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Tales of Faerun


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Kellak watched the Genasi take a nasty hit and fall off his borrowed horse. He smiled and nodded towards him in respect when he glanced his way, after the brief exchange he returned to his sharpening work, this time running the whetstone over the axe's blade. The Dire Badger was sneaking up behind him slowly as if ready to attack. Suddenly she sprang onto Kellak, knocking him off the boulder he was sitting on and grabbed him in a tight hug as she rolled onto her back, the dwarf laughed and broke free of her grip and rolled onto his knees. He began to scratch her stomach to which the Bearcat seemed to enjoy greatly, her foot kicking wildly as he did it.


He teased the Bearcat in dwarvish before he finished scratching her stomach, the beast rolled over and moved out in front of him, a wide smile on her face. Kellak let out a boisterous laugh and nodded.


"Alright ya' bloody beast.. gimme 'alf a mo." He said before moving his hands to his side and taking in a deep breath, he leveled his arms to his hips in a wide stance, his fists closed. He pulled his foot up and stomped hard onto the ground and a rock the size of a melon popped right out of the bare earth, leaving a hole where it exited and went airborne. Kellak caught it in his meaty fist and hurled it down the road where it bore deep into a hillside, Terra bounded after it in a large gallop with back feet before front feet then began digging the loose dirt away in pursuit of the large rock.


Kellak chuckled loudly as he watched the Bearcat dig a large hole in the hillside with her front claws, sending large gouts of earth and stone out from between her legs as she dug furiously. It was just a few minutes before her head and front paws were largely inside the hole, she emerged not long after with the rock in her teeth and covered in dirt. She trotted back to Kellak, the dust and dirt flying off of her loose skin and fur as she ran and dropped it into Kellak's outstretched hand. He patted her on the head, releasing a cloud of clinging dirt and smiled.


"That's a good lass.." He said approvingly before reaching back and throwing the rock again, this time into the same hole but even deeper then it went before.

Edited by Macman253
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While Lucas stared at the beautiful woman, while holding onto Hexol's arms to keep him from touching anything, Leif's eyes continuously darted around the room as he spoke. "Yeah... You put a geas on the knight out there, we wanna know why." He demanded.



"Never did care for the ones that talk like that." Azuris grumbled after Abby mentioned Gergor's manner of speaking. "Always full of themselves, were usually the first to die too."

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"Titles?" We'tak looked at Rameses, head tilted in confusion. " Very sstrange... so 'sir,' 'king,' and 'captain' are all terms of respect for softskins? Hmm... thri-kreen simply give respect to those worthy of it. No such need for extra names or 'titles.' Do softskins not know this?" Yet, despite his own reasoning, the young thri-kreen was still deeply interested in the topic, and thus continued in his usual curious manner.


"So with these 'titles,' would I need to use them for everyone to show respect?" He asked, slight trepidation in his tone; if he had to call every single softskin he knew by 'sir,' now, it would likely just end in confusion for him at best. When Hazel mentioned Rameses as becoming Sir Rameses, We'tak began to add another question. "Sir Rameses someday? But, does Fireskin not receive great respect already? Should you not be called with 'sir' already?"

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Abby's cheeks turned redder than a beet at Sir Gregor's words, but Zorica rolled her eyes, feeling pretty certain that the knight was hamming it up for the hell of it since the half-dragon asked. However, part of her wondered if he was actually being serious, since he seemed so serious about everything else. Nearby, Conall glanced over his shoulder to watch the dwarf throwing a rock farther and farther into a hillside for his dire badger to fetch, and he couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of the animal - she was oddly adorable for such a ferocious creature. He took back Gaius and his helm and put one hand on his hip as he observed their surroundings. It was a rather peaceful stretch of countryside and was likely a nice place to set up a home.


Sir Gregor himself laughed aloud at the young thri-kreen's questions, "My friend, it is not only a word of respect, but also one that indicates a rank. Thou needs must learn much about human society, it seems. Nobles and the like are distinguished from peasantry by terms such as 'Sir,' 'Lord,' 'Lady,' et cetera...and these terms vary depending on how high the person is on the social ladder, shall we say. Not everyone will be called by the same title."


Meanwhile, back at the lady's tower, Rhaine watched the enchantress come the rest of the way down the stairs, her steps light and measured as her gown trailed behind her. Her brow knitted in a puzzled expression at the lot of them before she answered, "Oh, yes! Of course I did. He is my betrothed, you see."


Rhaine's brows rose, and she stole a glance at the others before replying, "Ahh...and that requires you to put a geas on him?" Her words were half question, half statement.


The lady crossed her arms, "Did he send you to ask me to lift it?"


The Doomguide nodded, "Yes, my lady, he did. He-"


"Then I shan't say one word more until I find out something. Does he still carry a white kerchief of mine?" She lifted her chin and looked down her nose at them expectantly.


"I am afraid I don't know the answer to that, my lady," Rhaine answered, half-bowing an apology whilst thinking that this whole situation was becoming stranger by the minute.


"Well then," the lady gestured to the door, "go find out!"

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Rameses nodded in agreement with Sir Gregor as the knight adeptly explained to We'tak the fundamentals of titles and ranks among humans such as themselves, and the genasi was grateful for a more knowledgeable individual to assist in such explanations. Also, the realization of how little the young thri-kreen knew of human culture intrigued Rameses to an extent, reminding him that We'tak came from the entirely different and seemingly isolated culture of his people's. Sadly, Gregor's remark to Abby's inquiry and her embarrassed reaction went unnoticed by the genasi, whose attention followed Conall's over to Kellak as the dwarf played with his fearsome beast of a mount.


The sight of the odd two convinced a smile to form upon Rameses's features until he felt Jarl struggle against his reins, groaning irritably. Glancing up at his steed, the genasi narrowed his eyes slightly and pleaded, "Patience, friend. We'll get moving soon enough."


As he patted and rubbed his camel's shoulder in an attempt to dispel his worsening aggravation, Rameses soon considered an odd thought of his before speaking it aloud, "Sir Gregor, are you forced to stay here and joust those who travel the nearby road, or are you free to go where you wish and simply joust with folks as needed along the way?"


Something felt odd about Gregor's predicament the more Rameses thought about it. Clearly, the knight's curse wasn't all that awful as he seemed to enjoy the jousts and discussions he had with travelers such as themselves, but exactly how limited was his free will due to the magic cast upon him? Also, what motivations would a mage have for bewitching an individual with such an odd curse? These questions and similar others brewed in Rameses's mind as he continuously ran his fingers through the curly white fur of Jarl's shoulder, and for once the camel actually seemed satisfied.




Bewildered by the lady's inquiry, Eirene momentarily glanced to the enchantress in question before asking in hopes of easing her confusion, "Of what value is this kerchief? Is is a gift of yours to him?" Scratching the back of her neck nervously, the Mulhorandi recalled a handful of memories when such favors were given among hopelessly romantic partners she had witnessed in the towns and cities of her homeland.


Contemplating their scarce options, Eirene quickly turned to the Doomguide and offered, "If needed, I could go back and ask Sir Gregor whether he still has this cloth if you and the others would rather stay and discuss with..." The young ranger's features blushed heavily as she turned her attention back towards the enchantress, "What is your name, my lady?"

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Sir Gregor turned to Rameses, holding his own horse's reins in hand, his expression grim, "Unfortunately, I needs must stay here. I have attempted traveling but a half mile or so away in every direction, but it always ends with my skin burning as if it were on fire and my horse stopping still in his tracks," he patted his steed's white neck, "And also, attempting to go near the tower results in the same, I fear."


"Definitely a geas," Conall muttered.




The lady cocked her head at the ranger's inquiry before her brown eyes went wide and she gasped aloud, putting her fair hand to her chest, "Oh my, where are my manners?" She then gave a small curtsy, "I am Lady Rosalinde...called 'The Fair,' by those who admire me." She gave a pearly grin, "And yes, the kerchief was given to Sir Gregor by myself a short time ago. I wish to know if he still possesses it."


Rhaine glanced sideways at Eirene and sighed, wondering about the importance of a simple handkerchief, "You may want to go ahead and go back to Sir Gregor, and see if he has it, then."


"While you are there," Lady Rosalinde added, "Ask him what his response would be to me if I told him I would not lift the curse still."


With that, she moved to the window and opened it, leaning out to see where the knight himself stood with the other companions on the grassy knoll. A contented sigh escaped her lips, and she seemed to completely forget about her guests...

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Upon hearing the lady's first request, a twitch began in Leif's left eye, only growing more noticeable with her second request and the sigh that she expelled when she gazed out the window. "Ooooohhh noooooooo." He quietly moaned, suddenly realizing what they were facing.


Hexol meanwhile, was utterly confused. "A handkerchief?" He asked. "I got some if you're running low! All different colors too, not sure where they came from though, but I've cleaned them all so you don't have to worry about them being used or anything." He offered.


"It's a courtly gesture." Lucas explained. "If he carries it, then it means his feelings for her are still true."


"So..... wiping his boogers is a way of saying he loves her? That's just weird." Hexol said with a confused look on his face, forcing Leif to stifle a laugh.

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Biting her lip quietly in response to Lady Rosalinde's pessimistic request, Eirene quickly nodded in agreement with her companions before stating briefly, "Then I shall return promptly once I collect Sir Gregor's answers. Hopefully they will appeal to your liking, fairest Lady Rosalinde." Upon concluding her sentiment, the Mulhorandi swiftly departed from the elegant mage's tower as she briskly hurried her way back down the road towards the rest of their company occupying the cursed knight himself. According to the enchantress's frankly unhelpful explanations, the ranger felt her challenged hope for Gregor's salvation begin to wither.


When Eirene finally reached their group among the hills bordering the road, Rameses narrowed his eyes towards the approaching young woman and inquired with a stark tone, "I suppose matters haven't gone smoothly with the mage, ranger?"


"Sadly not," She replied with a light, airy sigh, and the Mulhorandi then turned her attention towards the bewitched knight in shining armor, "However, Lady Rosalinde would like to know if you still have her kerchief, Sir Gregor. Also, she wishes to know your response if she refuses to lift her curse..."


Arching a brow skeptically, the fire genasi replied with a low whistle, crossing is arms as a smolder decorated his countenance. "Wonderful. How did you manage to cross such a spiteful woman, Gregor?" Rameses inquired, glancing curiously at the mentioned knight.

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We'tak looked at Sir Gregor in askance. "Rank? Would you mean as how a hunter is to its prey? But such thingss are easily reversed, as the hunter can become the hunted if not careful... Softskins make things so complicated... Among thri-kreen, there are druids, those responsible for keeping the spirits appeased, and there is the alpha, the one who leads the clutch, pack, or clan, but beyond this, all are equal, and all partake in and are responsible for the well-being of thri-kreen."


Before he could continue chattering about thri-kreen social structures, the rest of his clutch finally returned. "Eirene! You have returned!" *CHEE!* "What was the great tall stone hut like?! How did things go? Oh, where are the others, by the way?"

Edited by GrueMaster
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Rhaine raised her eyebrow at Leif and Lucas as the lady turned her back on them, the Doomguide beginning to piece things together bit by bit...and the picture she was getting was comical to say the least. Rosalinde herself propped her chin on her elbow as she watched Eirene go out to deliver her questions to Gregor, and a small smile tugged at her lips as she gazed at the distant group. Rhaine, thinking all the while, merely shook her head and waited for the ranger to make her way back to the tower.


Back at the hillside, Sir Gregor seemed eager to obtain word from Lady Rosalinde, but when he heard the enchantress's inquiries as delivered by Eirene, the knight frowned, "I...of course I have her kerchief. It is the only token she ever gave me, and I think she gave it in a strange fit of anger..." From his saddlebag, he retrieved the kerchief itself, still perfectly white and folded crisply, a stylized "R" embroidered in gold on one corner. "As for her second question," he paused, rubbing a gauntleted thumb thoughtfully over the "R," "I suppose...I will just have to live this way until I die. It is for her love alone that I suffer so, and I will gladly continue to do so until breath fails me...for if she desires me to remain in this way, then I have no choice but to acquiesce to her demands. Such a slave to love and to her am I," he brought the kerchief close to his lips as if to kiss it, then stopped, shaking his head as though he would soil the cloth by touching it, "I care not for my fate, especially if it is at her hands. I had hoped to find out, perhaps, if I had offended her in some way," he glanced with uncertainty to Rameses, "but it seems that her reasons will remain unknown for now. Those are my answers, lady, such as they are," he inclined his head to Eirene, "Please, take them with thee, and I pray they are sufficient for my love."


All the while Gregor was speaking, Zorica bore a tortured expression on her face, as if caught up between pity and disgust. Abby looked on with a dreamy expression, utterly fascinated, while Conall merely shook his head in disbelief.

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