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Tales of Faerun


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"Huh?" Weyland groaned as he was shaken awake. "How long I been out? Feels like five minutes ago..."


"It WAS five minutes ago." Sybille clarified. "We been rescued."


"That was quick...."


"Yep. Get up."


Arland, meanwhile, had to explain the entire situation to Marie, who has passed out almost as fast. "Hey, we got a way out. Thri'Kreen, not the dead ones either."


"How long have I been-" She began the exact same line of questioning Weyland had.


"-Five minutes." He told her. "Come on, you can sleep when we're outta here." He pulled her up and steadied her until she could walk on her own and started following everyone out.


Marie and Amendale could barely walk straight on the way out. Arland guided Marie by the shoulder while Weyland would occasionally take the time to shake Amendale violently to wake him up and then point him in the right direction, much to the elf's chagrin. Sybille took up the rear guard on the way out, not expecting to encounter anything but rather to give any stragglers a boot to the behind to speed up, even despite her own poison-induced sluggishness.


Once they were outside of the mountain, they took a break to breathe and drink what water they had left. Hearing Nawen's begrudging agreement with Shalena, Weyland turned around and poked harmless fun at her, grinning widely despite the bags forming under his eyes.


"Right, it's just for the beds. You know you want in on the drinks, Nawwy."


"Stlarn." Arland interjected. "I'll bet even Rhaine wants drinks. Isn't that right, Rhaine?" He grinned mischievously at her. "Come on, 'least a whiskey or two?"


"If she turns it down I'll drink that before I even start countin'." Sybille laughed.

Edited by Flipout6
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Rhaine glanced sideways at Arland, "Not a chance."


"Why am I not surprised he found something 'neat' in there?" Zorica leaned down and whispered to Dagny.


"Because it's Hexol," the dwarf grumbled.


Conall glanced about at the surrounding terrain, squinting against the afternoon sun as he studied the geography of the area for a moment. Then, the werewolf replied to Aurora's inquiry, "Looks like we're...a mile? Two miles? East of where we started, on the far eastern slopes of the Wyrmbones."


It was then that the Thri-kreen expressed a desire to take them back to their encampment; they spoke in broken Common, with more whistles and ticks and whees than actual words. After finally making themselves understood, Rhaine agreed to let them lead the party back to their camp. When they finally arrived, as the sun was setting, the Doomguide noticed that Heidi was there with the other Thri-kreen, sitting atop her cart of supplies beside their horses.


The insectoids rejoiced to learn that their undead kin had been put to rest, and that those who had disturbed them had been sufficiently dealt with. They almost immediately began to celebrate, bringing out musical instruments, giving thanks to the spirits, and welcoming the party into their fold like brothers and sisters. Among these Thri-kreen was the female slave, We'Ka. She approached Rhaine as the Doomguide was ushered towards a log to use as a seat, a much smaller, younger Thri-kreen at her side.


"*wee* Greetingsss blessed-by-spirits *tck*," We'Ka began, her multifaceted eyes glittering in the firelight, "This one isss pleased to see you once more. But I must ask *tck*...where is Tak'we?"


Rhaine felt a little sick. She knew that We'Ka and Tak'we had grown close in the short time they had spent together, and his tragic death was going to be hard to break to the Thri-kreen. She felt that she should do so in as little detail as possible...


"I'm sorry, We'Ka," she began slowly, "He did not make it out of the ruins with us...he's gone."


We'Ka appeared to sway a bit, and she warbled slightly in sadness before replying, "*tck-wee!* At least this one has something to remember him by...his son." She placed a clawed hand on the younger Thri-kreen's shoulder, "This is We'Tak. He was born shortly after you departed for the mountains *tck*. He hass grown sso much sso quickly..."


Rhaine's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but stare a bit at We'Tak. He cocked his tiny head at her in curiosity, "What? *Cheechee* Why are you looking at me like that?" His speech was almost perfect Common, and he was only a few days old...


Conall suddenly tossed Tak'we's amulet at Rhaine and jerked his head towards We'Tak when she caught it. She nodded and turned to the young Thri-kreen, "This belonged to your father, young one. His name was Tak'we, and he was a very, very brave Thri-kreen, indeed. I think he would have wanted you to have it." She leaned forward and clasped the silver medallion around his neck, "May Mother Moon bless you as she blessed him."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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At the highest peak of the day, when the sun is at its warmest the crystal blue eyes of a man opened in a faint shutter of his eyes. At that moment his vision met the cieling of his small home tucked within the docks of this robust trading city. He could hear the voices of shipyard workers, sailors and captains alike. The warm welcome of his home, Innarlith at his door step. Immedialy Artarion slipped on his tunic, which was folded on the night stand near his bedding. A loose and thin blanket made of wool and a cheap bed he could barley get comnfortable in. He ran his fingers through his black and silver hair. The tip of his fingers rubbing against his scalp gently as he pushes back his almost mane like hair. A long drawn sigh wisping from his throat as his thoughts stuck upon the subject of what he shall do this day. Artarion hopped off his bed, gathered his leather pants and boots and slipping them on. His eyes darting to the side of his bed that was pressed against the wall. He scanned within the thin and narrow space he had between the bed and the stone wall, a shining peice of steel glimmering by the suns ray that escaped through the cracks of his windows. A faint smile of remembrance graces his cheeks as his hand grasps the hilt. The weight was precise-perfect in every form for him and him alone. It's tip ever so sharp. He slid the blade between his cloth belt and leather pants on his left side. His weary state had left him yet again...weary. A pale of water set across his home just for the occassion. His home you must understand is quite small. A few feet this way and your nose is touching a wall, a few feet that way and in your in the kitchen, another few feet that way and- well you get the idea. Artarion resumed casual steps towards where the pale was set. He leaned down slighty dipping his hands within the pale slowly andsplashed some water upon his tan skin. The touch of lifes finest creation embracing him. His eyes sparked to life as the weariness quickly regressed into more of a casual awarness of whats going on around him.



Artarion dabbed his sleeved on his face to dry what drops remained on his chin. His gaze shot to the door as a knock sounded. Arts' brow rose in curiosity, it wasn't the steady beat of a knock. It was frantic almost. It was fast and uneven. Aratarion loosened his belt upon his rapier just in case. He approached the door slowly but surley a reasonable pace. He reaches for the door and opens it. His eyes come upon the figure of a woman. He curved figure complementing her slightly masculine attire. She wore tunic that was tight to the chest but loose on the arms. The sleeves would buckle when the winds would pass them. She had the norm mix of pants and leather strapped around it. Her skin slightly pale but of a clean complexion. A well rounded woman with curled red hair and emerald eyes. Her lips creased into a smile as she placed both hands on her hips, "Afternoon Artie."


Artarion gave a small smile to the woman at his door and nodded. "Afternoon Aleria I-" Aleria waved her hand dismissvley.


"No pleasentries Artie, let me in. I heard of something you might like!" Her voice filled with a sort of excitment Artarion knew all to well. She walked past Artarion and sat on a char nearby the doorway. She turned to him as he closed the door shut. Her hand gesturing to the bed. "Take a seat Artie."


"Rather direct is it not Aleria." Art chuckled and sat down his focus now on Aleria as her excitment she is containing seems almost explosive.


"You seen that small army that passed by?" Artarion shook his head in response.


"I have not. Why are you telling me this?" Artarion tilted his head slightly in a questioning manner.


"Well..think about it Artie. Your skills are not meant for a place like this. Your marksmen a damn fine one! A little rusty on the sword play but a damn good archer. You did damn fine in the company as well. You were well regarded and praised. Sad you left so suddently. "


"I am sure." Artarion responded with well mannered sarcasm.


"Yes...a shame it was..well on to the point. You're going to be quite hurt when I say this. You uh..you are aware of how the company is falling apart yes?" Her voice become catious and steady. Almost as if she was hesistant to say. Artarion shifted in his bed a little to get more comfortable. Aleria's eyes wandered slightly and Artarion finally spoke.


"Yes....business was quite slow. Still is I hear."


"Well, you remember Stoney? Hm..well...someone cashed in all his coin yesterday."


"Someone stole the bosses coin..all of it..the company's coin..." Artarion reached a state of bewilderment. "And what does this have to do with me."


"You've been named."


"What...are you talking about.." Art quickly responded with a sense of tensity that was mixed with anger.


"Your the most recent to leave..and without a word. We're taking whats left of what we have and running." Aleria sounded remorseful. But not for Artarion.


"We...we..no. You mean you. You and whomever you planned this scheme with." A distasteful look grew on Artarions face. "How long has he suspected?"


"Few hours ago. I'm certain he has some lads looking as we speak." Artarion got up from his bed. An infuriated expression growing on his face. He turned around and lowered himself to where he pulled a chest out from underneath his bed. Dust followed its trail as his hand dragged it from under. He then placed it ontop of his bed. Its fine wood surface clean and not a spec of dust. He pops open the top revealing his armor.


"If your wondering why I havent gutted you is because of what your doing." Artarion began to assemble the peices of armor he had. He slid his chainmail tunic over his tunic. Then he strapped his left leather pauldron on as well as his steel plate on his right. He then continues to strap on the vambraces for his boots and slip on the cloth mantle with his hood. A quiver of arrows were at the bottom covered by cloth. And under the quiver was his bow. Artarions weapon of choice.


"Oh don't worry friend. He'll find out soon enoguh it wasn't you. I am here to help."


"You did enough of that."


"As I said. I am here to help. Now Artarion. Notch an arrow and aim at the door. There will be a horse just outside the main gates where the stables are. A horse is awaiting you. Its a rather noticable steed. Look for the saddle with the velvet bow tied onto it." Artarions gaze went to the outside. His hand gliding to his quiver as he notches an arrow and draws back at the door. He realized streets grew quiet, no longer were the merchants outside yelling, no longer were the shipmasters rining their bells. Aliera had her her daggers in her hands. Her emerald eyes staring at the door awaiting a moment Artarion now knew was coming.


"Gods know we'll be having a conversation about this....be damned Aliera.." Artarion pulled the bow to its full extension. The sound of steel clanking upon steel echoed in the back ground. Aleria quickly hushed Artarion with a hiss. Her eyes gestured to the door as the steel thump ceased its echo. A blink of an eye and the door shot back and shattered, the force of the door hitting Artarion so hard it launched him back.

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"Oh, I wouldn't mind a drink or two," Nawen said to Weyland, "amusing there will be anything left to drink after some of us gets near the drinks."


When they reached the thri-kreen encampment the first thing Shalena did was to go and look for the drinks. Few moments later she returned, followed by several thri-kreen who brought drinks and food to the group. The piratess sat on one of the logs, already with a drink in her hand. "Just out of curiosity," the piratess started, "these drinks, food and possible dancing isn't a part of some strange wedding ritual, right?"


Nawen looked away from the fire and shot a confused glance at Shalena. "Where do you get these ideas?" She asked.


"Hey, I just don't want to wake up and find one of them tck'ing and wee'ing beside me and going: you're my mate now." The piratess said, and the look on her face made it very hard to figure out if she was serious or simply kidding. "You should be concerned too you know," Shalena added, "didn't our very own Tak'we once said that your cooking skills would make you very sought after by thri-kreen males?"


Nawen shook her head in disbelief. "I can assure you, their hospitality isn't a part of some wedding ritual." She said as she accepted a cup from one of the thri-kreen and smiled in thanks. She watched Rhaine as she talked to We'Ka. The drow noticed a young thri-kreen beside her. It didn't take long for her to realize that he was Tak'we's son. It saddened her greatly to know that Tak'we never got a chance to see his son. She sighed heavily and looked away from them, not wanting to tear up in front of everyone, and turned her attention to other thri-kreen.

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After We'Ka and We'Tak meandered away, Conall sat beside Rhaine and watched the activity. As the evening rapidly turned into night, the festivities became louder and wilder; a pair of Thri-kreen males kept up an almost constant rhythm on their drums, and others of their tribe danced about a growing bonfire. The insectoids were oddly graceful for their size, and their movements were almost mesmerizing, the firelight glittering in their faceted eyes. Dagny politely refused the drinks that were being offered, keeping her Everfull mug close at hand instead. Argyros seemed enthralled by the celebrations, taking in everything with wide-eyed wonder as he perched on a nearby log; in times like these, he seemed so child-like, and it was odd to think that only hours before he had been wrestling with a dracolich in a battle to the death. Zorica did partake of the food and drink offered, and she seemed to grow merrier as the fire grew brighter. Sir Meowsalot playfully chased Aodh around and around the encampment, taking any scraps that were thrown or dropped on the ground.


Tenebris tended to Kalin and kept him away from the hubbub, whilst Dri never left Weyland's side; the rogue was, quite literally, glued to the warrior's arm, and Rhaine couldn't help but smile as she watched them. The Doomguide elbowed Conall and inclined her head to the pair, and the werewolf smiled and nodded with a slow and knowing, "Mmmhmmm."

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After their escape from what could have been their rocky tomb and their arrival at the Thri'kreen village,Tannin stared with an arched brow at the young Thri'kreen named We'tak. "Soooooo.....Tak'we.....has a son.... with someone he met only a few days ago... and it speaks near perfect common..." He said in a flat tone before looking back and forth between Rhaine and Tenebris.

"So which one of you cast the Reincarnate spell?" He asked with a smirk before walking away before they could answer.


As the celebration went on, Lucas wasn't in the mood. He sat away from the others, mentally berating himself for how he panicked. He couldn't stand to face the group now and could swear that they would all soon be mocking him if they hadn't already been.



Noticing Nawen's less than happy mood, Tannin made his way over to sit beside her. "So how are we doing?" He asked her with a smile, nudging her slightly with his shoulder as he did.

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"Booooring!" Arland declared, giving Rhaine a look that was partially bemused and partially disappointed.


"I'll drink up her share too, then." Sybille told her brother with a casual shrug.


The way back to the Thri'Kreen camp was one that seemed to drag on for Amendale and Marie, who simply desired a place to lie down, while it went by surprisingly quickly for the Greys. Sybille fell in beside Zorica and casually asked about life as a Doomguide, as she appeared to possess knowledge on the subject. Weyland- unsurprisingly - strolled along beside Dri, while Arland glared daggers into Kalin's back.


The merrymaking that ensued once they reached their destination lifted the Greys' moods, while Amendale sat down heavily and Marie went off to find somewhere to rest. Sybille, true to her word, finished a cup of wine before she started counting her consumption in earnest, but after her second she left to go look for Marie....but took a mug with her.


Arland sat beside Dagny, obviously well on his way to intoxication. He finished a portion of drink before asking, "Say, can I have a sip?" She obliged him, and he took a sizeable swig for his "sip" and promptly choked on it the instant We'Ka mentioned Tak'We's son.


"Wait, what?!?!" He coughed, handing the mug back to Dagny and hunching over, wiping his mouth. "He has a son? And they've never met!" He glared at Kalin. He didn't say anything, but the implied blame was obvious.

"Arland, shut up and celebrate." Weyland sighed, already sick of Arland's blaming the Elan known to all.


Sybille found Marie in a tent, not quite asleep (somehow) but getting there. She raised her head to greet the warrior and got a cup of wine for a response.


"How're you feeling?" Sybille asked.


"Sore." Marie replied, rubbing her eyes and yawning.


"Thought so. Drink that to dull the pain then go to sleep, remember? As I recall this isn't the first time someone threw a sword at you and it worked last time."


"What? Oh right." Marie recalled a time before they'd met Rhaine's group when she'd taken a short blade to the thigh as a last act of desperation from a man she was closing in on as part of a job. She brought the glass to her lips and drank it all in three gulps. Groaning, she laid her head down on her pillow and closed her eyes. "Thanks." Sybille nodded and left with the glass. She passed Annette and said, "Yeah, she's out." and then sat beside Rhaine at the fire.


Weyland, meanwhile, offered Dri a drink even as he got a new one for himself. "Shall we?" He paused, then laughed. "Get drunk, I mean."

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A few more drinks and Shalena was in a much better mood. While not drunk, she was humming and later singing sea shanties. "Yo-ho! Yo-ho!" She sang with the drink in her hand, "We row beneath the black flag, a rollickin' we go! We own the sea and sky!" Her crew had also joined in the singing. "Yo-ho! Yo-ho! We row beneath the black flag, a rollickin' we go! We bleed the kingdoms dry!"


Nawen who was sitting beside Shalena was none too pleased with the piratess's swaying and waving her drink around. It got even stranger when one of the pirates stood up and started dancing around them while pretending to play some instrument, but what kind of instrument it supposed to be Nawen couldn't tell.


"What are you doing?" Nawen asked the pirate.


"Playing a tune with a wenderkazoo, lass." The pirate replied as he danced around them.


"A what?"


"Wenderkazoo," Shalena explained, "it suppose to be an invisible instrument, created by Wendersnaven."


Nawen said nothing for a moment. The word was familiar. "Wendersnaven..." she mused, "they are mythical rats or something?"


"Or something." Shalena laughed as she got up, handed her drink to the nearby thri-kreen and joined her crew member in dancing around the campfire, but strangely enough she danced with a certain grace without tripping or confusing the steps. The pirate who played his non-existent kazoo moved a bit farther when Tannin sat beside Nawen.


"Could be better," she shrugged as she looked at him, "it's just..." she paused as she edged a bit closer so that two particular thri-kreen couldn't hear her, "Tak'we had... has a child, and a mate. He could have had a family," she said, "but now he's gone." She looked away from him and for a moment stared at the fire before looking back at him. "I just wish he was here... so that he could have seen them both."

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Aurora was utterly in her element as the festivities came to head, dancing along to the thri'kreen's drums and consuming near enough her own body weight in wine; a giddy and marginally dishevelled drunkard, the Bardess was struck with euphoria as Shalena and her pirates began their sea shanties, swaying along and sloshing her drink over both herself and the pirates she had huddled between, relishing their decadent company as she added to the cacophony her own voice, not quite the usual lilting lark song after the influence of considerable amounts of alcohol, she was beyond the realm of concern as she danced around the fire with Shalena.


Xallistine, neither one to partake in the frivolities of his companions nor able to dance around the campfire considering his age, settled beside Rhaine and Conall with his legs tucked neatly beside him, ever elegant even upon the floor. "You surfacers always surprise me." The Ulitharid began, his tone one of contentment "Even after the horrors we have faced and the loss we have suffered, you find it in you to parade around with such glee; a warming sight, is it not? That even after our loss, the bulk survives, and dear Tak'we lives on in his son."

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The dirt danced and shielded the entirety of Artatrions' house. His body slammed against the stone wall of his home. His breath escaping him in a pain wretched gasp. As he lie upon his floor fighting for the ability to catch his breath his eyes search for bodies hiding within the dirt fog. He could only hear the sound steel connecting with steel, and the cold sound of flesh ripping. He had prayed that it not be Aleria. Artarion quickly grasped his bow and jumped to his feet. His eyes squinting in pain as the dirt settles within his eyes. As seconds pass the dust began to settle, his vision clearing he could see a figure lunging at him from only two feet away. With quick and agile response Artarion side steps making his attacker lose his balance int he force of his own swing. He stumbles forward only slightly but the opportunity was priceless.


Artarion jolts forward in that second, his leg launching at full force at his bent knee. The sound of bone cracking and bending to his force echos throughout his home. The curdling scream from within the helmeted figure was...impressive. Before he could fall Artarion had already knocked back his bow, bending it as he pulls back with strength. He then releases the arrow into the back of the mans kneck, silencing his pain riddled cry. He looks over seeing Izelia fighting off a staff wielding wizard. Izelia's figure dodging back and forth from his blows. Fire and ice cracked and flew pass Izelias form as her blows deflected and parried by the mans staff. He was skilled, he could fight within close quarters with just a staff. The distraction of Alerias' battle took its' toll on Artarion. A sensation of pain electrified through his body as a blade sliced at his side. It wasn't it deep but it sent Art recoiling from the blow. The steel clad figure heaving back for another strike Artarion jumps back. He tosses his own bow to the side as he takes hold of his rapier. He grins and bows his head ever so tauntingly to his new fleshy opponent.


"The boss wants your 'ead Artie, lets be still and lemme 'ave it!"


"Vokes? He sent you to take it? Well, isn't that a shame." Artarion held his side with one hand and the other wielding his rapier. His stance lowered in a defensive gesture. "First move boy." The angered Vokes came swinging. He wasn't fast, nor was he very much skilled with a blade. Art quickly parried Vokes attempt at an over head swing toward his dome. Vokes lurched forward but ducked just in time as Arties' Rapier graced only the tip of his helmet. Vokes spun on his heel, his blade arcing to the side as he attempts another sweep of Artarions torso. Art jumps back regaining his footing with quick skill he jabs his rapiers point as his opponents neck. His front foot directing his ever movement and with each quick jab his foot would take a leap sending Vokes back one foot at a time. Vokes immediately began to struggle at blocking Artarions quick and precise attacks. At once Vokes was pinned down by his opponents speed. His teeth gritted against each other. Artarions face held certain stern expression as it was unreadable his eyes locked on Vokes. He began to strike flesh one bit at a time, slicing as his arms, torso, legs and wrists. Vokes was defeated and he knew it. The swordplay went on for only a mere thirty seconds and Vokes had already lost the ability to hold his blade. His wrists dripping in blood. Vokes, defeated and battered in such a way he just stood there staring at Artarion. He had his rapier pointing at his neck, a small smirk growing on his face as he presses it within his skin. The thin blade like butter seeps into his neck. Thick crimson dripping from the growing hold in his neck. He dropped to the floor limp and quick. His form twitching its last twitch. Art looked back to Aleria who had clearly finished the wizard and was watching it like it was some sort of performance.


"No you must go, as should I. This will be the last time we meet Artarion." She spoke with a sense of reluctance as she tossed a bag of coin. "A offer of truce from friends far and close."


Artarion caught the small leather bag, tying it to his sash. "Over?" He shook his head. "No..Aleria..I assure you that we are far from over. This is a betrayal..and I shant forget it."

Artarion left his body ridden home, his life began a new. He headed towards the stables located right infront of the main gate. It is said that a group of travelers had left not too long ago and he sent out to find refuge amongst them.

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