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Tales of Faerun


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Kellak shrugged off the rejection, he moved to a nearby hill and sat down on a rock as he rummaged around for his pipe, he removed a long necked pipe that was roughly a foot long and appeared to be carved out of stone instead of the traditional wood, an intricate carving lined the pipes neck and bowl of dwarfs smoking similar pipes and drinking in a clan house. Kellak stuffed in his favorite pipeweed with his thumb and struck a match to light it. It had a light earthy smell and drifted thickly as he puffed hard to make sure the flame held strong.


The dwarf watched as the two men matched lances, he admired the young knight called Conall, he had courage and was a modest kind of man. When his opponent spoke of being cursed by a young Lady it piqued his interest and distaste, the right to choose ones own path was fundamental to him and he could not let it go without at least bringing his opinion up.


"We cannot let this be... no man should 'ave his choice in path taken from him." He said to Rhaine, hoping to sway the Doomguide into investigating this matter.

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Upon hearing the Knight's predicament, Leif's face turned grim. "Geas, damn hard to remove 'cept by the caster." He said, eyeing the tower in the distance, he knew all too well the damage that such a spell could cause, yet another cause of an unseen scar that would never properly heal.


"I'll fly on up ahead, start a chat with her, see if she won't remove it out of the goodness of her heart, or I'll aggressively suggest it till she relents." He said with a smirk, bringing down mages was always something he enjoyed.


"Are you sure that's a wise decision?" Asked Lucas.


"Nope, ain't in the habit of making those." Leif answered as he spurred Zaph onwards and upwards.


As he flew, Leif proceeded to cast an assortment of extra protective spells on top of his usual ones, though he most certainly wasn't top tier spell caster, he still had an expansive number of spells he could draw from.

Quickly reaching the tower, he made sure to land Zaph a bit further away from the tower than what one normally would in order to avoid any barriers. Pace about for a bit he eventually called out, asking to see the master of the tower, not exactly expecting a response, but figuring it couldn't hurt to announce his presence as getting the drop on a wizard in her tower was highly unlikely.

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"Please, my lady, I beseech thee," Sir Gregor looked to Rhaine, "If thou wouldst, out of the kindness and mercy of thine heart, go to her abode and ask her to lift her curse? I have implored all who have come my way, but none dare approach the tower for fear of what the lady there could do to them in anger. But I swear to thee," he placed his gauntleted hand atop his chest, "she will do thee no harm. And thy comrade is right; only she can lift it...no other mage has been successful thus far."


Zorica glanced to Rhaine, "I think we should do what we can for the poor man. Even if we don't succeed, at least we'll know we tried."


Rhaine thought for a moment and then nodded, "Very well, Sir Gregor. I cannot promise you success, but I will do what I can to persuade her."


The knight seemed to sigh with relief, "Oh dear gods, I thank you all. I pray you are indeed successful in your quest. However, I do have one stipulation - please, do not harm her. If she does not wish to lift her curse," he took a deep breath and then released it slowly, "then I shall simply have to live my days like this until the coldness of her heart is melted."


"Let's hope that doesn't happen," Rhaine replied, turning her horse's head towards the tower, "Lucas, Aera, Eirene, I want you with me. The rest of you wait here with Sir Gregor."


The knight watched the Doomguide ride off in the direction Zaph and Leif had taken before returning his attention to Rameses, "In the meantime, goodsir, I think that thou asked to joust with me?" He looked Rameses up and down, "I suppose...it shall be an honorable game, if a shield and horse are given to thee."


"He can have mine," Conall slid from Gaius's back, offering Rameses the reins and the knight's extra shield. He also unbuckled his helmet and gave it to the genasi, "Might want this as well for your eyes."




Meanwhile, at the lady's tower, the elderly maidservant heard someone calling and tentatively opened the old, creaky door just a crack. Poking her snowy-crowned head out of it, she asked in a high, sweet voice, "Yes, m'dear?"

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*SSSsss....* We'tak gave an indignant hiss at being refused at first, but simmered down once Conall explained things. "Oh, there is a season to hunt for all things, yes?" he attempted to translate the werewolf's softskin saying into a thri-kreen equivalent, understanding reflected in his posture. Though still slightly disappointed he wouldn't get to participate in the jousting, the thri-kreen still listened to his clutchmate and stood aside to watch.


His disappointment, though, quickly turned into shock and awe as Conall and Sir Gregor smashed their lances against one another. On second thought, the thri-kreen thought as he reconsidered, I probably should not joust... that looked like it would CRUSH my chitin... His enthusiasm now gone (for the time being), We'tak stood there half-listening as he came up with ways to counter such a foe in the future. He did not get far in his musings, though, before he overheard Sir Gregor mention he was cursed.


"Cursed? By a softskin female?" He couldn't help but look at Conall in question. "How many softskins are blessed by the spirits with such power!?" His confusion only grew as Rhaine decided to go to the tower, but was only taking Lucas, Eirene, and Aera with her. We'tak wanted to go as well, but he didn't want to go against Winged Pointy-ear's wishes, either. As the small group left for the tall structure, he slumped against his gythka. "And I wanted to ask Eirene more questions, too..."


He looked over at Conall once more, determined to ask him more questions as Rameses went to joust and gain more knowledge; the thri-kreen still had much more to ask, after all, and Conall seemed full of the wisdom he sought. "Sir Conall? I thought your name is Conall Whitefang? Why does Sir Gregor have the same name?"

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After climbing down from Jarl's saddle and offering the camel's reins to Conall in exchange for those of the paladin's gray stallion, Rameses spared a grateful nod before also taking Gregor's spare shield and the werewolf's helm. All three of the borrowed items were unusual to the genasi, but he luckily knew enough of them to hopefully avoid making a fool of himself. "I'll be sure to return Gaius and your helmet in just as good condition as they are now," Rameses remarked to Conall with a slight smirk, "And I'd best warn you to not stray closer to Jarl than needed; he bites when he's upset." Conall nodded and grinned, "Very well, Rameses. Good luck."

Sliding the heater shield onto his left forearm, the genasi then hoisted himself onto Gaius's ornate saddle and rested the helmet on his head before cantering over to Sir Gregor and his brilliantly-adorned steed. It felt strange riding a horse, an animal whose saddle was much closer to the ground than he was accustomed to. Also, Rameses noticed a strange feeling as he and Gaius rode over to meet the knight; there was a certain degree of power, discipline in the stallion's motions and mannerisms. This steed was truly one fit for a disciplined warrior such as Conall.


Leaning forward into Gaius's saddle in anticipation for the joust to come, Rameses smiled through the open visor of his borrowed helm towards Gregor as they met upon the strip of level earth where he and Conall had jousted moments ago. "I hope you'll forgive a novice's inexperience at the sport, Sir knight?" The genasi mused as he took a spare lance from the knight and gave a respectful nod in return.


Sir Gregor smiled as he rode alongside Rameses, "Thine heart may make up for thy lack of skill, goodsir. Don't judge thyself before thy performance." With that, he lowered his visor and cried, "To your position!"

His szuldar radiating a fiery aura as his heart began to race, the genasi nodded briefly and lowered his visor as well, directing Gaius several yards away before turning the stallion to face the opposing knight. Recalling Conall's actions, Rameses hoped he could replicate them as he raised his lance, mirroring the necessary movements and soon spurring Gaius towards Gregor. Rameses was quite surprised by how swiftly Conall's steed closed the distance so effortlessly, gaining speed as Sir Gregor also charged ever closer.


Gregor lowered his new lance halfway through the charge, aiming directly at the center of Rameses's shield. Upon impact, the lance shattered, spraying splinters in a shower over the horses' manes. Gregor bounced in his seat, but held firm, grasping the saddle so as not to lose his balance as he dropped the remnants of the lance on the ground.

While Rameses did strike his lance upon Gregor's shield as intended, little could have prepared him for the sheer force that coursed through his body upon the impact; the violent sensation of his lance breaking against Gregor's shield and Gregor's lance shattering against his all but completely stunned the genasi, and the unprecedented crash of energy succeeded in dislodging Rameses from Gaius's saddle before he could effectively resist its effects. Tossed clearly off his mount and landing on his back with a substantial thud, the genasi remained worriedly dazed until his lungs refilled with air. Soon returning to his senses, the genasi began to laugh of all things, clapping shakily as he sat up upon the grass peppered with wooden splinters.


Upon seeing Rameses fall, Sir Gregor swung down from his saddle and jogged over to where the genasi sat, raising his visor and proffering him a helping hand, "Right well thou didst, for a first try, Rameses. I daresay, with practice, thou wouldst make a fine knight."

Grinning ear to ear while his runic szuldar flared gleefully, Rameses accepted Sir Gregor's hand with a rapid nod, soon standing tall. "Do you think so? That was quite the rush! Now I see why bards tell their tales of knights jousting!" He chuckled happily, his heart still racing wildly.


Sir Gregor clapped the genasi on the shoulder, "I would not tell thee an untruth, goodsir. But, I also I must needs tell thee that there is much more to being a knight than jousting. There is our code of honor that we must live by, else we are not knights at all." He sighed, "But, that is a tale for another time, I think. For now, let us see what fortune brings us and hope thine companions are successful in their quest, yes?"

Reminded of Gregor's predicament, Rameses nodded in agreement and remarked, "Let's hope so; surely Lady Doomguide can bring some sense into the mage that's antagonized you, Gregor." Upon finishing his statement, the genasi sighed in relief to see the two horses standing nearby, awaiting patiently for their riders' return.

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Kellak puffed away on his pipe as he rummaged through a pile of loose stones and found a coarse granite stone. The dwarf clenched it in his hands and shaped it into a smooth bar shaped whetstone. He spat a wad of saliva onto the stone and put Haelga across his lap and began running the freshly made whetstone over the edge, it gave off a loud scraping sound as he ran the sharpening stone along the length of the spike opposite the axe head.


Terra rolled over onto her back in a loose pile of dirt and began rolling in it, the soft soil felt good in her fur and helped cool her down since Bearcats prefer colder climates. Odyn The Raven perched on Kellak's shoulder and cawed loudly in his ear, Kellak swatted him away, 'Begone ye' ruddy bird!" He growled at the raven, which cawed loudly in reply.


Kellak noticed the Thri-Kreen and nodded, he had dealt with them before and found them to be good companions and fighters. "Leave te' shiney-ones to their stick fightin'." He said to the Thri-Kreen.

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"Wanna talk to the lady in charge here." Leif said to the elderly woman in the window. "That's either you or you have a way of contacting her, wanna talk to her about that knight wandering around the place. "So have he come out here so we can talk, or I'll come in there, whichever she prefers. Would rather this be a civil visit if she doesn't mind." He said, squinting his eyes as he looked over the tower.



It took Lucas a moment before he realized that Rhaine had asked that he be part of the group going to the tower. "Umm... Yeah, okay." He said as he started to follow.


They weren't too far from the party when a familiar high pitched voice came from his side. "I'm coming too!"


"I.. don't think that's a good Idea Hexol."


"Why not? Wizards always have neat things to see!" The excited Kender said happily.


"That's... that's exactly why it's not a good idea." Lucas said with a sigh.

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Aera followed Rhaine and company to the tower, surprised by the old maid who opened the door. She expected a bit more powerful a bodyguard for the place, but perhaps the enchantments were enough.

Hazel watched as Rameses and Sir Gregor clashed, and winced as Rameses was thrown completely off his horse. She wasn't too worried about him, but it didn't stop her reaction. She grinned as Rameses stepped back into the fray of party members, and she decided she'd be among the first few to remark on what had happened, "Maybe we'll have to call you Sir Rameses someday."

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Once Sir Gregor and Rameses returned to the main part of the group, Zorica gave the genasi an approving nod, "Nice first try!"


"I agree," Conall added, "Well done, indeed."


"Say," Abby piped up, "Why is it that you talk different than most others?" She directed the question at Sir Gregor, whose temporary look of befuddlement made her think she might have accidentally insulted him, until he leaned forward from the waist with a grin and replied, "'Tis the language of chivalry, of honor, and of love, dear lady."




Meanwhile, back at the tower, the old woman disappeared for a few moments before returning to the door, opening it wide for them to come inside, "Milady will see you all...just a few moments and she will be down." The maid then beckoned them to enter with a wave of her hand.


Rhaine was the first to go into the tower, and once her eyes adjusted, she saw that it was like a castle in miniature. The first floor ceiling was high, a mahogany spiral staircase leading up to the second floor. The windows were of frosted glass, the panes thick and freshly cleaned. A goat-horn chandelier hung above, beneath which were elaborately upholstered chairs and a divan. A large fireplace warmed the stone room with a crackling, merry orange glow. Along the walls were tall, ornate wooden bookcases filled with old and dusty tomes, and the shelves also bore an odd assortment of gold and bejeweled nick-knacks. Upon the floor were fur and tapestry rugs, actual tapestries and paintings adorning the walls. A desk on the wall next to the staircase bore a porcelain vase filled with near-fresh roses - they may have been a week old, but were kept alive with water.


"May I help you, travelers?"


A light, airy voice addressed them from the stairs. It belonged to a stunningly beautiful young woman, scarcely twenty years of age. Her angelic face, with its delicate nose and thin pink lips, was porcelain white, and her eyes were large and chocolate brown. Her golden hair, immaculately cared for, fell in bountiful curls all the way to her knees. Around her brow was a plain golden circlet, which held a gossamer-thin white veil to the back of her head, atop her hair. She wore a matching white gown, long bell sleeves falling nearly to the floor, belted and accented with gold and tiny rubies. The neckline of the dress was modest; around her elegant neck she wore a gold medallion that was engraved with a swan and set with mother-of-pearl.

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Upon his return to the spectating group alongside Sir Gregor, Rameses was bombarded with an array of satisfying, pride-inspiring compliments from his companions. A wild reactionary grin quickly characterized the genasi's countenance as he returned to Conall his helmet and Gaius in exchange for a particularly sullen Jarl, then offering the heater shield to Gregor shortly after. Of all the encouraging remarks received, however, Hazel's was the only one which influenced Rameses's szuldar to flare with sheepish, bashful energy before his grin broadened at the dryad.


"Sir Rameses... I think you might be on to something, Hazel. Sir Rameses of Galeran." He mused gleefully, chuckling lightly as a chaotic expanse of thoughts captivated his imagination. Although, the genasi's attention soon focused upon We'tak; the thri-kreen seemed to be anticipating an explanation for his inquiry to Conall, which Rameses had overheard upon his return from the nearby joust. The genasi also spared a curious glance in Kellak's direction, and he took a mental note to perhaps speak with the new dwarf soon in hopes of welcoming him to the company.


"'Sir' isn't a proper name Conall and Gregor share, We'tak, it is a title meant to show respect," Rameses attempted to explain as best as he could to his young friend, "There are countless sorts of titles like it: Captain, King, My Lady, Your Majesty. There's honestly more of them than I could ever keep track of."



Eirene was surprised that Rhaine had chosen her to accompany the small detachment of their party to investigate the enchantress said to have cursed Sir Gregor, but the Mulhorandi ranger did not argue against the Doomguide's wishes as she followed her, Aera, and Lucas to the tower. As they approached, she genuinely hoped that Gregor's ailment was some act of mischievousness that would be swiftly revolved without issue. Once they were greeted by the mage's elderly maid, who quickly allowed their group into the tower's interior, Eirene gasped at the regal, luxurious atmosphere within. She was astonished by how cozy and ornate every detail of the tower's ground floor seemed, and she was quick to follow Rhaine inside to better witness this degree of affluence which was all but a myth to a backwater, impoverished river rat such as herself.


"This place is so... majestic. Seemingly out of place, considering the ordinary landscape surrounding it..." Eirene doted musingly before nearly flinching at the wispy voice of the enchantress herself, whose appearance easily compelled the Mulhorandi to be careful not to stare in awe or envy.

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