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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus is pulled off balance under the water, Ianthe's arms around him. Although a quite pleasant location to be, it raised two major problems. One, what would Shaori think, and Two, he couldn't breathe underwater. He starts struggling to get out of her grasp.


Shaori rises from the water, wings unfurling with a snap, and says in a commanding tone, "Leave this bath at once! It has reached it's maximum allowance, and you are ruining our fun." This however was slightly diminished by the fact her breasts were only covered a quarter way by her hair, and otherwise she was completely naked.


Saerileth blushes even deeper now Arva's face is on level with hers, and can't decide if he looks cuter serious or smiling. On impulse, she puts her arms behind his neck and kisses him, enjoying her first kiss immensely, then pulling away a moment later blushing redder than a tomato and turning away.

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Ianthe put a hand over her mouth and gasped, then leaned forward and kissed Caladus on the mouth, breathing into him slightly. She pulled away and put a hand to her throat, as if to say, "Breathe."




Arva stumbled, surprised. He licked his lips a bit, trying to remember the feel of another person's lips on his. That was his first kiss, and with someone he had barely even spoken to... And strangely, he wanted to feel it again. He wasn't quite sure what the emotion that rushed through his head was, but he likened it to an adrenaline rush. Arva's face went hot, and he put a hand on Saerileth's shoulder, "That... That was nice. My insides feel like they're twisting up..." He looked down at the ground, then back up, "Don't... Don't tell Reona."

Edited by tokyobleach
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Saerileth turns back, bites her lower lip slightly, and kisses Arva again, savoring the taste of his lips against hers, and pulls away after a lot longer this time. "So long as thou dost not tell her, I shalt not either." She teasingly runs a finger down his torso, blushing becomingly as she does so. "Thou shouldst probably dress. Reona wouldst be suspicious if thou were to run around without thy shirt on."


Caladus breathes, and finds he can breathe underwater. Great! He thinks. If Shaori saw that, I am dead.


Shaori is still trying to shoo the annoying girls away, and notices nothing of Ianthe and Cal.

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Ianthe grinned slyly and pulled Shaori's ankles with a giggle as the young women filed out of the room.




Arva felt his face flush much deeper than Saerileth's, mostly due to his lack of pigmentation. He breathed a bit more heavily than he wanted to, but he couldn't control it, and felt warmth explode throughout his body, his heart racing... It was like his chest was on fire, and he loved it. He felt... Alive. He forced his legs to move, his shoulders rigidly hunched. Shoving his way inside his door and slamming it behind himself, he stiffly sank against the wall and made a strange, crackly sound in this throat. His heart was still racing... He'd never felt anything like this for Reona, and he couldn't help but wonder why. Maybe... Maybe they were just too young to be sure. Maybe...


"Dammit, no!" he shrieked, then knocked a vase off a dresser, just to watch it shatter. He'd tell Sae that he had knocked it over by accident... He found that he liked her, the more he thought about it. Pulling a shirt on and belting on his rarely used katana, he stepped out of his room, not even bothering to put shoes on.


Reona quietly shut the door to her room, closed her curtains, and climbed back into bed.

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Shaori is relieved when the girls leave. Now she could get back to teasing Caladus. She feels a tug on her ankles and falls into the water. folding her wings to allow her to swim, she sees Cal swim away from Ianthe, and sees the nymph giggling. Realizing she was the one who made her fall, Shaori swims down and kisses Ianthe, and actually putting some passion in to it, purely for fun, and so she could see Cal's reaction when she stopped.


Caladus swims away from Ianthe as the nymph topples Shaori into the pool, and watches as the woman he loved kissed the nymph, and more than just a peck. "I think my brain is broken." he says weakly, unable to look away.


Saerileth dresses and arms quickly, and hears a vase break, and a shout from Arva. Figuring he must have broken it accidentally, she straps Carsomyr, her two handed sword across her back and pushes her hair back with her symbol of Tyr. Going out into the hallway and closing the door she sees Arva walk out of his room looking flustered. "Is aught amiss? Thou seemeth more flustered than I had last seen thee."

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Arva blinked once and then grinned from ear to ear, "I'm just excited to look into this debauchery is all! Now, where shall we start? The bathhouse, was it?"


He ran full speed out of the inn and closed his eyes at the feeling of the sun on his skin. It had been so long since he'd felt it... Weeks, possibly. The warmth was well worth the sickness that could possibly come from it.




Ianthe dunked Shaori's head underwater and rolled her eyes, then plunged into the water herself. She waved at Shaori and then let the water drift around her, breathing calmly.

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Saerileth grabs at the back of Arva's tunic and attempts to drag the large man inside. "The sign says the bath house is this way, foolish man!"



Shaori looks at Cal, seeing some tell tale signs her teasing was working in the way she wanted. She realizes that Ianthe didn't get what she was doing, and swims after Ianthe, catching up pretty quickly and kissing her, using her tongue and everything, pulling away briefly she winks at the nymph, wondering what the girl would say, and how Cal would react.


Caladus's swimming trunks are starting to feel uncomfortable and he realizes his body is reacting to what he is seeing. He drops like a stone into the water, and hopes neither of the girls noticed.

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Ianthe looked at Shaori as if she were finally getting what was going on here. She held up her left hand and pointed to the golden band on her middle finger, "I am not looking for a lover, nor do I wish to entertain, excite, or otherwise sexually thrill Caladus for you. If I wanted him, I could very much have had him by now, regardless of any kind of merit or talents you may have, Shaori Winterwing, and don't you think otherwise for a single second... There is a reason my race is known for stealing men, do not test me, or you will regret it. Now bed him and get it over with so that we may move on and get out of this city." With a dark stare at the far wall, she pulled her pants on, slid her shirt over her head, and set her cloak about her shoulders. Padding out of the room, sopping wet, she left everything else she owned in that room, including her supplies, scimitars, socks, and shoes.




Arva scratched at the side of his nose, steady as an anchor, as the petite Saerileth tried to pull him back indoors, "Can't we go around? I love the warmth out here." He looked down at his hands and saw that they seemed to glow in the morning sunlight.

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"She may be right, you know. We have basically done everything else." Shaori says, sticking her head out of the water and glancing at Caladus. "Not here, and not now. We should find a more private location." Shaori rises, still naked and retrieves her wet underclothes, and walks quickly naked back to her bedroom.


Caladus sighs. "How do I get myself into these dilemmas?" He gathers his things, and heads back to his and Shaori's room. It is a long while before he removes dressed.



Saerileth looks at Arva. "I do not know if there is an entrance back that way. There is a passage within the inn leading straight to the bath houses. If Thou art not careful, thou will make thyself ill with sun exposure."

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Arva shrugged and stepped back inside, then slumped against the wall. "What is the point, anyway? Whether we go and find the debauchery or not, it would be sort of pointless, right?" With a look of sorrow, he rushed back into the hallway and... And... And saw a certain naked avariel pass him in the hallway. Collapsing onto his knees, he wept tears of joy in an overly dramatic fashion. "My life is complete..."


Reona opened her door and scoffed at Arva, "You pervert."


Ianthe stepped back into the room to retrieve her things before they were stolen by someone passing through.

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