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Tales of Faerun


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"Nor I," Rhaine added to Saerileth's statement, "We go together or not at all. This is not the time to play hero. I doubt this thing will try and knock down the walls of Yartar to get to us."


She turned and began picking her way eastward. The land declined slowly as she went, the foothills easily rolling into the flatlands. They should see the forest edge, soon, judging by the map, and would be able to make out the lights of Yartar in the distance.

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Adamant followed, eager to kill the drow, of course, Adamant wasn't stupid, he knew that if they reached Yartar he would have a problem. Before long the group was nearing the end of the forest, and so he picked his moment. Adamant stepped out of the tree line in front of them, turning to face them and holding his hand out on a halt motion. "Halt, cease and desist" Edited by Brutii
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"Then we shall go as one!" Caladus starts following, carefully watching his surroundings."Nawen! We should stay near the center of the Group. If it is after us, it could shoot us in the back. It clearly has no problems with the rest of them, after all, one is a child. I doubt it will go after a child." He stops when the warforged steps in front of them. "Well, you have caught up with us, Why do you judge us unworthy?"


Byron looks up, and sees the night is nearly over. "Sh*t, It be time for me to go. Remember, tha' scroll will allow you tae contact me whenever ye need to. Multiple uses. Fare thee well." He fades away.


Saerileth mutters a prayer for Byron as she walks. Then she draws Carsomyr and steps in front of Caladus when the Warforged stops them. Why dost thou desire to slay an innocent?"


Shaori has reached the bottom of the mountain range, and is flying over forest now.

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"I have no qualms with you" Adamant said, then he pointed to both the Drow in turn "Children of my enemy, why do you come? I offer no forgiveness, for parents sins, passed down to their child," Adamant changed his glance between the two several times, though he barely acknowledged the rest, save a quick glance before his first spoke Edited by Brutii
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"Parents sins? Do you think I asked to be born a Drow? Do you think I wanted to be trapped in the underdark for all those years? I escaped the first chance I got, and have been living peacefully as a Druid for quite some time. What my "Parents" did does not concern me. I never met them." Caladus exclaims angrily.


Saerileth looks at the Warforged without fear. "Thou hast no right to judge them unwothy! The Gods Tyr, Kelemvor, and *points to her mother* Ilmater have judged them worthy. Wherefore dost thou gain the rights to countermand gods?"


Shaori is flying over forests, and starting to get tired. She feels she must get back to her friends, though. It took her half the night to get to her parents, and the other half is gone now. She sees the sun rising, flooding the land with golden light. She sees the site they were camping at and does not see her friends there,

Edited by BaldurAnthology
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"Parents sins? Do you think I asked to be born a Drow? Do you think I wanted to be trapped in the underdark for all those years? I escaped the first chance I got, and have been living peacefully as a Druid for quite some time. What my "Parents" did does not concern me. I never met them." Caladus exclaims angrily.


Saerileth looks at the Warforged without fear. "Thou hast no right to judge them unwothy! The Gods Tyr, Kelemvor, and *points to her mother* Ilmater have judged them worthy. Wherefore dost thou gain the rights to countermand gods?"


Shaori is flying over forests.


"Your kind condemned me! Betrayed me!" he shouted, then he voice calmed "I am a monument to all your sins." Adamant seemed almost amused at the mention of gods "Gods? What gives me the right? First ask yourself, what gives them the right." Adamant spoke to the Drow once more "Nature itself cries out for your destruction. And I am it's willing instrument." Adamant drew Bloodmourne "Come, bring your face to my blade"

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"STOP THIS!" Rhaine shouted, drawing Touch of Death but standing her ground, "The sins of the father are not the children's to pay for, and the evils of the majority of a race do not make them all guilty! Whatever has been done to you is not the fault of those who follow me, and it is not for you to pronounce Judgment! Make one move against them and we will all bring you down...that is a promise!"
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Caladus looked with amazement and gatitude at Rhaine. "I don't know what to say.."


Saerileth readied her sword Carsomyr. The greatsword flashed in the light of Dawn. "Thou shalt not harm him, or anyone anymore! So sayeth the Chosen of Tyr!"


Shaori saw the group not that much further, and saw them pinned by a construct of some sort. She casts Melf's minute meteors, her limbs and mind feeling a renewed energy from the adrenalin, and flings a flaming rock at the construct. She flies down, and wings flapping, she maintains altitude above them. "Sorry, am I late?" She asks, with a grin.

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"This is not your fight, stay out of this, So sayeth the walking mountain with a very big sword" Adamant said, then pointed his sword at caladus "You first. Fight well, and prehapes you will make it out of this with limbs left. Your move"
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Caladus draws his dual scimitars, and looks up at Shaori. She seemed different, somehow... He steps forward, and cracks a few joints to linber up.


Saerileth tries to pull him back but is unsuccessful. "Stop this folly, please! Thou shouldst not fight something that big alone! It could kill thee!"


Shaori looked down. "Did someone slip him Essence of Insanity?" Saerileth looks up. "The spirit dwarf asked the same thing."

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