used to kick our asses senseless, remember?"


Weyland guffawed. "Yeah, I remember. Keeping you in line's my job these days."


"Of course I play a hand in that." Amendale smirked.


"What about you, elf?" Dunsam asked.


"He's my best friend." Weyland answered. "Known him longer'n'anyone else in the group we came in with. Hauled me out of hot spots aplenty, known each other for years now."


"I've got a good two hundred years on him, mind you." Amendale interjected with a sly grin.


"Old fart." Weyland snarked back. "You make these two look young." He pointed to his parents. That was when the wooden spoon of death suddenly appeared in Annabelle's hands.

"What was that, boy?" She asked.


"Nothing." Weyland answered quickly, wishing he'd thought to bring his shield. But then again, he wasn't sure enchanted mithral would be able to withstand the force with which his mother could throw that spoon.


"Good." Annabelle grinned cheekily and put the spoon down. Weyland cursed that the dreaded spoon had survived all these years of what he was sure was heavy use.

Suddenly, the front door boomed open and slammed against the wall. Weyland jumped and reached for his blade, while Arland casually took another drink of whatever alcohol was in his tankard at the time. Very heavy footsteps clanked on the stone floor.


"Home, mother!" Sybille Grey declared, walking through the kitchen door. Even at first glance, Sybille was massive compared to most women. Standing at over six feet tall and obviously in fantastic shape, she wore extremely heavy-looking platemail armor overtop a thick suit of chainmail and moved around in it with ease, and she had a huge maul casually leaned onto her shoulder about six feet long in length. She didn't wear a helmet, and with light brown hair and striking blue eyes, the resemblance between her and Weyland was quite obvious. "Other two'll be back in a minu-" She was suddenly aware that they had guests. "Hey, I didn't know we were having guests tonight!" She looked at Annabelle, puzzled.


"Hey, Sybbie." Weyland teased, grinning.


"What he said." Arland pointed at Weyland.


"Hello." Amendale greeted simply.


Sybille took a moment, looking at Weyland and Arland, before she placed her warhammer against the wall and crushed them with bear hugs.

"Hey, you two! Been a little while!"


"Just a bit." Weyland breathed.


"What he said." Arland wheezed, before Sybille released them and they plopped back into their chairs.


"This is Amendale." Weyland introduced quickly.


"Nice to meet ya." Sybille smiled warmly at him. "Sorry I'm still in this armor-probably still got blood on it somewhere- but I wasn't expecting to walk in to either of you. Especially you, Weyland!" She stared with mock accusement at him. Weyland grinned at her. "Where you BEEN since you were ten?"


"Calim desert, Waterdeep, the Anauroch, Neverwinter, Impiltur, and every bar between 'em." He grinned.


"Sounds like we got some catching up to do." Sybille stated. "How 'bout we get some food on the go? We're all starvin', I'd imagine."

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Dri and Tak'we followed the Grey Brothers, both interested in meeting the family of their friends and amused by their giddiness at being home.


Tak'we despised the size and sheer closeness of the stone buildings around him. The thri-kreen was glad that he was with his clutchmates. I wouldn't have been able to go ten strides without losing my way. And he disliked some of the glances a few softskins occasionally sent towards the small group as well. One or two seemed to start moving towards Dri and the Greys, but soon stopped and turned away when the massive insectoid, and his massive bone scythes, was seen with them, so he was glad for that small bit. He offered a quiet prayer as Mother Moon rose in the sky, and kept walking after his clutchmates.


He hadn't said much to Audri when she tried to introduce herself to him. Tak'we didn't have anything against her, but when he had first heard her voice in his mind, he had had a bad start at that. He was glad deep down that he could actually speak with her and understand her as well, but he just wasn't used to the concept of mind-speaking yet. But, seeing as how much the Greys liked her, he was willing to try his best to get used to it.


Dri, on the other hand, liked being in the city. Granted, being in the cesspool of the Realms wasn't all that encouraging as the night life came out, but she still liked being in civilization again.


When they arrived at the Grey family home, even Tak'we had to do a double-take as they saw the patriarch of the Grey family. I do not fancy fighting him, the thri-kreen thought to himself as he sized up Dunsam, and soon thought the same as Annabelle showed up as well. But he gave a chittered whistle at the reunion, both happy that the Greys had gotten to be together again and amused as they caught up with one another, and slightly sad as he was reminded of his own family. The way that the Greys cheerfully interacted one another soon banished his sadness though.


Not wanting to bring the happy occasion down, Tak'we introduced himself with a tilt of his head. "Thiss one iss Tak'we, clutchmate of Weyland and Arland. It iss an honor to meet their clutch."


Dri was stunned in awe as she saw the Greys' parents, but giggled silently as the family greeted one another playfully as if nothing had really happened over the years. She felt sad hearing about Ethel, but it was soon forgotten as the Greys joked and shared words cheerfully. The girl felt a little shy at being there, though, but felt the need to introduce herself. "Hi," she spoke tentatively, as she tried not to startle anyone with the telepathy. "I'm Audri."

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"Sounds great." Weyland grinned eagerly. Once Tak'We and Dri introduced themselves, he nodded his head towards them. "Don't mind the voices in your head,- Arland, I'm looking at you- Audri can't talk, so she has to use this trinket Amendale found. And Tak'We's a Thri'kreen, so don't let the hissing startle ya."


"Good thing I got us some bread this morning." Sybille said absentmindedly.


"We're back." Came a female voice, fairly deep but young. "Captain of the Guard said that he should have some more work later in the week."


"Whaddaya mean the Captain of the bloody Guard?!?!" Arland asked, alarmed. "Who in the hells is that?"


Sybille looked over her shoulder at the voice's source. There were two young women that had just walked in the door, both of them with nut-brown skin and bright hazel eyes, quite short and light. The eldest of the two was the one who'd spoken, and wore a set of light armor and had a bow, arrows, and a pair of forearm-length curved knives visible on her. She walked with a visible limp, and one of her legs had very obviously been broken and hadn't healed properly. The youngest wore simple brown leather pants, a loose long-sleeved shirt, and a hooded cloak.


"Who's that?"


"Marie, Annette!" Sybille greeted them quietly, and turned to face them. "We've had a few surprise friends pop in." She reported to the two of them, with a tinge of nervousness in her voice.


"What's wrong?" Marie asked, placing her hand on her bow.


"Who're you talking to?" Arland asked suspiciously, standing up and pushing by Sybille before she could explain things. "Who're you two? Wait, wait, wait a second...."


Marie snapped her bow off of her shoulder, nocked an arrow, and pointed it at Arland's face before he could get his swords halfway out of their sheathes. Arland was already in the process of moving to dodge where the arrow would come flying at him if it flew, but Sybille pulled him into a headlock to restrain him just as Weyland came flying through the air and tackled Marie to the ground, sending her bow skittering across the floor.


"You shoot him and we have a problem." Weyland told Marie calmly as she glared daggers at him.


"Let go of my sister." Annette ordered with as much authority as she could muster. Weyland saw her hands flare with magic before Amendale's Hold Person spell hit her square in the chest and she froze rigidly in place.


"Please don't hurt my friend." Amendale asked her amicably.


"That's enough, Arland." Sybille commanded sternly, easily overpowering his attempts to worm his way out of the headlock.


"She pointed the bow at me!" He exclaimed. "You see this scar on my face? That little brat gave it to me!"


Marie looked Weyland straight in the eye and said, "He beheaded my father, broke my leg and hit my mother. You want to keep defending him?"


Suddenly, a wooden spoon hit the wall at hypersonic speeds, actually chipping a fist-sized chunk of brick out of the wall. Both Grey brothers cried out with panic and tried to dive for cover. Everybody else froze.


"CUT IT OUT!" Annabelle shrieked, and the spoon flew back into her hand.


"Oh gods, Weyland, it's enchanted now! It's enchanted!" Arland breathed.


"Damn right it is." Annabelle declared. "Everybody sit down at the dinner table. Now."


Without a word, Weyland released Marie, Sybille released Arland, and Amendale dispelled the Hold Person spell on Annette, having never left his chair. Dunsam grinned as Annabelle got a fire going in the stove and shoved in two entire turkeys. Then she put the bread and a knife on the table and a brick of butter.


"Arland, there's a few things that've changed since you left." Sybille began speaking, earning unspoken permission to do so from her mother. "Marie, Annette and their mother are our friends now. They're nice people. Ilen wasn't." Arland's eye twitched.


"I have an idea." Weyland declared loudly, interrupting everybody else. "How about we enjoy a nice dinner? As a reunited family with friends?" When Arland tried to protest, both Weyland and Sybille simultaneously glared at him and cracked their knuckles threateningly, before looking bemusedly at each other.


Marie and Annette sat down. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Grey." Marie apologized. "Shouldn't have acted rashly, I hope you can forgive me."


"It's fine, dear." Annabelle answered. "Arland has his big brother and sister to stop him from doing anything stupid."


"Damn straight." Weyland and Sybille replied at exactly the same time, before they looked at each other and grinned.


Arland groaned. "Man, when I said you two were alike, I wasn't wrong..." He took a swig from his tankard before he thumped his head down onto the table.


Amendale looked at the loaf of bread on the table, and then considered the number of people it would be feeding. He stood up, mostly for show rather than an actual need to do so. "While we wait on the turkey..." He looked at Annabelle questioningly. "I'd imagine there are rules against casting spells at the dinner table...?" He asked. He'd grown up with such rules in place, his parents being picky about manners as they were.

"Er... No." Weyland answered.

"Nah, don't worry about it." Was Sybille's response.


"Go ahead, no problem." Annabelle answered.


Arland mumbled something unintelligible into the table.


A quick movement and a few words and suddenly a variety of basic fruits and vegetables appeared on the tabletop, enough to tide everybody over until the meat was cooked. The simple pewter cups that Annabelle had placed on the table earlier filled with clear water. Annette looked at Amendale oddly and smiled a little bit.

"Go nuts." Amendale grinned and sat down.


"Automatic appetizers! I like this elf!" Dunsam declared, before grabbing some grapes.


Weyland sat down beside Tak'We. "So, did I tell ya these were your kind of people or what?" He asked, grinning broadly. "Except the scuffle a second ago, anyway."


Sybille, meanwhile, sat herself beside Marie and Annette, keeping an eye on Arland. "They were here when I got back." She shrugged. "Guess it was a surprise visit blessed by Lathander himself."


"I wouldn't call Arland Grey a blessing from Lathander." Marie retorted, as she glared at Arland and he glared right back. "The....other one, though. He seems nice enough."

"He's a lot like you." Annette chimed in, a bit timidly. "You two are practically twins."


"You know I can hear you three, right?" Weyland inquired with raised eyebrows. "It's Weyland, by the way. Not 'The Other One', catchy as that may be. First-born out of us fo-" He caught himself, before nonchalantly continuing. "-us three. Makes me Sybbie's big brother." He grinned at his sister.

"Big in a metaphorical sense." Amendale interjected. "She looks like she could toss you around like a doll."


"I like your friend here, Weyland." Sybille echoed the disposition of her father.


"So, Arland-" Dunsam began. "Where'd you find him?"


"Shadowdale." Arland answered. "Saved by hide from some drow scow I pissed off. She's dead now, mind you. Dracolich roasted her alive. Took out one of Rhaine's friends with the same blast, too."


"Who's Rhaine?" Dunsam asked quizzically.


"Oh. We're all here as part of a larger group. This doesn't even account for half of us. She's the leader."


"And a damn fine one at that!" Weyland interjected, before going back to talking animatedly with everybody at the table, even the Ordains.

"...And she's aloof as the hells. Thinks her moral compass is the only moral compass that matters. Long story short, she saw fit to force me to stay with the group or else she'd turn me in to the authorities to be executed just because she's not too big on vigilantism."


Dunsam frowned, but nodded and kept on eating. "Well, ya brought Weyland back, so good on ya."


"Even though it was us saving you, and not the other way around." Amendale sniped as he secretly roasted turkeys faster with magic. In the space of a minute, the smell of well-cooked bird wafted through the entire house. Annabelle clued in immediately, and called Amendale out for his cheekiness in front of the entire table, much to his embarrassed dismay. However, the turkey was quickly served, letting the meal begin in earnest.

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Nawen politely declined Weyland's offer but added that she'd love to meet their family later. The drow knew that they haven't seen each other in years and she thought it would be impolite of her to intrude when the Greys had quite some catching up to do. That and she also smelled like the stables.


Given the reputation of Westgate, Nawen thought it won't cause much if any at all, trouble from the locals if she walked without hiding her face. Westgate was, after all the most corrupt port in the Sea of Fallen Stars and surely the locals had seen dark elves before.


As she made her way to the tavern, Nawen spotted a few guards looking at her but something about them was off. Their look wasn't the usual, 'ugh, a drow' kind of look. No, they looked at her as if they've seen her before. "That's impossible. I've never been in Westgate." She thought to herself and quickened her pace.


Once she was inside, Nawen rented a room and asked for some warm water as she really needed to take a bath.


She came back downstairs some time later, changed into her casual attire and thankfully, no longer smelling like the stables.


Shalena, unlike her men who went to the local brothels, went to the tavern with the rest of the group who did not join the Greys. She ordered a drink and joined the locals and listened to the rumors.

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Rhaine, not wanting to encroach on the Greys' family time, remained at the inn, purchasing a cup of wine and seating herself in a corner, so she could watch the whole room. Still in full armor, with her pack at her side, she pulled the Cult map out again and continued to study it, planning the next leg of their journey. The best route seemed to be sailing down the Vilhon Reach and making port in Chondath before taking the roads into the Shaar.


Occasionally, the Doomguide's ears would pick up bits and pieces of conversation amongst the patrons, and one rumor in particular caused a smile to cross her lips. Apparently, a very generous young halfling woman was traveling about, giving money to the poor and helping with all sorts of odd jobs...and she was making quite the name for herself...


Dagny, who had given up her mug to Arland for the time being, purchased a few tankards of ale and sat perched at the bar. It hadn't taken long for the dwarf woman to adjust to land once again, and she felt spry enough to catch up on her drinking.


Conall seemed eager to get some rest and had already purchased a room. Aodh, still very much awake and interested in his surroundings, took to flitting around Nawen's shoulders as she came down the stairs.


Argyros had vanished. He had departed the boat with the rest of the party, but had not been seen since. Rhaine assumed that he might have taken her up on the offer to leave the group. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth...


Little did the citizens of Westgate know that a silver dragon was weaving through the clouds above them.

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Xundus, like Nawen, didn't bother to hide his face, but worried that some less reputable members of society might do something. Upon entering the inn, he immediately purchased a room and went to it, then proceeding to toss his belongings onto the probably lice-infested bed, and sit down on the floor, exhausted. It smelled like rotted fish, but he hadn't managed to get any sleep the night before, so it was worth it. The drow quickly fell asleep, but not before a trip outside to pray to Selune under her light.

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As the evening wore on, Rhaine began to worry about Arland being in Westgate again with the massive bounty on his head. In a place like this, it was just as likely a mercenary would kill him to claim the gold as much as they would try to clap him in irons. And they would have no qualms about killing anyone protecting him either, including his family. Though, they would have a tough time of it with Tak'we and Dri around.


Sighing, she stood. She pulled up the hood of her cloak, slung her pack over her shoulders, and made her way out of the inn, following Weyland's directions to the house. Arland had risked his life on several occasions, battling the Cult of the Dragon and any other foe that raised its head. Though that was largely due to her threat of turning him in, he always had the option of sneaking away again. But he didn't. He stayed with his brother and the rest of them, facing down death for the sake of the Realms - even if he did not intend to do so. Thus, she had her own debt to pay to him...


Even this late, there were many guards patrolling the streets. It was a comforting sight to see their torches bobbing with their strides, illuminating the shadows with bright orange light. Despite this, the Doomguide knew that over half were probably as criminal as those who were locked in the dungeons. As such, she moved quickly, heading towards the Grey residence with purposeful steps.


At last, she thought she found the right house. She could smell food and hear laughter beyond the door...they must have been having a good time. Sighing once more, she carefully lifted her hand and rapped sharply on the door.

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As the conversations and laughter began to roar back up again and everybody began digging into the food in earnest, Sybille and Annabelle heard knocking on the door. Motioning to her mother to not bother, Sybille went and answered the door herself. She found someone at the door she'd never seen before.

Now normally when strangers appeared at the door and the 6'3", fully-armoured Sybille answered the door, they tended to be a little intimidated. But this stranger wasn't the type, and it was immediately obvious. Normally, black armor, matching wings and a nasty-looking blade would have Sybille expecting trouble, but again, this one was an exception. The symbol of Kelemvor on her amulet reassures her some as well.


"Hey there." She began. "Can I help ya?"


Arland's mood took a turn for the worse, even more so than it already was. "By Tempus, speak of a devil and one shall appear..."

"Rhaine!" Weyland greeted her. "Didn't think I'd see you coming out to the family gathering! Come on in!"


"Neither could I." Arland mumbled.


"Know her, do ya?" Sybille shot Weyland a questioning look. He nodded, and she moved aside and saw Rhaine in. "Well, welcome to the Grey household. I'm Sybille Grey, that's my father Dunsam, and my mother, Annabelle. Seems you're familiar with Arland and Weyland already." She shot Rhaine a toothy grin. "We just sat down to dinner if you'd like to join us."


"If you're here with the town guard tell 'em to shove off." Arland said wearily. "If not, make yourself at home. Think you'll get along with her just fine." He jerked a thumb towards Marie, who glared at him. He glared right back.


"Probably with Sybbie here too." Weyland added helpfully, cuffing Arland upside the head as Sybille shot him a threatening look.

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Rhaine could not help but notice the similarities between Sybille and Weyland, not only in facial features, but in stature as well. If she had half the courage of her brother, then she was a great warrior indeed. Though physically imposing, the Grey sister seemed to possess Weyland's easygoing personality, and her smile was infectious.


The Doomguide grinned back, "I would be happy to accept your invitation...though I am here primarily to tie up some loose ends. Let me first properly introduce myself." She gave Dunsam and Annabelle a half-bow, "I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor. As you might have already found out, your sons have traveled with me for several months now, assisting me in thwarting an evil that threatens all the Realms. For that, they have my deepest gratitude."


She remained standing, hesitant to take a seat, as she continued, "It is my understanding that Arland is wanted here in Westgate for murder. It was I who forced him to come along with us, in an attempt to pay off his debt to society. He and his brother have both faced grave danger multiple times for the sake of our party and our cause. As such, I feel I have a debt to pay them...especially considering that this may be the last time we see each other; our party will remain in Westgate for a few days to rest, but we will then be sailing for Chondath to pursue our quarry further. Now that you all have finally been reunited, it would be cruel of me to expect you to journey with us more. Thus, I wish to give you something now as a sign of my thanks."


Rhaine reached into her pack and pulled out a giant purse of coins that she had taken from Ivanthyriatryx's lair. There were easily several thousand gold pieces within. She tossed this purse towards Arland, where it landed before him on the table, "I won't ever agree with your actions, Arland, but I want you to have this money - enough to pay off your bounty. Start anew, my friend, and walk a better path."

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*Sss-sss-sss!* Tak'we was hissing with laughter as the dinner went on, clearly enjoying the rough play of everyone. Though he was mildly concerned about the way Arland and Marie were glaring at one another, he didn't pay it much mind; after all, he had often gotten into fights with his clutch-brother Che'tak before as well, and those were always stopped before things had gotten too rough. With the way the Grey clutch-mother kept order, the thri-kreen had every faith in her ability to do the same.


"You softskinss sstill act like hatchlingss," the warrior chortled, mockingly berating the Grey brothers before digging into the small feast Amendale summoned. Having his plate full of apples and some green vegetables, Tak'we waited patiently for the large birds to finish cooking, the delicious smell making him salivate. When it was done, he took one of the large plates and scooted it in front of him, ready to devour the bird with gusto; he hadn't eaten well nearly the entirely journey over the deep waters, and he was starving for a good meal. "Oh, thank the spiritss!"


He was just about to tear into the bird when he heard knocking and turned to see Rhaine walking into the room. "Winged pointy-ear!" he chirped happily, getting up to greet his clutchmate. He listened to her thanking Arland, which mildly surprised him, but when she seemed like she would leave, the thri-kreen gave a chattering protest. "Rhaine! Clutchmate should sstay here! It isss a chance for a clutch gathering!" *TCKTCK!* "These are alwayss special among thiss one'ss people, sso you should sstay and celebrate thiss special time."



Dri was quietly enjoying the dinner, although keeping pretty quiet. She liked the family gathering well enough, she was just simply unused to being in such a casual and friendly environment. Casually eating some fruit, the girl had a faint smile as the Greys rough-housed as they usually did.


She greeted Rhaine when the Doomguide walked in, and began to go back to eating when she saw an opportunity looking at her in the face; With Rhaine being there, no one was looking at Arland's spot, and there was his beloved flagon sitting there unattended. Oh, this is too good!


Making sure no one was watching, Dri took the flagon and set it underneath Weyland's seat discretely after acting like she dropped her fork. Seeing more potential for chaos, Dri deftly undid the knots on Weyland's and Arland's boots as well. Sitting back up and suppressing the urge to laugh, the girl simply went back to eating, waiting for the fun to begin...

Edited by GrueMaster
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