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Tales of Faerun


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The stablemaster suddenly looked back over his shoulder at the ever increasing amount of gold piling on his stable floor.


"I...what?! Stop! Stop! Stop!" he cried, dropping his log book in disbelief.


Rhaine chuckled as she put her foot in Ghost's stirrup and settled into the saddle, noticing that the man had chosen thick black leather with silver accents. Ghost was far larger than Angel, and the Doomguide took a moment to adjust to the stallion's broad back before turning and remarking to the druid, "It seems your generosity knows no bounds, dear Caladus."


She swung the dappled stallion around with a grin, admiring the horse's smooth gait, "Well. I do believe that does it for all of us, master horseman. Now all you need is something to scoop up your gold with."


The stablemaster himself was still in a wee bit of shock as he gestured a shaky hand at Alphonse, "Ah...see about getting all that up, would you, boy?"


Rhaine clucked her tongue and walked Ghost out of the stable to stand by Saerileth. She smiled at the spotted horse, "Binky, eh?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Alphonse picked up a shovel and went to scoop up a shovelful of gold, then froze. "Er, I don't think this will fit in the strongbox..." He picked up a large sack that once held oats and began to shovel gold into it. He looked back at Ianthe, "Well, I can certainly afford a wedding grand enough for someone who looks like... you... Now. Well, that is, if you're serious about this." His ears burned red and he quickly started shoveling gold into the bag again, his face scarlet.


Ianthe smiled at the boy's comment. She then made sure the tack on Brook was all in order, then mounted her horse, letting her fingers run through the mane once she was properly seated. "I never lie. It isn't becoming. But here," she said, rummaging through a saddlebag at her side. She pulled a small handkerchief out of her bag and handed it to Alphonse. "It was my father's. The symbol of the purple dragon knights of Cormyr is on it... It has a strange meaning to me, so I must come back for it someday."


Alphonse took a golden band off his finger and slid it onto Ianthe's left middle finger with a nervous smile, "Wear that for me, then. So you remember."




Reona rode next to Arva, sweating at the sweltering heat of the thick black dress her mother had packed for her. Of course, there was a matching set of black lace gloves and stockings, not to mention fine black shoes, which screamed that she was wealthy. Of course, the army effectively intimidated any bandits that spotted them. And, of course, her mother had ordered that she ride a large black steed which was fond of threatening to rear up every time there was a bump in the road.


Arva grumbled to himself as he sat on his horse wearing the clunky suit of armor. It was hot and stuffy, and his nose was itchy. The white horse he was on smelled like stale hay and had a tendency to charge ahead and try to buck Arva off its back. These were pet horses, nothing more. Not well-trained, not used to riders, only behaving if there was an apple or carrot nearby, and as they were on their return trip now, there often were none.


The commander had been quite ruffled up when he had spotted the two elves both alone together and away from the rest of the group. He rode on his war charger, Catherine, named by his wife, and smiled at the disciplined control she showed when trotting. They were halfway finished with this journey. All they had to do now was go back home, inform that only one Rhaine Alcinea was not present, and he would be finished with these strange elves. It unnerved him that they were both old as his mother, but not even adults in the eyes of their own race.

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Dark Thunder trots around, eager to begin the run. Caladus calls out "If that's all, I'll take lead for now? My horse is feeling energetic,and I want to see what he can do!" Dark Thunder took that a go ahead, and bolts off in the wrong direction.


Shaori flaps about overhead. "Ianthe and Alphonse sitting in a tree!" She calls out teasingly.


Saerileth sat on Binky, who sits passively, waiting for the time to travel.

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Rhaine shook her head, then kicked her heels into Ghost's flanks, "Hyah!"


The stallion half-reared and charged forward, picking up speed at a surprising rate. His strides were long and smooth, and she could tell that riding with him was going to be quite pleasant. The Doomguide turned his head towards the road, hooves clattering on the cobbles before the path transitioned to dirt. They would follow the Evermoor Way back west for a bit before turning south down the Long Road.

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Shaori looks on this, and calls out, "Well, Guess that backfired on me. Dibs on Maid of Honor at the wedding!! Later, love birds!" She swoops around in two circles, then flies off to follow Rhaine from high up to watch for a distance. In the clouds, she encountered her cousin, Philippe. "What are you doing here?" She asks him. "Your papa told me to, 'ow you say, Keep an eye on you, So zat is what I am doing."


Saerileth nudges her horse to keep behind Rhaine's.


Caladus sees that Rhaine has headed off in the other direction, and with a small whispered command, the animal loops around and swiftly catches, and overtakes Rhaine. He pulls him back slightly to be able to talk. "Is he something or WHAT?" Caladus asks, amazed. He had never ridden such a fast horse.

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"Or what," Rhaine yelled back, leaning over Ghost's neck and surging forward. She let her wings unfold from underneath the silk cloak, feeling the wind rushing through the feathers - it was as close as she could get to actually flying, and she loved it.


They traveled swiftly for several hours, until the bright sun was at its apex. They had slowed their horses to a walk for a while, when suddenly, just down the road, Rhaine glimpsed a massive party moving ahead of them.


"I think we found our army," she called to the others, urging Ghost into a canter.


It took a bit to finally catch up to them, but she eventually steered her stallion slightly off the road and passed the rear flank of the troops, moving towards the head of the group. She slowed to a trot as she glimpsed what she thought was the leader. A woman in black and a man in a full suit of shining armor rode nearby.


"Alae, travelers," she greeted them, "would you be the ones cutting down the Kryptgarden for Zalantar wood?"

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Commander Quark looked over at the red-haired woman as she trotted next to him. Well, he more looked at her wings than anything. Unnatural things, wings on a person. "Aye, that we would. We are leaving now, though."


Arva lifted the visor on his helm and looked over to see who Quack was talking to, "Red hair and black wings, Quack! That's Rhaine Alcinea!"

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Caladus and Black Thunder had no problems keeping up with Rhaine on her horse. Black Thunder was, after all, a king among horses granted by a god. He slows when they reach the army. His silver mane of hair blew in the wind, and his Drow features were plain to see. He looked at everyone like "Yeah I'm a Drow, what are you going to do about it?" However, what he actually said was "That she is, and I am Caladus Silvercloak, former Master Druid of the grove near Trademeet in Amn."


Shaori sees that Rhaine has slowed down, and soars down to flap above her head,


Saerileth slows her horse when the others do.

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