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Tales of Faerun


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"I am the God of Nature. I see no reason to lie to defend a defender of nature. Why do you persist?I have done as you asked, and given proof that they are good people. Why would you accuse me of lying? It would serve no constructive purpose here." Rilifane states. His face covered by a mossy wooden mask


"Well, you've definatly played with these numbers, for one, I am not amoungst the red phantoms, nor are the friends or families of those hurt" Adamant said "It is my purpose to persist, is it not? While I agree said phantoms are evidence, which I take into account, you have reason to lie to protect them. Bring me living breathing proof. This will be my last request. After which I will weigh what you have given me"

Edited by Brutii
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"So it shall be." Rumbles Rilifane. "And the red shades were that of the dead, not of the presently alive. If you wish the living to be included..." He waves a hand, and the red shades increased to about a hundred. Still signifigantly less than those that were helped. "There. You can see yourself there too. Those are the shades living and dead of those harmed by those two. The larger group of phantoms are still that. Larger, and those helped. My proof still has validity. You are harming good people. However shall I show you something else?" He points at Ravenna. "This woman is evil. See the numbers." Twenty Phantoms including herself appear behind her, and hundreds of red shades, mostly young pretty women appear as well." Those are her numbers. There is no lies, nothing hidden. You have been hunting the wrong targets."
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"So it shall be." Rumbles Rilifane. "And the red shades were that of the dead, not of the presently alive. If you wish the living to be included..." He waves a hand, and the red shades increased to about a hundred. Still signifigantly less than those that were helped. "There. You can see yourself there too. Those are the shades living and dead of those harmed by those two. The larger group of phantoms are still that. Larger, and those helped. My proof still has validity. You are harming good people. However shall I show you something else?" He points at Ravenna. "This woman is evil. See the numbers." Twenty Phantoms including herself appear behind her, and hundreds of red shades, mostly young pretty women appear as well." Those are her numbers. There is no lies, nothing hidden. You have been hunting the wrong targets."


"Well... I believe I have made two... maybe three or four mistakes... but no longer." Adamant said, he pointed at Ravenna "Just... stay there moment" he turned to caladus and Nawen "I was wrong... I am sorry... I..." Adamant paused as if searching for something, then he just shrugged and drew bloodmourne, laid it on the ground in front of him and knelt down "If either of you wish to take revenge on me, then I shan't stay the blade"

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One of the guardsmen in the castle was surprised when he saw Beldar and a group of ragtag adventurers at his heels, "Hey! What are you doing-"


"Wake the Waterbaron!" Beldar cried.




"I said wake the Waterbaron!" the innkeeper shouted again, "There's chaos breaking out in this city as we speak! Tell her the Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep is with me...that should get her out of bed."


The guard, eyes wide, rushed down a far corridor and disappeared around a corner. Beldar turned back to the group, "Belleethe will know what to do...but she must act quickly. While we were on our way here, I heard a faint war horn. That's the guards' way of calling for reinforcements. Which mean battle has - or is about to - break out."




The mounted guardsmen, upon witnessing the avatar of Rillifane, hesitated in their task. Their lances wavered. No one made a move to arrest the drow...not when they were under the god's protection. They also moved not a muscle to bind the warforged...fearing an immediate retaliation from it. The Captain himself appeared uncertain, keeping a tight rein on his horse as his eyes flicked from one party to the other.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"Caladus retrieves the blade, then presents it to the construct. "Vengeance is not the answer, however, I would have you by my side, if you were willing."


Adamant raised and took back his blade "I owe you two that much, Child of my e... Caladus and Nawen" Adamant said "I will try not to call you child of my enemy, I do not think you will like being called that" Then Adamant looked at Ravenna, and turned back to Caladus "Is she important for some reason?" he asked

Edited by Brutii
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Rilifane turns to the assembled guards. "Take the same message from this as the construct. You should judge by Actions, not by Species. So says RILIFANE!" The last word was shouted. "My time here is at an end, I am being recalled to Suldanessalar. Fare thee well, Caladus Silvercloak. Walk in the woods. He will come..." With those last cryptic words, Rilifane crumbled into the dirt, but the trees remained healthy.
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Adamant looked at the dirt "this 'he' is a good thing, right?" Adamant asked. Then he looked at Ravenna, he'd have to remember to stick bloodmourne through her sometime later, but if he did it here he had a feeling it wouldn't go down to well, what with the large group of guards around
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