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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine looked down at the druid, "I thank you for your apology, but there is nothing to forgive. However, in the future, do not be so impulsive, and try to keep your priorities straight. Sometimes, others must come first - even at our own expense. Now, off your knee."


She turned to Nawen, "And thank you, friend. I appreciate your sentiments - your words do help. They are easy to understand...but not so easy to accept. It is the nature of my job to protect those who cannot protect themselves. So, naturally, a certain amount of guilt goes along with being unable to fulfill that duty."


Glancing back at Caladus, the Doomguide added, "As long as you never attempt to order me around again, we'll get along just fine." She moved to leave the shrine and head back towards the boardinghouse, "Come along. I've got time to eat, now." She grinned and winked.

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Caladus grins, and stands. "I order you to eat a salad! Greens are good for your digestion!" He says, grinning hugely at Rhaine, a mischievous look in his eye. "Come on, let's go get a meal, hmm? While we eat, why don't we have a talk. There are things I must ask advice on, and I still believe you need advice and guidance, as my lord Rillifane said you might. I do know you feel bad about my injury, was I wrong on that?"
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Rhaine smirked, "Yes. You do need advice. And true, I did feel bad about your injury...but not anymore." She gave him a swat and a glare, "Stop telling me what to do - I'm not in the mood for a salad. I'm a meat and potatoes person."


She opened the door to the bunkhouse and gestured inside, "After you, O Imperious One."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus walks in, exaggerating a Royal person being escorted inside. "Thank you, peasant! I shall enter this eating establishment and eat food!" He smirks at Rhaine and says "However, I do recommend you eat more vegetables. Better for your digestion. Or, I can mix you up an herbal draft to help with that as well, if you will not do something as easy as eating a salad." He shoots her a grin, and goes to order the food. "If you would find a table, I will order the meal."


Shaori enters the bunkhouse, and sees Caladus ordering meals for himself and Rhaine feeling slightly jealous that Caladus was eating with Rhaine, and not her, but figured that it was Caladus's way of making up for yelling at Rhaine earlier. She decides to go upstairs to bed, choosing a larger bed, in case Caladus wanted to cuddle or something later, she didn't know how his mind worked.


Saerileth had been tucked in by Shaori, and kissed goodnight. She was annoyed that she had been treated like a child, but it felt good. She felt closer to Caladus as a father than she had been to her own, and she viewed Shaori more as an older sister, but appreciated it nonetheless. She realized she had not done her training this evening, but was too tired to care.


Byron flies around the town.

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Rhaine found a table in the corner near the stairs and sat down. As she waited on Caladus to bring the food, she took her map from her pack and reviewed their route. It would be about another half-day's ride along the High Road until they reached High Horn Pass. There, they would have to stop at a checkpoint before entering Cormyr itself. From then on out, it would be almost a straight shot east towards Arabel, following the road just north of the King's Forest. The hardest part would be the area around High Horn. Not only was it infested with goblins, orcs, and dragons, but the checkpoint itself could also prove to be a problem. The Purple Dragon Knights would surely object to Xallistine's presence, if not Nawen and Caladus's as well. She would likely have to convince them of the three's good nature...and that would be more than a little difficult.


The Doomguide looked around, puzzled that she had not seen the Ulitharid or Aricia.

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Caladus walks over with two trays of food balanced on his arms. He places one in front of Rhaine, and sets the other in front of a place for himself. He had, partially to annoy, and partially to encourage, included a Salad with both meals, and waits for Rhaine to start eating first. "Do you wish to vent, and get your anxieties out first, or shall I?" He says, Steepling his fingers and looking over them at Rhaine, his expression unreadable.
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Rhaine raised her eyebrow and folded her map, replacing it in her pack. Setting the salad to the side, she began cutting the roast in her plate, "I'm listening."
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Caladus sighs and stares at the ceiling."I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I mean, physical intimacy means little to me, as I am Drow, an was raised in the Underdark. However, my emotions are becoming increasingly unstable. I am finding it harder and harder to stay in balance. As with my getting injured, it was necessary, but not at the same time. Had I got my dagger out, I could have deflected that blow. I wasn't thinking straight, and jumped in the way instead. I knew you needed to be protected. You are party leader. I am but a follower, here to do as you bid, or die, if it is needed. My role as a Druid requires me to serve Rillifane, and maintain balance in nature, and guide my companions. Now, my thoughts and guidance are being led astray, by thoughts and curiosities the like I have never experienced before. What in the Hells is wrong with me?"
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Rhaine chewed in thoughtful silence for a long moment. He was beating around the bush about something, that was certain...


And then she understood. Shaori was a major part of it, but the rest of them were as well.


She swallowed, "Caladus, you are beginning to understand what it is like to be human - to have feelings for someone else, whether it be a romantic partner or a companion. It is love that is eating at you, friend, on various levels. You took the blade that was meant for me because you cared about what happened to me, am I right? Likewise you feel a physical need to be with Shaori because you care for her as well...but hers is love of a different sort."

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Caladus looked at Rhaine, his look pensive. He is more than a little confused, and now slightly scared as well. "Love? Drow do not... Love. I-if I am feeling love, but Drow do not, what am I? Caladus's face is confused, and anxious. "What am I, Rhaine? Am I human? Am I elf? Am I Drow? If I am Drow, can I still love, yet call myself Drow? I... I just don't understand. Gods, things were so much easier when it was just Byron and I. Ha, he and I stopped an army from invading by his tricks, and me throwing my voice. Ha! You should have seen them wetting themselves thinking a Dragon was going to eat them!" Caladus laughs, but then lapses into silence again, and pokes absently at his meal, looking distressed, vulnerable, and uncertain.
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