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Tales of Faerun


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Tannin followed closely behind Nawen as they returned to the camp carrying the Bison meat. Upon seeing the Silver dragon at the camp Tannin didn't react the way most of the others did, instead he continued to the camp and placed the meat down before looking over at the Silver dragon with a smile. "So will you be joining us for dinner then? If you are would you mind taking on your humanoid form? We don't really have enough for everyone her plus a dragon of your size." He said s if he were simply speaking to some random passerby.


"Tannin.... Would you show the large dragon some respect? And NOT give it an attitude." Azuris said through his teeth to which Tannin replied with a scoff.


"I had a Silver become so obsessively in love with me that she was quite literally stalking my every move. Once you make it through something like that, the sudden appearance of one sitting by your campfire isn't anything to get excited about." He said with a smirk. "And besides, if he had a problem with me... He would have already killed me."


While this was all going on Lucas was starring at the dragon with in open mouthed shock. "There's... A umm.... There's a Dragon at our campfire.." He stuttered, as if acknowledging it out loud would make the situation even less crazy.


Hexol however was unnaturally silent. But a quick glance at him quickly revealed why, though his arms and legs were flailing about wildly trying to run up to the dragon, Azuris had a tight grip on the Kender with a hand over his mouth. Though he knew that Silver's were a friendly type, Azuris had a feeling that with too much pestering from Hexol, he wouldn't be for very long.

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Arva stopped in his tracks as he roasted a sausage, "A dragon was obsessed with you, Tannin? Clearly I have nothing on this guy."

Aera found this immensely hilarious and doubled over for a moment, laughing quite loudly, "And here he was, thinking he was something special!"

Arva mocked the weretiger and then grunted, "He's got more experience than me. Clearly it's because he's older than I."

"Right. Whatever makes you feel better."

"Fine. Worst I've had was this one girl named Emily who watched me bathe through a window once."

Ianthe grinned, "That's funny."

"Tell me about it. And he'd beg for you to do that, Ianthe." Aera said, hand on her hip as Arva choked on a bite of kabob in reaction.

"Why would I want to do that?" Ianthe asked, clearly oblivious, as usual.

"I... Nevermind." Aera took a moment to remember just how innocent-minded Ianthe was, before shaking her head.

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Daud watched the dragon eat the kebab, stick and all, with a strange mix of trepidation and interest. He shot a surprised glance to Tannin "Uh... Right... Didn't want that thought, Tannin" He said somewhat absently, shuffling uncomfortably. It might not be surprising to Tannin, but having a damn dragon appear certainly was to him. How Tannin had managed to captivate a Dragon was beyond him... In fact, had he not heard that he would have doubted it's possibility. Surely it would have had something more important to do than stalk Tannin, surely anyone would have something more important to do than... Actually, with the behavior of some humans in mind, he could almost believe it.

So, if Tannin was stalked by a dragon, and silver dragons could shape-shift then... He shook his head as if to dispel the thought as he pushed it from his mind quickly, before it got any more disturbing and repulsive than it already was.

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When they finally caught something, Xundus was surprised to see it was a bison. He had never seen one, and though it interested him, he still decided to head back to the camp early.


As he came upon the camp, the drow almost fell back in surprise to see a silver dragon. It was the third dragon he had seen, and the second one recently. "Our group definitely attracts some strange attention," he muttered under his breath. After a few minutes, he was no longer as surprised as he was at first, so he took a seat a safe distance from the beast. Though it was a metallic dragon, he knew even they could become evil.

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The dragon was silent for a few moments before bursting out into bell-like laughter, slapping the ground with his forepaw. When he finally regained control of himself, the silver looked at Tannin with shining silver eyes and remarked, "My apologies...that just...sounds like a sibling of mine." He chuckled a bit before adding, "And you are correct, of course...if I were to do anything hostile, I'm sure I'd have done it long before now." Glancing at the bison meat, he scooted a bit back from the bonfire, "Don't worry about leaving anything for me. It is not necessary for me to eat as often as you humanoids. Please, serve yourselves and I shall remain content. The warmth of this fire is enough to satisfy me."


Conall smirked, "So, Tannin...you had a dragon after you? That must've been quite a sticky situation. How did you deal with it?"


"Carefully," Dagny snorted as she held her kabob over the flames.


Zorica tested the heat of a sausage, her eyes still glued to the dragon, "So, uh...heh. Why am I not surprised that oddball over there attracted a lady dragon?"


"Because he's an oddball," the dwarf replied before taking a bite of meat and vegetables.


Theia looked at her own kabob with a mixture of disgust and disdain and then tossed the whole thing into the fire without a word. She settled back down with her legs curled under her, but she kept watching the silver carefully, absentmindedly stroking Kyli's tiny head.


Rhaine said nothing as she roasted the kabob Ianthe had handed her and retook her seat, merely listening to the others talk. Unlike many of the companions, she was completely unperturbed by the dragon's presence. She had relaxed as soon as the silver had, and she was certain that as long as they did nothing too offensive, then he would remain cordial and friendly.

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Nawen finished cleaning the bison meat they brought to the camp while others chatted with the dragon. She got some spices from her pack and put them on the meat they could cook tonight, and despite what the silver said, they'll need more meat. She searched around the camp for a frying pan, and once she thought the meat had marinated enough, she placed the frying pan above the fire. The fire pit was large enough for the meat and kabobs.

Rhegar trotted happily into the camp with the rabbit he caught in his teeth. He dropped the animal in front of Gizmo and Sir Meowsalot and with his nose pushed the rabbit towards the two cats. Nawen noticed this and chuckled at the rather odd sight. "It looks like Rhegar wants to share," she said as she took the rabbit, cleaned it, and split it into five portions: bigger ones for Gizmo, Rhegar and Sir Meowsalot, and two smaller ones for Aodh and Kyli, but seeing how it wasn't enough, she added some bison meat too.

Shalena ate her kabob as she listened to the conversation. "A dragon was hitting on you?" She asked, "this I have to hear." Even if the wide and open seas was her preferred place to be, an evening at the camp so far was really fun and she genuinely enjoyed it.

Once the last pieces of bison meat were prepared for cooking, Nawen picked up her pack and glanced at the others, "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need to take a bath." With that said she left the camp and headed a bit north to look for a secluded place where she could bathe undisturbed.


It didn't take long for her to find one such place. A small pond with a large tree growing beside the shore, one of its branches was growing low above water, so Nawen hung her linen shirt she usually slept in, in case she needed to cover herself quickly.


She placed her pack against the tree and took out a bar of soap, and looked around the site. When she made sure that she really was alone stripped naked and went into the water. The water was cool and oh so refreshing.

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Tannin let out a laugh. "Wasn't intentional. I thought she was a regular old damsel in distress when I saved her." He said, beginning his tale. "Was your typical rescue the damsel from the locked tower thing so of course I couldn't refuse. So I get through the tower, slay the villain that had locked her up there, open the door and see easily one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on. And then she turns to me, runs into my arms sobbing about how she had always dreamt of the day when I would rescue her. That she had always known that it would be me that would save her and that I as her true love. Were I a smart man I would have leaped from that tower window and had embraced the afterlife." He said with a sigh.


"But alas, I was young, stupid, and a... tad bit umm.... lonely.. in a sense." He cleared his throat. "Anyways I couldn't get her away from me after that. For almost a month I couldn't turn around with bumping into her, always going on about how we're destined to marry, how much she loves me, that I'm the sole light in her dark world. Eventually as I finally grew tired of her and told her to leave.. she reveals that she's a silver dragon, and became incredibly aggressive towards any woman that got near me. I'm screwed at this point because... How do you tell something that can eat you whole to leave you alone? Cause I certainly couldn't. And soon it got worse in that she started going on about wanting children, wanting me to settle down with her away from everything, to stop adventuring completely. but eventually... she grew bored of me, and I... learned my lesson." He said as he got up and started looking for one of his packs.


"Guess that put you off random women for a while afterwords didn't it?" Azuris asked with a smirk.


"Not in the slightest. But finally biting the bit and asking a long time friend and occasional lover to marry me a few days after did." Tannin said with a smile as he picked up the bag of holding that held his sewing equipment and the majority of Ivy, the great green dragon. "Now if you'll all excuse me, I have some things that need doing before I can proved us shelter for the night." He said with a bow as he walked away from the camp.




Tannin made his way over to the lake in the most confusing way possible as to avoid anyone noticing, all the while not looking directly at the lake to save Nawen some embarrassment. When he got close enough to where she was he spoke up, letting her know he was there. "Don't freak out or anything." He said with his back turned to the lake. "I'm not much of a fan of letting people go off on their own at night, especially when they're going to be defenseless.... and naked, and we we have characters of questionable agendas wandering around unchecked. Now if you want me to go I'll go, if I can stay I'll sit right here, keeping watch while working on your armor. And if you want I'll tell you that story I owe you."

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Nawen quickly put her arms across her chest to cover herself as she heard someone talking, but when she heard it was Tannin she relaxed a bit and continued bathing as he spoke until he said the word defenseless. "I'll show him defenseless." She thought as she went towards the tree and grabbed the linen shirt from the branch and put it on. She then took out her knife and started sneaking towards him.


Carefully watching her step, she sneaked behind Tannin and held her knife just inches away from his throat. She then leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "I am not defenseless."

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Tannin felt like a jolt of electricity ran through his body when Nawen whispered into his ear. He always enjoyed that and always felt like jelly afterwords. He started to let out a pleasure sigh but covered it up with a chuckle. "Obviously, I apologize then for my incorrect wording. Could you perhaps, see it in your heart to forgive me? I'll put extra care into your armor if you do." He said with a smile as he turned his head to look her in the eyes.

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Nawen was taken aback that Tannin seemed to like whatever she did. She put her knife away, sat beside him and looked at him. "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you looking out for me like this, I really do. In fact no one did that before you, but I'm not some damsel in distress, I can protect myself-" she said as for a moment she glanced at the pond, "but that doesn't mean I want you to stop." She said as she looked back at him and smiled. "It's nice to know that someone cares."


"And you will tell me that story you owe me." She added when he mentioned working on her armor. After what he made for Rhaine, she was curious to see how an armor he's making will look like, and while she didn't say anything, Nawen was really glad to see how he makes some of it.

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