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Tales of Faerun


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Eirene's eyes widened in shock of Sir Gregor's sentimental and tragic responses to Rosalinde's inquiries, and his complete selflessness warranted at least the Mulhorandi's slightest admiration. Although, his willingness to die for someone who seemed to regard him as little more than a source of entertainment caused Eirene's stomach to knot up in awkward revulsion. Regardless, the ranger omitted her opinions on the knight's situation as she nodded quietly before clearing her throat and gathering her scattered voice.


"I will do my absolute best to convey the... sincerity of your confessions, Sir Gregor. Hopefully Lady Rosalinde's disposition will improve once she is aware of the gravity of your devotion to her... If your predicament is not improved by our efforts, then I earnestly hope you are rewarded with freedom or at least satisfaction in return for your unquestionable loyalty your significant other." The Mulhorandi replied uncertainly, hesitating briefly for a moment before swiftly beginning her hasty trek back towards the tower of the enchantress.


Meanwhile, Rameses was left in something of a baffled confusion as he contemplated Sir Gregor's fanatic dedication to the whimsical, inconsiderate nature of his lover and her arcane schemes. The very idea of continuing the rest of one's life as a cursed knight damned to a grassy field as a pitiful spectacle to passerby and a callous romantic interest mortified the fire genasi, and a perplexed outburst quickly flew from his lips as he voiced his concern for Gregor's evident lapse of judgement, "Pardon my asking, Sir Gregor, but what kind of affection is this? If this woman, Rosalinde, is willing to curse you as some plaything, how could you submit to her whims? I may not be a scholar on the topic, but surely love is supposed to be a mutual feeling that shouldn't involve such unfair... manipulation, for lack of a better word? There must be some other way for us to aid you if she doesn't lift your curse; someone honorable like you can do this world so much more good than jousting for eternity."




After several minutes of considering the situation between Gregor and Rosalinde whilst jogging back to the enchantress's regal abode, Eirene soon arrived at the tower once again. Taking a moment to catch her breath and collect herself, the Mulhorandi wiped the forming beads of sweat from her brow before glancing at Rhaine worriedly in hopes of wordlessly conveying her worsening unease about the circumstances of the issue at hand. Once the brief glance towards the Doomguide was given, the ranger straightened her posture as she focused upon Rosalinde herself.


With a level voice and neutral tone, Eirene addressed the enchantress sincerely, "Sir Gregor still proudly holds your kerchief in his possession and treats it with the utmost care, my Lady. Also, he is completely willing to accept his fate at your hands if you choose not to free him from his accursed burden, but he would appreciate it beyond words if you enlightened him of your motivations." Hesitating for a few moments, the Mulhorandi added, "His adoration and respect for you is crystalline and irrefutable, Lady Rosalinde, to the point where he does not hesitate spending the rest of his life in accordance to your incantations."

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Kellak wrestled the rock away from Terra in a tug of war match as the young woman reappeared and asked for a kerchief from the knight. The Dwarf looked upon his response with relative disgust. He spat on the ground and patted Terra on the side before idly tossing the chewed and scratched rock aside. He walked over to where his axe had been thrown after Terra had tackled him and picked it up in one hand.


He was not fond of those who romanticize things that need don't need it. "Oi lad! Jus' give 'er te' damn rag an' let us be on our way... I'd like ta' get some road behind me before night comes." He says gesturing down the road. He felt for the mans situation but he did not really feel for the man himself at this point.

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Conall gave the dwarf a sideways glance, "You are free to go if you so desire...nothing is keeping you. I, however, won't be departing until our leader returns and this knight's situation is resolved."


"Nor I," Zorica added.


"Me neither," Abby nodded.


"I thank you all for your solidarity," Sir Gregor replied, "Let us hope that your friend's deliverance of my message helps matters, and does not hinder."




Back at the tower, Lady Rosalinde listened intently to Eirene's report. When she heard all that the ranger had to say, she put her hands to her chest with a faint, "Oh!" Tears welled in her doe-like eyes, and she spun herself around where she stood, her skirt swirling about her, "Oh, he is truly a diamond amongst coal!"


Rhaine stared at the enchantress, absolutely bewildered, and becoming more baffled the more she understood.


Rosalinde, oblivious to her guests' confusion, then began reciting an incantation, a glow radiating from her hands and her eyes as she turned them up to the ceiling. There was a crackle of magic, and then all was still. Smiling sheepishly, the lady returned her gaze to them and spoke once more, "It is done. The geas is lifted. Oh, my sweet knight," she turned to the window and looked out eagerly, "let the wind bring him swiftly to me!"




Of a sudden, Gregor's eyes went wide, and he looked at his hands and at his horse, "The compulsion to stay here...it is gone! She...she must have lifted it!" With that, he leapt atop his steed and turned its head to the tower, "I must see her!" And then, he sped off, galloping towards the enchantress's abode at full speed.


Without a word, Conall mounted Gaius and raced after him, Zorica and Abby not far behind.

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When Rosalinde unexpectedly lifted the geas ensnaring Sir Gregor, Eirene beamed happily in joyful success; their efforts resulted in the wonderful release of a seemingly kind nobleman from a cruel and unusual burden, and the Mulhorandi took pride in such an achievement. Despite her evident enthusiasm, she refrained from voicing her giddiness as she simply stood proudly with her fellow companions. For the first time sicne she had chosen to accompany the adventurers she had meet under unfavorable circumstances, Eirene seemed confident in demeanor and cheerful in spirit. Meanwhile, Rameses was greatly surprised by how sudden Gregor's freedom came, and the genasi was quick to climb atop his steed's saddle before spurring the great white camel forward with haste.

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Aera tilted her head at the fair lady's overly-romantic reaction to Sir Gregor still carrying her kerchief. She supposed everyone regarded love differently, but she still found their infatuation with each other to be especially strange. After all, who would enchant or curse their lover into staying just out of reach?

Hazel, back with the party, fell close behind Abby and Zorica as she, too, pondered this couple's peculiar love. She was sure there was a story behind this, and that the party would end up with an earful eventually.

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The twitching in Leif's eye had not yet subsided by the time the geas had been lifted, he paced around the room as they waited for the knight's return, thankful that he had never had to deal with a woman like this one.



Watching as Sir Gregor sped off on his horse, Azuris let out a grunt and shook his head. "Knights, never an ounce of sense in them."

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"But what abou-" We'tak did not get to complete his objection to Eirene leaving before answering his questions as Sir Gregor suddenly took off towards the tower, followed soon after by the his clutchmates. *TCKTCK!* "Wait for me!!" He shrieked, before leaping after his rushing friends. Oh well... the young thri-kreen thought with bemusement. At least I will get to see what that great stone hut is like!

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With the group reunited at the tower, the greater part of them following on Gregor's heels as he descended from his white stallion in one fluid move. The horse obediently stayed put as the knight himself strode into the tower, armor flashing in the light as he entered the room where Rhaine, her handful of comrades, and Lady Rosalinde awaited. Upon sighting the lady herself, Sir Gregor unbuckled the chinstrap of his visored helm and removed it, setting it on the floor as he knelt before her. Rosalinde, one hand to her chest, moved forward as if to stop him, but she was stopped as the knight spoke first.


"My dearest lady," he began, removing his gauntlets and running his fingers through his messy shock of chestnut brown hair, "Please accept my deepest apologies for whatever slight-"


"Gregor, please," Rosalinde halted him, taking him by the hands and pulling him to his feet, "This...this is all my fault."


As the two wordlessly stared at each other for a moment, Rhaine, Zorica, Abby, and Conall all shared concerned glances. Rosalinde seemed most aware of the awkward silence between them, and she then turned to look at both the group and the knight, "I...think I owe you all an explanation for your trouble. And most certainly for thy sake, dear Gregor. But...we should start at the beginning of all of this, yes?" Her eyes asked Gregor an unspoken question when she raised their gaze up towards his face, and he seemed to immediately understand what she wanted.


"Rosalinde and I have been betrothed to each other since we were but wee babes in our cradles," Gregor explained, "Our family estates were very close in proximity, and thus we, naturally, were playmates growing up."


"We did everything together," Rosalinde continued, playfully punching Gregor's armored shoulder, "ran all over our families' lands. Explored all the thickets and ponds and copses looking for frogs and pretending to be adventurers."


"But then, things changed, as they often do," Gregor added, his eyes distant as he thought far into the past, "I was twelve when I was made a squire to my cousin, as is customary for all who wish to be knights. A year later, Rosalinde became an apprentice to mine aunt. We rarely saw each other after that time...but we were still betrothed to one another."


"During that time of my life as apprentice, I changed, too," Rosalinde cast her eyes down to the floor, her voice quiet as she began to reach the part that Gregor didn't know about, "I wanted to forget my betrothal...I didn't want to be married. I wanted to become a great sorceress, independent of any man or any ties to family. So, when Gregor finally came knocking at my door to turn our betrothal into marriage..." she trailed, unable to meet the knight's eyes.


"Thou didst not want to see me..." Gregor's tone revealed a sudden understanding as he looked upon his lady with a strange expression.


"I was happy to see thee," she protested, eyes wide, "Exceedingly so! But...I was also afraid. And I didn't know what kind of man thou hadst become in thy knighthood! Time and again," Rosalinde glanced between Gregor and the group, almost in a panic, "he would come to my door, and time and again I would turn him out with some excuse or another...my own childhood friend!" That was when the tears started to flow, and she pointed at the vase of roses, "He gave me those flowers, and out of custom I gave him my kerchief in return...but I was afraid I did not know the man I used to know, and I was growing sick of being prodded towards becoming a wife I did not want to be!"


She sniffled and looked at her toes, "That was when I cursed him...to keep him away, but only just out of reach. He would not be my husband, but I would keep him in my sight...because I did not know what else to do..."


"But the jousting?" Gregor asked, apparently still puzzled by her choice of activity for him to perform.


She gave a light laugh, "Hah! So that thou might still demonstrate thy valor day to day with a...somewhat safer sport." She paused, thinking for a long moment before adding, "And every day I would watch thee. At first, I was expecting thee to shake thy fist in anger and try to break my spell, to try and run away and wither thyself to dust in so doing...but thou didst not. Instead..."


"I stayed," Gregor finished, "because I hoped that my lady might change her mind, and that I might eventually pay proper penance for some unknown crime in thine eyes."


"And oh, how the crime was mine," Rosalinde covered her face with her hands, "I watched...and day by day my icy heart was melted by thy valor. How true thou art...how steadfast...and never a word in anger towards me. And then you all came along," the lady then slowly dropped her hands and smiled weakly at the party, "and I saw my chance to see if Gregor had kept that one token I gave him, to see what he would say about his lady's decision, even if it seemed to his own detriment...to see if he would challenge my judgment or defer to it."


She turned to Gregor, "And now, it is I who must beg for thine forgiveness, my sweet knight. For I have been unduly cruel to thee out of my own stubbornness and fear. It would be my honor to fulfill our betrothal and become thy wife, if thou wouldst still have me."


Gregor pulled Rosalinde close by her hands, clasping them to his breastplate, "My lady, my love, and my truest friend...it would make me the happiest man in the world."


And with that, the pair immersed themselves in a dramatic kiss, seemingly oblivious to their rather large audience.

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Neither Eirene nor Rameses were overly fond of finding themselves unintentionally standing side by side as those of their adventuring company soon entered the regally-furnished sorceress's tower en masse. With any luck, they would witness Sir Gregor and Lady Rosalinde as the eccentric pair of nobles hopefully made amends with each other. At first, Gregor seemed entirely regretful for some unforeseen wrongdoing of his own, but it was swiftly revealed to them that his cruel and unusual geas was actually the result of Rosalinde's own reluctance towards their arranged marriage. While the Mulhorandi ranger saw little harm in the traditional act of betrothal in spite of Rosalinde's arguably legitimate concerns following Gregor's return from his dutiful service among those of knighthood status—especially since Sir Gregor himself was such a valiantly chivalrous and respectable man whose compassion was all but inspirational—the fire genasi to Eirene's left felt noticeably differently on the topic. Unlike his companion, he acknowledged and respected the sorceress's resentment and wariness towards such a constricting decision that had been made for her and not rightfully of her own free will.


Regardless of their differing opinions in that regard, both Rameses and Eirene were of the same mind that the geas which had ensnared Gregor was unnecessary and inconsiderate on Rosalinde's behalf, although the noblewoman was ardent in her efforts of finding reconciliation with her knight. As Gregor offered his heartfelt forgiveness to his forlorn betrothed without hesitation, and the pair of them soon found themselves engrossed within their passionate embrace, Eirene's and Rameses's opinions immediately deviated into opposite directions yet again; the ranger found Rosalinde's and Gregor's reunion of love and compassion to be joyful, captivating, and heartwarming, but the fighter standing at her side simply found the occurrence to be dramatic, vexing, and hopelessly romantic.


After several moments were spent awkwardly spectating the passionate exchange between the knight and the sorceress, Rameses was the first whose voice broke the burdening silence. "So, shall we uncork the champagne and conjure a few rotisseried drumsticks, or should we make our departure and give you pair of loving doves some deserved solitude?" The genasi addressed Sir Gregor, somewhat humorously in fact. If Rameses's meager knowledge regarding successful engagements was true, then Rosalinde and Gregor would undoubtedly want a fair bit of alone time with one another at some point this evening.


However, Eirene merely scoffed lightly and rolled her vibrant green eyes in response to her comrade's uncouth inquiry. "We do not wish to overstay our welcome if you and your fortunate betrothed wish to celebrate this momentous day privately, my lady," the young Mulhorandi remarked to supplement Rameses's jest of a question, although her cheeks soon flared with an embarrassed blush as she quickly concluded her statement the slightest stutter, "A-And may Isis Herself bless your intertwined fates with everlasting glee and affection." Similarly to Eirene's cynical reaction to his own statement, the fire genasi next to her chuckled amusingly at the Mulhorandi's verbal clumsiness.

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Kellak sighed as his companions followed the Knight. He took his time dusting off Terra and climbing into the saddle. He kicked her sides and trotted along down the path. He and Terra arrived at the moment they kissed. The Dwarf dashed his pipe out against the wall with a loud knocking noise and then scrounged his pipeweed bag out of his pockets and leaned against the doorframe packing a fresh wad into the bowl and striking a match.

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