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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine barely had enough time to grab her pack from her dresser as Ianthe drug her back downstairs with a determined sense of purpose. Her eyes were still slightly wide with surprise when the nymph plopped down on the floor, pulling the Doomguide with her. A hot mug of cocoa was proffered to her, and she thanked the waitress before pulling up her knees, her toes barely sticking out from under the hem of her black nightdress.


"Evening," she managed to greet Aurora just as the bardess entered the inn with her rather skimpy new outfit...and right before Weyland began his tale.


Zorica was rather relieved that the warrior called Weyland had taken the initiative and started sharing his tale first. The paladin had not wanted to elaborate on her own...not when she barely knew anyone in the room. It took a while of listening to figure out that this "Sana" had been a lamia. She had heard of the wicked creatures before, but she had never personally seen one. Now that Weyland had shared his gruesome story, she hoped she never would...


Rhaine, after Weyland finished, took a sip from her chocolate and looked up at her comrade, "It must have taken a lot to share that with us. Thank you, Weyland. In telling your story, you honor the memories of the dead. In remembering them and recalling their deeds, they live on in the purest way possible. Keep them with you in your heart, and do not blame yourself for their deaths."


"Amen," Zorica said softly, swallowing hard and focusing on her own cocoa.


Rhaine, herself, suddenly fell silent, recalling similar words that had been told to her once, not so long ago...

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Ianthe interjected, "I like cats. Once, I picked up a kitten and it spit fire at me."


She most likely believed this had some relevance to Weyland's story and hunched up with her knees to her chest, grinning at him like a child.


Arva smiled and sat down behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.


She looked behind herself and eventually relaxed into his grip, lying back against him.

Edited by tokyobleach
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After wandering the town for a bit, Shalena decided to return to the inn and listen to some stories and share a few of her own, if anyone were willing to listen. As she entered the inn, Weyland was telling the story about his time as a slave for that panther-woman, Sana. The pirate took another cup of cocoa, pulled up a chair and joined them by the fire.


When he finished his story, Shalena added her own thoughts. "I had two former slaves in my crew several years ago, they also had stories to share but none of them were like this."


Nawen listened to Weyland's story quietly. Her admiration for his strength and endurance nearly with each sentence. "Thank you for sharing this with us, Weyland," she said, "it is very sad that no one else survived, but in the end you stopped Sana and she will never hurt anyone again. Their deaths were not completely in vain."

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Daud lean on the wall and lowered his head slightly, grimacing at the mans who had been referred to as 'Weyland' Story. And he thought his life had been bad.

"Sad" He remarked as the man told his story about this 'Sana' "Life can be cruel, I think we all know a great deal about that" His face had turned into a picture of disgust as the man mentioned that 'Sana' had taken 'Souvenirs' He had never understood why anyone would want to do that, it made killing seem like a sport, like it was trivial to murder someone, something that you do when you are bored. But then, who was he to judge? His hands did violence and he killed for coin, greed clearly a factor. Maybe he should not be too quick to judge this 'Sana', however bad Weyland might make her sound. We all start with innocence, but the world leads us to guilt, his own voice said inside his head


He glanced to Aurora who had cleaned herself up most excellently, he looked her up and down, and it was clear she did not lack for money. She must have been very rich indeed. She didn't appear to care much for being modest, her new clothing spoke that way, at least. She looked much better than the drunken wreck she had been before


All of them appeared better off than him now, curse them, they could afford to eat and drink. He glanced down to the small pouch on his side, which contained the little money he had left. Unless he planned to take days to head back to Scardale and take more from his little stash, which had probably been found and stolen, knowing the lawlessness of the city, this was all he had. He didn't intend to kill again, but how else could he make money? He had no skills, no trade. He knew to kill, beyond that he knew nothing. Or thought he knew nothing. Either way, it led him to uncertainty and slowed his spending drastically.

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The short tiefling got no reply from the tall man. Maybe it was his size? Normally, Adrorar would be quite annoyed at that. Not the first (or last) time he was ignored due to his stature. The tiefling had to fight the urge to set the man's posterior ablaze as a tiny way of retribution. Wouldn't want to cause a scene now, do we?


All of a sudden one of the group's members dragged a fellow member downstairs, still in her nightgown, and said it was story time, followed by them all getting hot cocoa. Despite not knowing who these people are, Carter was curious, so he pulled up a chair and sat down.


A human warrior went first. His story wasn't exactly one of those tales that leaves you feeling joyous or cozy. Quite the opposite, actually. Very grim and sad.

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Upon the near-silence after Weyland's story, Ianthe looked over to Tannin and said, "Why don't you look like a drow?"


"He's a half-drow," Arva corrected, resting his chin on Ianthe's shoulder and feeling quite good for being this close to her. "Though he doesn't match that description either. Why is that, Tannin?"

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Zorica smiled at Ianthe, stroking her brindle kitten's head, "This little guy might like you, then."


Of his own accord, Sir Meowsalot promptly hopped off of the table, landing directly atop the girl's knees.


"I take that back. He already likes you," the paladin sighed.


In response to the albino elf, whom she assumed was the girl's partner, Zorica snorted, "I am half drow as well, and I don't fit the stereotypes, either. The blood comes out how it will."

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Satisfied with Zorica's answer, Azuris nodded and sat back down. "Fair enough."

When Ianthe came down pulling Rhaine still in her nightgown along with her, he fought hard to suppress a blush, it was a rare thing to see Rhaine in anything but her armor, and the sight took him by surprise.

Thankfully Weyland's tale distracted him. "Takes a strong kind of person to survive such a thing." He said when Weyland was done. "You should be proud of that."


When Aurora returned Tannin was rather pleased with the sight. "Careful Lady Aurora, with an outfit like that you'll get yourself quite a lot of attention." He said with a chuckle, knowing full well that was her intention when she chose that outfit.

Ianthe's question pulled Tannin's attention away from appreciating Aurora and her new outfit. "Why am I what? Oh! Right, you're talking about my skin, right weeell.... That's a bit of a long story there. I was actually born with the usual dark grey skin, but I was abouuut... thirty something when it was changed, Was trying to sneak my way under the guise of a noble, only problem was that the area was very non-drow friendly. So I had to have a little spell cast that would temporarily change my skin tone to something a little more local." He paused for a moment and tried to hold back a laugh. "And at the time we were in the company of a halfling fellow not unlike our friend Hexol over thereputthosebackonthetableplease."


Suddenly hearing both his name and Tannin's order Hexol looked over at the group. "I wasn't doing any..... oh." He said in surprise, just then noticing the silverware that he had in his hand. "Where did these come from?" He asked innocently, truly not knowing how the forks and spoons came into his possession.


Letting out a sigh Tannin continued his story. "Anyways the Halflng fellow was chattering up a storm and our sorcerer lost his concentration and the spell went awry. At first we all thought everything went fine, it wasn't until several hours later that I began to grow concerned. We found out later that the spell somehow went off with a permanency spell placed on it. And I've looked like this ever since. I grew to appreciate it after a few days. No more stares, didn't have to cast so many spells in order to disguise myself. To be quite honest it was the happiest I've ever been towards a spells failure."



Noticing a small man in blue robes standing nearby, Hexol decided to go say hi. "Hello there! Those are cool robes, nice hat, I've always wanted a big hat, but hats tend to fall off my head or not fit it, Robes too, always too big and stuffy, I like what I'm wearing now really. Hi I'm Hexol! What's your name?"

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Adroroar's attention was suddenly 'stolen' by someone even shorter than the tiefling himself. Followed by bombardment of questions.


"Uh...hi...thanks...I...um..." - Carter could barely get a word in. - "My name is Adroroar, n-nice to meat you..uh..Hexol. Are you with that big group? You seem awfully young. And ...*yawn*... I'm getting sleepy"


The tiefling made a long drawn out yawn followed by a slow blink of his eyes. The long trip's taking it's toll.


"Hey...did it get brighter in here or is it just...." Carter looked up to see that his straw hat appears to be missing, and Hexol suddenly wearing a suspiciously similar hat. - "What are you doing with my hat?" - he said whilst glarring at Hexol.

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As Nawen listened to Tannin's story she couldn't help but feel jealous. She'd given everything to find a way to change her skin color permanently, but unlike Tannin none of the methods she tried in the past worked. "You sure are lucky," she said, "never thought a spell failure could be a good thing, but here it is."


"You know," Shalena said, "this one time I saw the result of that spell's failure. The guy was permanently blue." The pirate laughed as she remembered the horrified look on the poor man's face once he realized that he's going to stay blue for the rest of his life.


"Yeah, well I'm glad that Tannin didn't get blue skin or worse, pi-" Nawen paused as she looked at Tak'we, "pine green." She said and placed her empty cup of hot cocoa on a table only to notice a tiefling wearing blue robe and listening to their stories. "Uh... can we help you?" She asked.

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