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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine continued on into the inn, heading for her room. She took a deep breath and sighed.


Here we go...




The panther then jumped up into a tree again and looked down at the bear. All of a sudden, the land began to shift around Caladus, turning to quicksand beneath his paws. The trees themselves seemed to reach for each other, creating a natural barrier around the druid. Vines crawled from the forest floor and reinforced this barrier as a mass of thousands of angry hornets began hovering overhead in a dense cloud.


Again, the great cat watched the bear with intense green eyes.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus took a deep breath and calmed himself. It would do no good to panic in quicksand. He thought for a moment, and remembered going through a similar test to become Arch Druid, proving mastery over the land. Great druid required strength. He reached out with his mind, and forced the quicksand beneath his sinking paws to solidify, providing a temporary solid surface. Trees had always been his specialty, and he roared at the nearest one, which stretched out branches for him to grapple onto, however his bear form was worthless for that. He panics slightly, turning into a fire salamander, a lizard like fire based creature with arms. He tosses aside the spear that it wielded, and grabbed the branches, and willed them to pull him out of the sand onto dry ground. Noticing the hornets, he blew a cloud of dense smoke at them, which is useful for calming bees, wasps and hornets, and returned to his normal form, waving a hand at the tree barriers to let him through. This was going well. He did a bit of acrobatics to get across the pool and out into the clear, and looked expectantly at the panther.
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The panther blinked, but gave no other sign of interest. Instead, it jumped down and continued on, this time at a slower pace. Deeper into the forest it went, and then it suddenly slunk down closer to the ground. It crept forward slowly, focused straight ahead. There was another clearing before them, this one draped in lacy spiderwebs. A giant spider sat within this lair, her clutch of eggs just behind her. A wandering doe had become caught in the sticky webbing, and, though alive, would soon be food for the spider's young. Yet on the outside of the clearing, the doe's offspring - a tiny fawn with all of its spots still present - bleated again and again for its mother. The sound of it was heartbreaking.


The panther cocked its head at Caladus inquisitively.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus thought log and hard. Slay the spider and her young, or save the deer and it's young that would most likely become food anyway. Difficult. Wait, if he did it right, neither of them would have to die! He cast a quick protection spell on the deer and it's young, and reached for his scimitars, and cursed when he remembered he'd left them at the inn. He thought for a second, and remembered that he could also turn into an ogre, a form he seldom used, as it was too large and brutish for his tastes, but it came with tough skin and a sword. He shifted, and drew it's weapon, slashing his way through the webbing, he fended off the spiders and freed the deer and her fawn, which scampered off. He muttered a quick prayer that this worked, and roared as loud as he could at the spiders and their young, putting all his authority as an Arch Druid behind him. The spiders scuttled off towards a nearby cave, and he nodded at the panther, ready to see what was next in store.
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The panther locked gazes with the druid one last time before dissipating into a cloud of silver mist.


Perhaps the journey back to Arabel would give Caladus time to think on what had transpired...

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Caladus wandered back towards town, deep in thought. He thought of what Kelemvor put him through, and realized they were the guidance, showing him what his choices did. Thinking on what he did, he analized the patterns. He used nature to help others. He has mastery over plants and animals, both of which can be used as weapons against his foes. In all cases, he chose a "good" path. He did not ignore the child, he saved him. He could have chosen more destructive means to get himself out of the quicksand pit. He could have also either killed the spider or simply let the spider have the doe - instead, he saved the deer without killing another animal to do it. No other member of the group had these abilities, not even Nawen. In his capable hands, nature becomes a positive force of change. He smiled and looked up and muttered "Thanks." Returning to town, he had a new spring in his step, and noticed, no matter what happened during the trial, his new outfit had stayed clean. He smirked slightly, thinking I guess even Kelemvor acknowledges the need for this to stay clean. He saw Radik talking to Nawen, and wandered quietly over, changing to his red cloak.


Radik smiled, and waved a letter.


"Ah received word from mah family head and father Korgan Bloodaxe. He says that Byron had written tae him nae long ago, mentioning a Nawen Mithrilaxe. Judging by what Caladus gave yeh, I suspect that be ye? A drow raised by dwarfs? Well, my father says tha' he would like tae form an alliance between our clans. He offers access to our clan's hidden tunnels, in which recently we stumbled upon a really large vein of Mithril ore, which we have nae the desire or proper forge to smelt, in exchange for access to weapons made of the stuff. Also, he thanks ye for givin my younger brother an honorable death. Our scouts reported seein his death. Said he'd shoved his things into the hands of his friend, grabbed his blastin gel, and ran into the tunnel to take oot a large slaver party, killin himself in the process."

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Lacey looked back up at Ravenna, shocked. "Oh, no, ma'am. My role in the ball will be as a waitress, though it's very kind of you to offer. I have a uniform of sorts. I'm expected to wear something like tights... I'm not sure which fabric it's made of, but it's tight-fitting and covers the entire body in one piece of clothing. It's mostly red and white, with diamond-shaped patterns all over. I also have to wear a jester hat." As she did some last-minute dusting on the top of a dresser, she turned back to the lovely woman, "Between you and I, it's awful-looking, but I'm getting paid extra for it."


After a few moments, she sighed and said, "You're such a lovely woman. It's no wonder the Lord Everdawn married you. Beautiful and kind, you rarely see that these days."




Reona looked at herself in the mirror a servant brought into the room. It was very strange. She had never thought of herself as beautiful before, but that was the only word she could describe herself with right now. Her lips were painted a bright shade of blue-green by a handmaid, and her eyelashes were oiled so that their long length became more obvious. Her few inches of hair had indeed been somehow styled into waves by the spell, as well.


"I look like a princess..." she whispered, feeling girlish excitement course through her.




Arva turned this way and that before a mirror. "I look like a princess," he whined in a cracking tone, his face agape in horror.


Suddenly, William appeared next to him holding a map and twisting it around as he examined it. Oddly, he was wearing purple robes even brighter than his usual ones were, and these happened to be encrusted in what seemed to be bright, clear gemstones of some kind that sent glittering reflections of light across the entire room. A matching cone-shaped hat topped his head. "Now, if this is the kitchen, then my room should be--- Hello, Arva! My, what a grand outfit! Though I think you could use a touch of perhaps blue lipstick." With a wink of sparks, he popped out of the room and appeared in his own hotel room, at long last.




Ianthe browsed the dresses in the shop, holding the hamster in one hand. Suddenly, a voice popped in her head, and she looked down at the hamster, eyes wide. "Was that you?"


No response.


Ianthe held the hamster up and checked its gender, noticing it was male. It was brown and fluffy, with a pointed nose. She smiled, "I think I'll name you Boota. Sounds cute, right?" She petted the little ball of fluff with her index finger.


I like it!


"What was that?!" Ianthe exclaimed, looking at Alphonse with her mouth wide.


He raised an eyebrow, suit in hand, and pointed to the dresses, "Maybe one was calling out for you."


"You're right!" She put the hamster onto her shoulder and pulled out a light blue dress which looked as if it were meant for a child of about twelve years, laden with layers and layers of skirts to go beneath it and give the dress volume. "What do you think, Boota? Something like this?" Hearing a voice in her head confirm they liked the dress, she assumed it was Boota's way of answering her, and placed it on the counter in front of Etienne, "I want this one."


"Oh, dear. This one will require some tailoring if you wish for it to fit just right... Hmm.. Actually, you're so petite that it may fit right away... Perhaps you should try it on in the back first."


Nodding, Ianthe walked into a corner and unbuttoned her pants, only to be ferried out of the room by Alphonse, who picked her up and carried her into the proper changing room. She shrugged and undressed there, then pulled on the dress. It was made for a much shorter girl than herself, causing the skirt to begin at her waist, and end at her knees. She walked out of the fitting room and looked at Etienne, who shook his head and pulled out a sewing kit.


"I'm assuming you want it to fit in this manner?" Etienne asked as he began cutting seams in the sleeves.


Ianthe nodded, and Etienne got to work, proving his skill in tailoring several times over. By the time he'd finished, the dress seemed as if it were made for Ianthe's body, fitting perfectly and still keeping its layered blue skirts exactly where she wanted them. There was even a breast pocket that Boota could easily fit inside. Etienne slipped a pair of shiny black leather shoes onto Ianthe's feet, and began to calculate prices.


Alphonse had chosen a simple ensemble: a long-sleeved white linen shirt, and a red, patterned kilt, along with knee-high socks and leather shoes. He also had picked out a mask for himself and Ianthe. His mask was of simple design and black, while hers was pale blue with corners that flared upward and tapered to slight points. He paid for the clothing and noticed that Rhaine had given them just enough to cover everything. He admired her efficiency.

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Rhaine took a quick bath, washing her hair and then drying it by sitting before the fireplace for about half an hour. Afterwards, she pulled her outfit from her Bag of Holding. She simply stared at it a few moments, not quite believing that she was actually going to wear something so lavish. Sighing, she then rolled up her robes, placing her holy amulet and ring within the folds, and put them in the bag. Replacing it into her footlocker, she locked the chest again.


The Doomguide took the dress gingerly and stepped into it, pulling the halter neck over her head. After adjusting it for a few moments, she turned this way and that before her mirror, admiring the fit. Rhaine had thought it would be more revealing than she was used to, and she was right. The bodice hugged her curves rather snugly, the skirt flaring over her hips and just brushing the floor. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed that it laced up the back...and naturally, she couldn't reach. She'd have to ask someone to lace it up for her.


Sighing again, she pulled on her boots. She was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable they were. The low heel would allow her to stay on her feet for far longer, and the startlingly soft material was unlikely to cause blisters. After walking a bit in them, she returned to the mirror and prepared to style her hair and apply her makeup.

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Caladus walked upstairs to deposit his spare clothes in his bag, and walked in on Rhaine putting on her ballgown. Fortunately, she already had the dress on her, just seemed to be struggling with the laces. He walked quietly up behind her, and started firmly tying the dress up, tight enough to show off her figure, but not too tightly as to cause her discomfort. He finishes tying it, and clears his throat nervously. Thinking back to his trials, he takes a deep breath and says what's on his mind.


"Rhaine, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate how.. blast! I do not know how to voice what I am thinking! Suffice to say, I wanted to give you something only an Arch Druid is capable of giving." He walks over to a wilted flower in a pot on her nightstand, and sighs. Uprooting the dead flower, he chants under his breath, and a perfect black rose grows out of the soil. He mutters another chant, picking the flower, which shrinks to about half the original size. He fumbles at the nightstand, still holding the magic, and finds a hair clip, He presses the hair clip to the flower, opens the clip, and mutters a spell. Glimmering diamond-like ice forms from his fingertips, and encases the rose in diamond-like everlasting ice. He hands the completed gift to Rhaine, and bows his head, waiting for what she had to respond.

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Rhaine started a little when she felt hands at her back, but she saw from the mirror that it was Caladus.


"Ah, thank you," she said with a smile. Then she watched, enraptured, as the drow grew a black rose from the soil in a flowerpot, shrank it, and then froze it onto one of her hair clips. As he proffered it to her, she hesitated slightly, as if her touch would break something that looked so delicate. Carefully, she took it, admiring the piece for several long moments before speaking again.


"Caladus, it's beautiful," she whispered, "I...thank you...again. Out of all your gifts, Caladus, this is the most precious...you made it with your hands and your heart. I shall cherish it, friend."


She resolved to incorporate the rose into her evening ensemble.

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