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Tales of Faerun


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Though his spell had healed up most of his internal injuries Tannin still felt like he had been smacked around by an ogre not that that was far from the truth. He winced as he slowly got up to his feet, Taking in sharp breaths in pain as he did. The smell of cooking food coming from a building nearby quickly caught his attention, With the sign in front of it reading "The Dreaming Dragon" it was clear even to Tannin's fuzzy mind that it was an Inn or tavern of sorts. That or he was reading the sign wrong, Both were very possible. Stepping up to the door he noticed his reflection in one of the windows. Face swollen and bruised, his clothing ruined, torn, and bloody. He knew he was going to draw looks for all the wrong reasons. But when his stomach gave a rather audible growl he let out a chuckle. "Oh sod it." He open the doors and stumbled in hoping that he wouldn't be turned away and would be allowed to open a tab, as he had left all that he found back in the undermount in a sack that he had propped up against the wall were Bromer had found him.
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Rhaine nodded to Nawen,"Yes. We'll be returning to Loudwater and then making our way east from there. I-"


She paused as a stranger stumbled into the inn, looking like he had just been in a horrific fight.


"Oh, my," she remarked, exchanging concerned looks with her companions, "I wonder if he needs help."

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Ianthe ran down the street, sopping wet and dressed in her underclothes, her clothing bunched up in her arms as she fled a woman wielding a broom. It had turned out that the owners of the bath house in this city were a couple: a round woman with rosy cheeks and a wonderful smile, children ever-tugging at the hem of her apron... and her cheating husband. Upon discovering the nearly nude nymph had stayed in the bath house overnight while her husband happened to have been out until the morning, the woman became understandably enraged and picked up her trusty broom, ready to beat the family-ruining harlot who her husband had been sleeping with.


Only, Ianthe wasn't the mistress. She tried explaining herself, but her childlike innocence and near-inability to understand the situation had been interpreted as poorly told lies.


Alphonse sat underneath an apple tree, tossing a few of the fruits around before juggling them to entertain a nearby child who stared, presumably, at how monstrously tall this half-elf was. His face flushed and his skin prickled with embarrassment as he saw Ianthe running down the street in nearly nothing. He shot up like a rocket and rushed to her side, keeping pace with her easily in a quite relaxed jog, taking one stride for every two of hers. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it around her shoulders before catching her around the waist and turning to face the fearsome bath house owner.


"Does she belong to you?" the woman sneered, her plump cheeks even more red than usual as she rested a hand on one of her round hips, panting and pointing the broom toward them with her other arm.


"No, but she's close to me. What quarrel do you have with her?" Alphonse's brow furrowed at the woman, and Ianthe began to pull on her trousers, sniffling afterward and wiping her nose with the back of a hand.


Noticing the commotion outside, Reona peeked out the window and made a questionable expression. "What in nine hells is going on out there?"


Arva, behind her as always, leaned over and twisted his face up in confusion. His wife was pulling on her trousers and Alphonse was shirtless. "Were Ianthe and Alphonse caught together by this woman?"


"You bloody pervert!" Reona scoffed, shoving him in the chest playfully. "Ianthe is sopping wet and Alphonse is dry as you or I. Obviously she was caught sleeping in the bath house. You don't remember that woman from when you went there? We've been in town for something like three days now!"


Arva shrugged. "I haven't bathed. The bath house had separate bathing areas for men and women, so I had no interest."


"You're not very hygienic." She sighed and pulled Arva outside by the wrist. Instantly, she regained the demure mannerisms she had back in Cormyr, a lilting, singsong voice dancing from her throat as she called to the woman in the street, "Excuse me, but you have my sister and my husband and we need them so that we can start celebrating my birthday! Her husband, my husband, and I," she paused to gesture to each one of them, respectively, "have been looking all over for her!"


Maybe it was the ruffled blue dress that exposed creamy shoulders framed by silky black hair, or the large white-blue eyes peeking at her underneath a raven fringe, or perhaps even the small frame of the girl, that made the woman immediately trust Reona. The innocent look of the girl implied that this was the truth. Perhaps this other girl, who was now puffy-eyed from crying, had simply gotten locked in overnight and had to sleep inside the bath until morning. It had happened once, with an older gentleman, before. The woman gave a motherly pat to Ianthe's head and turned around without a word, making her way back to work. She wasn't the apologizing type, but she hoped that Ianthe would understand.


Reona stepped out into the street and put an arm around Ianthe, patting Alphonse on his belly as she passed him. "You're developing a nice set of abdominal muscles, there, husband."


Alphonse's arms immediately crossed over his abdomen as he squealed in surprise. He couldn't tell if Reona was being serious or was jesting.

Edited by tokyobleach
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"Amendale should be able to help with that." Weyland explained. Wordlessly, Amendale began to cast a spell. His hand glowed with holy magic that he cast at the clearly-battered stranger who had just walked in. Given his lack of knowledge detailing the stranger's injuries he used a high-powered spell, feeling the drain in his power instantly. He would liy be able to recover from that with time, however.


"He does have some magical ability, after all." Amendale nodded in agreement and lowered his hand, hoping that would be all the healing necessary.

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Watching Amendale cast his spell at the newcomer, Echo promptly forgot about the stranger wearing garments like Xallistine's. "Well, I can't heal the poor fellow," she said to no one in particular, "but I can make sure he's fed ... I always feel better after a meal myself." She went to speak with the matronly waitress who had helped her earlier, and pointed out her companions. "Please find out what those good people would like to eat," she said, "especially that bruised-looking gentleman in the ruined clothes." She handed the woman more than enough coins to cover the cost of a meal for several people. "Kindly let them know I'm on my way to the Evergreen Hall, and I'll return soon."


If only Mahira could have seen me pay for someone else's food, she thought, she would have been astounded. She hurried out the door so no one would see her face, and went to visit her beloved friend's grave for the last time.


* * *

Mahira sat down in one chair and gestured toward another. "Please make yourself at home, my lord." What a strange thing to say to the Judge of the Damned, she thought, hoping her smile looked more natural than it felt. He had indicated something was amiss, and if it wasn't her work, she couldn't imagine what it might be.

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Kelemvor remained motionless for a few moments, any and all expression hidden behind his silver mask. Then, with fluid strides, he made his way to a chair across from Mahira, his boots thudding heavily upon the floor...leaving no doubt that this was indeed more than a vision. He sat, crossing his legs and interlacing his gloved fingers upon one knee, simply looking at her for a few seconds, as if studying her. The mask almost glowed beneath his shadowy cowl, and its surface shimmered as he finally spoke again.


"I know the disposition of every soul within my City, Mahira. Your thoughts have been plagued by self contemplation...and self ridicule. Have they not?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Just as he had started to look for a waitress when he noticed that he was no longer in pain. A confused look came over his face as he patted his chest when he found he could breath easier. Unaware that a healing spell had been cast on him he started to examine the door frame for any signs of runes or the like. Unable to find any he stepped away from the door frame and scratched his head awkwardly before noticing the group nearby, and having spent much of his life in taverns and inns he knew an adventuring group when he saw one and adventuring groups meant healers. Feeling rather dumb he approached their table with his face bright red due to his own embarrassment. "Sooo uhhh i'mmm going to go out on a limb here and take a wild guess thaaat i should be thanking one of you for healing me? Ooor do i need to just.... bow out of this tavern with what little dignity i have left after making such a fool of myself back there?" He asked nervously.
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Mahira was taken aback; she should have known her mind was not a private place within Kelemvor's realm. She steeled herself, and looked directly into the eyes of his death mask as she spoke. "Yes, my lord. I have not been ... trying to fit in with my fellows here. My loneliness is self-imposed. Indeed, I am always preoccupied with selfish matters." She swallowed, and went on haltingly. "I - I don't want to be ungrateful. I am glad to be of service here, this house is ... my solace, and I thank you for it."


She paused for a moment, and realized he must already know everything she might leave unsaid. "I miss Echo. I know I will never return to her, and pray she will not join me in death before her appointed time. I hope she will live a long and happy life, and become Faithful to one or many gods, in spite of the path I led her down. I am responsible for her thievery, and I fear that when she is Judged, she will be ... condemned to the Wall of the Faithless, or worse ... if there is anything worse." She fell silent.


* * *

"Oh, sir, but if you leave now, you'll miss a free meal," the waitress interjected with a twinkle in her eye. "The little miss, the halfling, left here a moment ago ... well, she's paid for whatever you want to order, and the same goes for the rest of you good folk, if you're hungry. What would you like?"

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Tak'we gave an irritated hiss without noticing it, agitated that yet another newcomer had appeared at their table. Too many strange softskins, he thought, shaking his head. He studied the half-drow before the group. He does look as though someone had tried to kill him, he thought, instantly regretting his earlier animosity. Feeling his stomach sour due to his discomfort, the thri'kreen ordered some bread and water to go with it. Oh well, if everyone else accepts them, I'll put up with it.


Waving Echo goodbye as she left, he looked again at Rhaine, curious as to where they were going. "Rhaine, you were ssaying?" he asked, trying to sound as if nothing was bothering him.

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Rhaine's brow furrowed slightly at the newcomer, and she gestured to the moon elf, "That would be Amendale, friend. He's the one you should thank."


She nodded to the waitress, "Just some bread and wine, thank you."


Glancing back to Tak'we, she added, "Yes...I was just saying we would return to Loudwater and then follow the Black Road east through the Anauroch. We should prepare carefully...the journey may take more than just a few tendays, and I have a feeling it won't all be smooth sailing."




Kelemvor was silent for a few moments. At last, he replied, "And so you have come to realize the power of the individual...you have seen it in both my Chosen and now yourself. Though you are one soul among infinite, one soul may affect another...for the better or for the worse. In turn, that soul will affect countless more. You fear that you have had a negative impact upon the one whom you call Echo, but do you not recall what Ilmater discussed with you before your arrival here?"


He leaned forward, his dark cloak shifting with a slight rustle, "You speak of selfish matters...the guilt you possess because of the crimes committed in your life. Yet, do you realize that you have not been punished for those crimes? Your duties here are no different than a False soul who led a stainless life. Why? Because I knew that your own conscience would be punishment enough."


He paused before continuing, "Must I remind you of the circumstances of your death? You gave your life for the sake of others...whether for the whole of Faerun or simply for the ones you love, it is of little consequence. Your sacrifice was the ultimate act of selflessness. Ilmater and Sune both vouch for your character, and I have seen and heard enough to know that a criminal is not what you truly are. Thus, you have not been treated as one."

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