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Tales of Faerun


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"Messages on their wings?" He said with a frown. Well, that certainly complicated things. He sighed weakly. "People are easier" He said mostly to himself, looking into the tree line. If they refused to come to him, then he would go to them. And if those birds really did carry messages well... He'd see how wells those birds carried their messages from the next world.

He paused, considering. This had worked out less than perfect, and the centaur knew what she was talking about. But... The birds would have seen them anyway. He sighed and quietly spoke again "Alright. If I am not supposed to hide upon a tree, he is not meant to lay traps, what would work?" He moved his head, surveying the trees for any movement, his crossbow ready in one hand.

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Nawen watched Xundus as he was setting the traps, but said nothing. While they did not seem big enough to trap an animal large enough for the whole group, but they could always take more meat with them. She glanced at Daud as he climbed into a tree but before she could say anything Theia did it for her.


"Just sit here or anywhere you wish and wait," Nawen said as she leaned against the tree trunk, "it's not a perfect position, but it hides us well enough."


The drow then placed her bow and quiver in front of her, and glanced at Tannin as he spoke. "What-" she bang, but then paused. "Was it really that noticeable?" She thought and let out a sigh. "I thought it was good enough at the time, but I guess not. Couldn't convince you." She should have known by now that tricking someone like Tannin was impossible for someone like her, but while she wasn't a good liar she wasn't blind either.


She leaned closer to Tannin and spoke quietly so only he could hear. "Why did you really go with us? Is it because of Theia, and her hatred of our people, or is it because of someone else?" She asked, emphasizing on someone, hinting that Tannin may not have been too subtle about some things.

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"The bait is intended to cover the scent, or at least entice the animals into taking the risk. Trapping wouldn't work if what you said was true," Xundus replied to Theia, a sour look on his face. He wasn't overly fond of the half-breed, mostly because of her feelings of drow. Plenty of beings didn't like them, but to Xundus, Theia seemed different.


Because, unlike the other racists, she is a member of the party, he thought.


Finally putting his thoughts aside, the drow found a somewhat-hidden bed of grass and laid back, closing his eyes to the soft glow of the moon. "It'll be a good night, even if we don't catch anything," he said to himself. "Kghret."

Edited by Quintatas
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Daud grinned as he heard the voice behind him. At least someone knew enough to take a jab back at the centaur. He glanced over his shoulder quickly. What an odd hand fate had dealt him, travelling with strange people... Drow, a Chosen, a Centaur. All towards a place he knew little about. Why? Because he needed to? Because he wanted to? Maybe it was a thirst to prove he could do something more than slit throats. Redemption? Or maybe because he wanted to be feared throughout all Faerun and not just the Dalelands. He felt so odd, he needed to find his way

But first, food. He tightened his grip on his crossbow. Something would come... Maybe multiple things. And maybe, one of them would slip through the traps unharmed. And maybe, instead of a drink from the lake or eating the bait, it would feast upon its own blood. If he was lucky. But if they would not come to him, then he would go to them

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Tannin laughed. "A Drow woman that doesn't want to show off her body. You certainly are one of a kind Nawen."


He ignored Daud and Xundus showing off their lack of hunting experience and decided to answer Nawen's question with a story. "I once knew a man, who had been a slave to a Mindflayer. He spent almost his whole life being used, abused, tortured, tormented, his life was hell. Any attempts to free himself or escape was met with indescribable pain. Eventually, the man escaped and lived his life well away from anything with tentacles for the rest of his days. And I've been thinking lately... what if that man joined our group? Do you think that he would take every opportunity to run off with Xall anytime he was away from the group? That he would be able to look Xall straight in the eye with subconsciously lowering them? And if.... by some chance he didn't treat Xall with the respect that that other Mindflayer had spent his entire life beating into that man, and he always turned up near Xall whenever he was away from the group, always trying to go off alone with him... I think, that those would be very questionable actions... don't you?"



Lucas regained his conscious with a gasp of air, the sight of the two women hovering over him put the crimson back on his face. "What uhh... w w what happened?"


"You passed out after seeing the Nymph skinny dip." Azuris said with a smirk.


"Wait... she was nude?"


Azuris looking over at Zorica and Rhaine and chuckled. "He's fine."



As Sir Meowsalot leaped onto Gizmo, he went stiff legged and looked up at Meowsalot in a "What the hell are you doing?" sort of way before slowly turning his head to look back at the group, letting out a soft plea. "Help?"

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Rhaine chuckled and shook her head, "Yes, she was, Lucas." With that, the Doomguide turned and began making her way towards the fire pit, gathering her belongings together and sitting sideways on the sandy ground. She brushed her wet hair out of her eyes as she leaned on one hand and watched the others. Conall followed Zorica out of the water, digging through his pack for flint and steel. With a few quick strikes, the paladin started a fire from the driftwood, and before long, there was a roaring blaze before them. He then sat between Rhaine and Dagny, rubbing his damp arms from the growing chill of the evening air.


Sir Meowsalot tumbled over Gizmo and batted at the older cat's nose, hissing and spitting, bouncing back and forth, and meowing rather persistently. Zorica walked by to sit on the other side of the fire, commenting with a light laugh, "Living up to your name, aren't you?"




Meanwhile, Theia glanced to Nawen and remarked, "I heard that." Then, the centauress looked up at the shadowy man with no small amount of distaste, muttering, "Just like a human, to take things only at face value." She shifted to hide her body halfway behind a giant oak tree, adding to the male drow, "And do you catch something every time you lay a trap?" Sighing loudly, she lifted her hand and spoke a short incantation, Camouflage, her form perfectly matching her surroundings. Kyli latched herself onto the trunk of the oak and kept her wings still, observing the action with her gem-like eyes.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen shot a glance at Theia and said, "good for you." She then focused her attention to the watering place while also listening to Tannin's story. Once he finished she looked at him with the slight frown on her face. "That's not a very pleasant thought," she said, "and I really hope that it's not the case... but, thank you for, you know, looking out for me." She said and smiled to him warmly.


As she looked back at the watering place, she noticed a single adult bison coming out of the woods. As the animal neared to the water, Nawen picked her bow off the ground and notched an arrow, and waited. As the bison walked past the bushes where some of them were hiding, he suddenly stopped. At first Nawen feared that he may have caught their scent, but even if he did, it wasn't the reason why he stopped.


Before she could do or say anything, the animal began roaring and trying to get something off it's feet. The animal triggered one of Xundus's traps. The drow aimed at the animal and shot at another foot. Figuring, it would be faster to end this with a blade, she drew her sword and emerged from their hiding place. "I'll make this quick." She thought to herself as she got closer to the bison. Just like she said to herself, the killing blow was swift and as painless as she could possible make.


"Now comes the least favorite part," she said as she whipped the blood of her blade, and pulled out her skinning knife, "we won't be able to bring all of it, so if any of you don't feel like staying, it's as good as time as any to get back to the camp."


Shalena got out of the water and went straight near the fire. She shot a glance at Lucas as he seemed to have regained his consciousness. "The poor lad wouldn't last a day in the Pirate Isles." She chuckled. "No naked nymphs, but plenty of sights to get the nosebleed."

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Daud cut in again as he watched the forest, his voice showing small signs of annoyance as he spoke "Just because something doesn't work all the time doesn't mean its not effective. He makes a valid point, obviously they do work, or nobody would use them, that much is just common sense. If I put a crossbow bolt in someone's forehead, do they die everytime? No. That doesn't mean its not effective, because it does work most of the time." He said, not even turning to regard them "And I just thought, the birds had to have seen us anyway, its easy to see where we entered from here. Even if they didn't, there are birds nearby, I could hear them when we entered. If they are going to warn all the other animals about us, which I doubt, they knew we were here anyway so it..." He cut off mid sentence, falling quiet. His hand tightened around his crossbow, and he raised it to an aiming position as he tracked something through the foliage. A few seconds later, he slung his crossbow and made his move, dropping from the tree top without a noise, and moving like a ghost into the treeline.

Daud watched from a bush as a doe stood in a small clearing, pausing to examine a small bush. She appeared very skittish, so he felt he would need to be careful. The first thing he did was check his surroundings, scanning them quickly. Once he was certain nothing was watching or listening, he cast invisibility quietly, then slowly drew his crossbow and raised it, taking aim... But a nearby noise of a struggling bison set it off. It turned to bolt, heading Dauds way. Then it detected him as it approached, and turned to run. He fired the bolt towards the doe, and the crossbow bolt flew forwards, smashing into the upper part of one of its hind legs, chattering the bone it impacted with and causing the deer to collapse to the floor. He darted out grabbing it and putting a blade through its neck before it had a chance to make a sound. The placement of the blade ensured it could not breath nor make a noise, and paralised it as the blade cut through the vertebrae. He drew his sword back out quickly, and let the doe fall limp. He knelt over the kill, examining it. Well, at least he got something. No doubt the centaur would say he'd done this wrong too, but she seemed like the kind who would complain about anything and everything anyway, so he wasn't sure how much he could really trust her opinion. He saw his chance and took it. He looked to the body lying in the brambles next to him, and turned it over, lifting it over his shoulders. It wasn't all that heavy, really. Probably because it wasn't really too large, rather average. He'd carried big brutes of men before. The deer wasn't much different, though he dreaded the inevitable strain. But it was dead now, and it was made of meat after all, so he had achieved something

Though, from the noise he guessed they got something bigger. Hopefully nothing that made his catch irrelevant... everything within 500 meters must have heard that noise, so it must be large

Edited by Brutii
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After the drama that transpired in the water, Aurora dried herself off but remained indecent, only her silken underclothes to protect her modesty, she sauntered towards the camp-fire and set herself down with her companions, wringing out her copper hair and leaning close to the burning bonfire for warmth, watching the droplets of water dissipate from her arms. "Who knew you'd make the poor boy bleed flashing a little, Ianthe- I'm a little jealous of those skills." Aurora commented with a chuckle, reclining back onto the sand suggestively, pushing up her breasts and giving the men around the camp-fire a small grin "I'll have to try it next time, see if there is any nymph in me."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Theia made her way back to the camp without a word, her expression unreadable as her Camouflage wore off. She watched the bonfire suspiciously, eyeing the surrounding area before coming closer. Staying half in and half out of the shadows, she slowly folded her legs under her and settled down before the flames, seeming to jump a little whenever an ember popped loudly. At last, the centauress addressed the others, Kyli settling comfortably about her shoulders, "The drow are returning with a kill. Hope you're hungry."


"Really?" Conall asked, "That was quick. What did they manage to catch?" He absentmindedly stroked Aodh's head as the pseudodragon curled about a warm rock in front of the fire.


"Bison," Theia replied flatly, as if it were nothing impressive.


"Good gods!" Dagny exclaimed, "We'll never be able to eat it all before it rots! Hope someone knows how to salt the thing!"


Rhaine made no remark, busying herself with putting on the dragonscale outfit Tannin had made for her, now that her skin had sufficiently dried off. Her hair and wings were still damp, but they would dry soon enough, too; once she finished dressing, she sat back down before the fire, combing her scarlet mane.


Suddenly, Conall glanced up to see a large shape far in the sky above them, twinkling like the stars. "Look!" he pointed, "A silver dragon!"


Sure enough, a large, silvery dragon was circling lazily overhead, seemingly enjoying the gentle breezes of the night. It almost appeared to swim in the air, hovering and turning over and over in graceful rolls.


"Well, would you look at that," Rhaine commented, a half-smile crossing her face as she watched the dragon, "You don't see that every day."

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