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Tales of Faerun


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Lucas came downstairs still in a half-asleep state, swaying from side to side with every step. He slumped into the nearest chair and lay his head onto the table. "I don't even know if I slept last night." He moaned pitifully. "I don't know why.. but I kept having weird dreams involving talking, roasted turkeys, vampires and flying cabbages." He groaned as he ran his hands through his disheveled hair.


"Sounds fun." Azuris grunted from the corner of the room. How long he had been there no one could say.


"The cabbages kept trying to steal my pants too! You know it's bad when siding with the undead monsters is the most sensible thing in your dream." Lucas complained.



Leif came down sometime later, though looking in much worse shape than anyone would expect. He moved with a very noticeable limp in his left leg, wincing with every step. He looked over to where Rhaine and the young halfling were standing and snickered. "He was asking about joining last night. Apparently has gone from Baldur's Gate to here looking for a group to adventure with. They're hard to find apparently." He said with a smirk before turning to head down to the bar to order up some breakfast and a hopefully a warm drink.


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Rhaine raised an eyebrow first at Leif, then at Codswell, taking the halfling's hand hesitantly. His eagerness was unsettling, considering he likely barely knew what he was getting into. She was almost certain that anyone else amongst her company who had talked to him would have left the details up to her. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but perhaps you should hear more of what I have to say to my company before you make your decision. You should know what you're getting into before you possibly lay down your life for our cause," she replied, striding past him, down the stairs and into the common room.


Once there, she spread her map out again on one of the tables and waited until she had everyone's attention before beginning, "Everyone, I have done some intense studying of our options, and it appears as if our route will eventually lead to the sea," she nodded to Shalena, "So I believe ship travel is most certainly in our future once again. We do not want to head northwards into Thayan territory, after all. That means we will be going westward after we reach Rauthil and boarding the Sea Compass in Sultim. Then, we should be able to sail across the Alamber Sea between Chessenta and Aglarond, and-"


"Aglarond?" Zorica's sleepy voice came from the stairs, and she looked at Rhaine with wide amber eyes, "Say...do you think..."she glanced around at the others, "Do you think we could make a stop there? It's just..." she trailed, looking to Amendale, "I think it would do me good to go there."


Suddenly, Abby came rushing into the room, barreling past Zorica and heading straight for the bar, "Hair of the dog...need it...now."

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Was confused at the newcomers distre3ss but keeps quiet and watches thinking quietly to himself, "It has been a while since I have been on water, but i belileve the sailing skills i learned at Baldur's Gate from some sailors who had stopped by the tavern. it will take some getting used to after having been off so long. Anyways I can keep a weather eye out for trouble if I need to." Codswell got into a position to get a clear view of the map, a thoughtful expression on his face as he weighs the first part of being told about the adventure.

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Markas listened in as he ate, the party seemed to want to travel to the sea. He smiled at Fang, "Wanna go for a boat ride pal?" He asked the hound beside him, it's eyes fixed on his plate. Markas shook his head and leaned back after throwing the hound a strip of bacon. He wanted to go to the sea, he had never sailed on a ship before and it sounded like an interesting adventure. The Halfling realized his interest in this group was growing but he also noticed a hesitation among them, they seemed to have a slight morale shock.


Fang gobbled the strip of bacon as Markas decided to follow this group, he had no real place to go nor any other reason to go there beyond his itchy feet. He wiped his lips with a handkerchief and leaned back in the chair as he listened in. Enjoying the group dynamic, he had not seen this kind of situation for sometime and it was becoming quiet the exciting affair to observe. He flipped a gold coin in the air and caught it as he watched, he kept weighing the pros and cons of this group. Noticing how they spoke with one another, it became a slight obsession on his part he had to admit to himself. As he watched he wondered if they were out for gold and glory or on some kind of mission. Their leader, Rhaine. Had begun to interested him. He had seen numerous leaders, good and bad and he had followed and wandered with both in his time but she was something different, she was driven by a purpose higher then wealth and fame. Markas had little interest in gold or fame, his interest was in adventure and stories to tell, it was in seeing new places and meeting people like this Rhaine and Ramses.


He flipped the coin for the last time and caught it with a loud slap as it hit the palm of his hand, he begun to twitch nervously. His leg jumping up and down as he listened. He was nervous and it was strange to him. He wanted to stand up and offer his support but he knew that would be rude so he decided to wait until he could approach at an appropriate time.

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While the food served at ​The Shifting Sands was something that warranted much improvement, Rameses had enjoyed a night's rest in an actual bed more than he could have ever anticipated. The fire genasi was so enthralled in the blissful rest that he had almost missed breakfast. He was awakened by conversation in the hallway outside his door, and he was quick dart out of bed. After splashing his face with some water and running a hand through his blazing coppery-gold hair, Rameses quickly pulled on his overcoat and boots. Grabbing what effects he had brought in on his person, the fighter quickly left his room. Rameses was quick to dart around Codswell in the hall, and the genasi found the stairs currently occupied by Zorica. So, he eased back and slowed his pace, fortunately only fashionably late to the morning gathering.


However, Rameses' enthusiasm was quickly turned into unease as he overhead a discussion of seafaring travel. While this group had done much for him, one of the few things Rameses presumed he would never do willingly is sail across seas. The thought of being surrounded by churning seawater as far as the eye could see somewhat was one of the the genasi of fire's few terrors; he considered the seas to be unnatural at best and hazardous to his health at worst. Even his szuldur markings seemed to smolder and flare slightly with his growing discomfort of the events to come. Before he could speak up about the topic at hand, Rameses saw Abby charge past him and Zorica, rushing downstairs into the main room. Her bizarre demands for dog hair at the bar confused Rameses, but he was still unsettled at the task at hand.


"Er... How long would it take to cross the Alamber Sea...?" Rameses finally spoke up, conflicting bravery and hesitation in his tone and expression.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Codswell perked at the question, "Depending on the steel of the crew and the hardiness of the ship you could possibly sail over the alamber sea in as little as a month. Though the passage would be frought with peril. I have heard many stories about this route only the bravest of seafarer's would take. Tis but a humble suggestion if you don't mind.

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"I don't want to spend another couple of weeks on a Tluining boat." Arland cursed. "Last time I wanted to hold one of my blades to the wall and light the whole ship on fire just for something to do."


"You do that this time and I'm throwing you overboard in full armor." Sybille threatened.


"We could kick him off the boat and let him swim." Dri suggested slyly, maintaining a perfect poker face.


Zorica's evidently-drowsy voice requesting they stop in Aglarond was met, unsurprisingly, with abject denial by Arland. "Hells no! That just means it'll take longer for us to actually get to where we need to go and we're locked up in the boat longer!"


Amendale gave him an icy glare. "If one of ours needs to stop somewhere, we'll stop there."


"And besides," Sybille added. "if we spend a few days on land, we'll get to sleep in proper beds and the floor won't be rocking. I'm all for it."


"And then we've gotta get used to the ship all over again. Couldn't we just walk from there?" Arland began to look at the map, before Amendale grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and hit him with sleeping magic. Arland slumped over, hit his face on the table, and then rolled out of his chair onto the floor.


"Any intelligent arguments to be made?" He asked, one part amused and one part irritated as Marie laughed so hard that she started leaking the peach juice she was drinking out of her nose.


"I'm sorry-" She snorted. "It's just, the sound his face made when it hit the table, it's just..." Then she was laughing again. Sybille, as was to be expected, wore a huge smile.


"Priceless is what it was."

Weyland, meanwhile, rolled Arland over and used his back as a footrest. "I'm alright with this plan." Was all he had to say in-between mouthfuls of breakfast.

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"HEY!" Coldwell looked very annoyed and went over moving Amendale's feet and barely picks Arland up cursing, "Is this how you treat all your friends!? Why ever would you do such a thing to someone who trust and respects you!? He wouldn't be traveling with you if he didn't." Codswell brought Arland over to an empty chair and sat, thinking about how he could tend the growing lump on Alan's head before grabbing some herbs out of his sack and crushed them up in a drink before giving the drink to Arland. Codswell made sure Arland would not choke as he gave him the mixture while casting a glare at Amendale continuing, "If you are on such a big quest wouldn't it make more sense to have everyone healthy and able for the journey ahead? I didn't mean to snap at you............. but........... I had a flashback of my life back in Baldur's Gate for a moment, but please don't treat your allies like this again, ok?" The halfling's eyes changed from rage to begging as he had claimed down. The halfling sighed as he continued to revive Arland.
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Shalena's face lit up at the mention of her ship. "Well it's about time," she said as she glanced at the map, "me and my crew missed traveling by the sea." The piratess listened to Rhaine describing the route and watched the said route on the map. However, as soon as their newest companion, Coldwell spoke up, she couldn't help but chuckle. "The only somewhat concerning trouble that awaits us in those waters are Thayvian ships, but I have confidence in my ship, and I doubt they'd pay much attention to yet another pirate ship, since pirates are far from uncommon in these parts."


The piratess frowned visibly at the voiced complaints about sea travel. "Be thankful you don't have to row a boat across the sea," she said, "I've spent half of my life in the sea and I don't complain nearly as much about traveling by land." As surprising as it was, the piratess sounded genuinely offended.


Nawen stared at the map and listened to the conversation, but didn't say anything. And then Amendale did something she never expected him to do. The drow watched with the raised eyebrow as Arland slumped to the floor before glancing at Amendale. "You could have just silenced him, you know."


Shalena laughed when the unexpected scene took place and the sound Arland's head made when it hit the table made her laugh even more. She turned to Rhaine once she was able to control her laughter. "Bet you were tempted to do something like that too." She said.

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The next morning, after staggering back to her own room, Llhunarra awoke to the sound of people moving about the hall. Why did they need to get up so early? Pulling a fluffy pillow over her face for a moment the rogue contemplates suffocation instead of forcing herself to rise. The allure of more sleep was indeed tempting, but hours missed might mean she was left alone in the inn. While having become casual friends with a few of the group she figured that if she was missing, no one would even notice.


Rolling over to the edge of the bed her bare feet press to the cool wooden floorboards. Yawning she thinks back to the night before, the foggy conversation she remember having with Rhaine playing over in her head...minus the parts she just couldn't remember. Still, missing sentences included, the overall discussion had been beneficial to the red head. Deep down the whole decision still felt unnatural, but she saw the intent behind it. One couldn't protect their allies while letting a threat run around for a chance at redemption. Llhunarra was glad she had no role similar to the Chosen's, she couldn't make decisions like that.


Eventually getting dressed and gathering her things she drags herself downstairs. Rhaine had already begun addressing everyone and although she had missed the details, she overheard the mention a ship. Swallowing some as the conversation continued she looked to Shalena, the piratess seeming perfectly comfortable with the topic. Made sense...but that didn't mean Llhunarra had to like it. Propping herself against the wall, she listens. Having nothing to say about ships and the ocean, nothing positive that is, she doesn't interrupt.

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