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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus looked over at the Nymph, and bursts out laughing. Only Ianthe could fall down the stairs, and turn into eyeing someone's oatmeal. "I think I have some ointment in my bag to help speed up the healing process. Byron kept all sorts of things." He tosses a coin to Beldar. "Get her some oatmeal, I think I have some sugar in my pack as well. Give me a moment." Caladus walks down the passage beside the stairs to where his room is, and goes into his pack. after digging, with only his legs sticking out for a while, he emerges triumphantly clutching the bag of sugar and the bottle of ointment. However, he had spotted a strange box in the pack with a handle, and decides to bring that out with him. He knocks on Saerileth's door on his way past, and tells her to wake up. He reenters the common area with the sugar, lotion and the box, hands the first two to Ianthe and sits puzzling over the box.


Saerileth hears the call to wake, and decides her sleep was more important, rolls over and ignores it.


Shaori moves closer to see what the box is.

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Ianthe slid into a chair and stared down at her table. Suddenly, the wrinkled hand of a tired cook darted out with a bowl of oatmeal. A bowl of strawberries and blueberries followed in the same manner, just as quickly. She looked up at the old cook and smiled childishly at him, and he seemed to lose a bit of his exhaustion. The cook stepped back into the kitchen. Just as Ianthe had put her spoon into the oatmeal, Caladus placed a small bag and bottle on the table. Ianthe took the bag and poured all the sugar inside into the bowl, then stirred it up.


"All that sugar, just for one bowl of oatmeal?" The cook asked as he walked out again with another order. "For such a pretty young girl, though, it seems to fit. But here, it'll make it taste even better." He sprinkled a pinch of cinnamon into her bowl, then ruffled her hair with a rough hand as he stepped back into his kitchen.

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Caladus opens the box, and nearly drops it. "GAH!" He exclaims, as he sees a much smaller version of the torture device known as the Music Maker.. then sees a small old note fall out of it. He sets the case aside, and picks up the paper. "Thys was builte for a Barde who came inn one daye. He died before he could retrieve it. I hope this remindes me to use it att some point. Byron." Caladus looks at the note, then back at the device, which was apparently an instrument. He picks it up, and sees it has a leather strap that he hangs off the shoulder. With practiced ease he starts turning the small crank on it, and it produces a rather nice three stringed tone. He twiddles some smallish knobs on it to make it sound nicer, then pressed on a few of the levers. "I can play this." he thinks with a grin, and starts playing a tune with the instrument.


Shaori claps her hands and laughs as Caladus starts playing the instrument.


Saerileth stays in her bed.

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Rhaine grinned at the special treatment Ianthe received from the cook. She finished her oatmeal and sat quietly, listening to whatever the thing was that Caladus was playing. It looked rather awkward, but it had a nice sound, and she patted her foot to the beat. The Doomguide found herself staring into space, absentmindedly rotating the gold ring on her left hand, a slight warmth radiating from it as she did so.
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Caladus continues to play this instrument, and glances to see a small plate with the word Hurdy Gurdy on the side, He figured that was what Byron had intended to call the instrument, and continues playing, this time with a faster tune.


Shaori grabs Rhaine's hands, and tries to pull her to her feet. "Come on! Dance with me?"


Saerileth hears all the commotion, and clad in her silk sleeping gown, comes out into the common area. "What ist the meaning of all this racket? Thou art loud as children!"

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Rhaine really wasn't one for tavern dancing, but she decided to humor the Avariel. She grinned and got up, bowing, "It would be my honor, dear Shaori."


She winked at Ianthe, "I'll tell you about it in a minute."

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Saerileth saw the blueberry coming, and catches it in her mouth. She gives a cheeky grin, and says, "Who sayeth Saerileth dost not have fun, Nymph?" Saerileth walks forward, and steals a strawberry out of the girl's bowl, eats it, staining her lips reddish, and grabs her hands. "Shalt we dance, then?"


Shaori has no idea what to do at the moment, so she let's Rhaine lead.


Caladus continues cranking out the tunes.

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