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Tales of Faerun


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Ravenna's descent into hell was a painful one, as the portal that had taken her re-opened above the plane of Avernus, Ravenna was dropped un-gracefully to the floor bellow. She landed hard, and made an "Oof!" as she was winded by the impact, the black tar that was once her cloak fell from the sky through the portal as well, covering the witch and making it even harder for her to move. Her hair had come out of the bun it was in, and fell messily onto her back, the tips stained with the black tar that had splattered all over her.


She struggled a movement, still lying her used her legs to push her along the hot surface of the bloody floor, her hands grasping large clumps of the blood-red dirt, as she pulled out of the pit she had landed in, she rose from the tar as it squelched around her, crawling a few paces before dropping weakly to the ground once again, she grunted in frustration and pain, making one final attempt at pulling herself away. It took her a long time to crawl into the shadow of a large rock, leaving a trail of tar behind her, she used her arms to push herself against the rock's surface, as she panted heavily, looking up at the burning red chaos that was the sky, balls of glorious fire exploding in the atmosphere, the sight of vile winged beasts polluted the view ever more. Her gaze dropped as she looked down at the ground... she had to get out of this damnation... But how? Why? Everything she had planned was in ruins, and she had nothing left to continue for, perhaps she should just lay down and die, allow her stain on history to fade, and allow those who vanquished her to be remembered for decades to come from saving the world from what would have happened if she had taken Sune's power.


Ravenna's face fell to sadness as she bowed her head to the side, the years she had lost from her feedings returned to her abruptly, and with great speed, as though the souls of all those who had been wronged by the witch's awful deeds had finally had their revenge. Her mouth dropped and her eyes drooped and wrinkled, her face becoming gaunt, weathered, and low. Her brow was raised in defeat, and her hair greyed as age triumphed against the unnatural creature that was Ravenna, who had cheated nature of it's cycle. Defeat and sorrow were all that resonated in the witch's head... she had to succeed! It was her right! All these years of a shadow existence, finally a mere step away from being a true immortal. But her fight was gone, everything she had hoped to do was tattered and discarded, her plans had come into full bloom, and had been severed by the shears of divine intervention. Pieces of the dagger lay scattered all around the ground, Everything had failed. A single tear escaped the corner of Ravenna’s left eye as she sat defeated against the wall, her head rested against the side of the wall, and her arms were beside her. her legs were bent beneath her and she sat deathly still. Her gaze held nothing but acceptance of her defeat, an unwillingness to go on, Rhaine and her companions had foiled her bid for power, and the witch was unable to kill them in time. She went over the situation, and came to the conclusion that if she had reacted fast enough, she could have remained on her feet, she could have murdered Sune and dealt with them all, But along with her youth, those thoughts were decimated.


Her head finally gave way to it's weakness, and Ravenna slumped to the side, her tear fell delicately and burst on the ground, all of her sorrow screaming forth.


Her gnarled hands shook as she searched around the pieces-of night that were the feathers of her dress, pulling forth a potion from a small leather pouch that was strapped to her waist. She furiously wrenched the cork from the bottle, and threw it aside in anger, tipping the bottle up into her mouth, she ingested the black, viscous liquid in one large gulp, her throat wanting to reject the vile concoction, she coughed and spluttered as she keeled over to the side, reeling from the pain she felt as her wounds began to mend themselves.


Ravenna's broken body hoisted itself up slowly, her hands clawing at the obsidian she was previously leant against, desperately feeling for a crack to grab a hold of. Her fingers dipped inside a rocky crevice, and she used this support to stand once more, her tattered cloak had stopped it's oozing of matter, but was shorter, and far more ragged than it's otherwise regal state. Ravenna threw it over her shoulders, and drew the hood over her eyes like a veil, she looked around cautiously, eyeing her hellish surroundings to try and look for a way out. A portal to the surface perhaps? A sorcerers gate used to get them into the plane... No, nothing but a wasteland of blood-red sand and obsidian rocks. If she couldn't go up... Then Ravenna would go down. Her years had not been without learning, she understood that there were nine layers of hell, she just had to figure out which one she was in. What am i doing? The necromancer thought to herself, what had urged her to want to descend the circles of hell? Something pulled her to the ninth, but what? There were many a powerful Archdevil taking up residence in that evil, evil place, a place of damnation and punishment for those who died, who's deeds in life were deemed vile enough to condemn them to this place....

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The Calishite remained silent for a while, as the significance of what Kelemvor had said began to sink in. "My lord," she finally answered, "what would you have me do? I will try harder to be part of this ... community of souls, to do what I can to govern my emotions. I will do as you ask, anything, I swear it ... but I am not certain what you want of me." She took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then slowly let it out.


* * *

The matronly woman nodded, and since it seemed no one else was ready to order, she said, "Take your time, folks; be right back." Although theirs was one of the more intriguing groups of travelers she had seen in Everlund, she did her best not to stare, and went to fetch bread and wine for the raven-winged woman.

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Kelemvor stood again, "It is not a matter of what I want from you...but what I shall allow you to do. I know the role you played in your final hours. You aided my Chosen...and, in so doing, you aided me. I do not forget such things, and I am of a mind to reward you for this service...by giving you a chance to put your worries to rest.


"You wish for Echo to change her path," he continued, pacing slowly to the window, "and so I will give you the opportunity to be instrumental in such a change. As Echo looked to you for guidance in life, she may also look to you for such in death. She already possesses the means to do so, though she does not yet know it. It is a simple rogue stone, recovered from the lair of the banshee, Maraiel. It will grant her heart's desire, but only once. In truth, her deepest desire is to speak with you again, but the only way you may converse is through dreams...and she has yet to properly rest since the battle with Ravenna Everdawn."


He paced back, "When she finally succumbs to dreaming, I will allow you to connect with her once. This is the only time you may do so outside the holy days of Shieldmeet and the Feast of the Moon. After that night, you will be limited to those days alone. However, as a gesture of my favor, I shall waive the requirement to communicate through one of my Doomguides as long as Echo remains in the presence of my Chosen.


"On that night, when Echo's desire is granted, I advise you to say what you want while you can. You will not be able to speak again until the Feast of the Moon. Choose your words carefully."


He stopped and let his gaze fall upon Mahira again, "Do not forget, however, that there is no chance for you to return to the living. Contact with Echo will inevitably give you a desire for life again...but that is something that cannot be yours. In addition, Echo must learn to grow into her own. If I deem that this communication continues her dependence upon you, I shall sever your connection with each other. There is a reason that the living and the dead are parted, however painful the parting may be."

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The four of them entered the inn and paused as they noticed a few new faces gathered around their party.


Reona gave a smile that could have been fake or genuine, and curtsied, using only one hand since the other was round her sister's waist. Part of her felt like she only did it because she'd missed the feeling of not having her legs constricted by trousers or leggings. The dress had been the first thing she'd purchased when they arrived into town, and she was intent on wearing it while she still could.


In an attempt to cheer up Ianthe, who was rubbing her eyes as tears flowed out rather childishly, she tapped the nymph's shoulder and pointed. "Look, we've attracted a few more."


Arva had limped in behind, his calf and thigh burning with each stair he climbed on the way to the door. He straightened his leg as he sat down, sighing at the amount of effort it took him. His leg was healing extremely rapidly, but it was still probably going to leave him with a nasty scar. He wasn't sure if the limp would become permanent, but he sort of liked the idea of having one, as he was proud of how he'd gotten it.


He gazed up from his table at the girls as Reona told Ianthe a few travelers had joined them. "Now, wait. Looks more like that one," he gestured to Tannin, "is only talking to the party. You have to be more observant."


Alphonse was the last inside, keeping his head down and his hands over his belly, still not sure what Reona had meant a few minutes ago. He slipped past Ianthe, pulling his shirt off her shoulders as he did so, sliding the shirt on without buttoning it up. Ianthe's undershirt was a simple halter, so she wasn't exposed anymore now that she'd pulled on her trousers. An indifferent expression on his face, he sat alone at a table without ordering anything, after having eaten apples this morning.


Ianthe sniffled once more and then regained her composure, albeit with puffy eyes and a red nose. She hated feeling scolded, and usually broke out into tears if such a feeling crept up, or in this case, chased her with a broom down the street. Giving a wide smile to the newcomers, she walked over to greet them. "Are you really joining us?"


A distracted thought made its way into her head, and her eyes met those of a waitress, a hungry kind of look on her face. "Do you have oatmeal?"

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"Right well.. Thank you for healing me then." Tannin said bowing to Amendale. Taking note of Rhaine's furrowed brow and taking it as a sign of displeasure he bowed to her as well. "Annnd you have my apologies for interrupting, Wasn't my intent." He said straightening up, figuring it would be best to put some distance between himself and the group should they turn hostile. "I'll just.... Go... away now." He said as he backed away awkwardly. "Unless.." He stopped in his tracks as an idea came to mind. "And yes i am.. sorry for bothering you about this but ummm..." He paused thinking of the best way to word his question. "Perhaps.. maybe with such a journey ahead of you. Youuu wouldn't mind ann extra pair of hands to.. help along the way?" He said hopefully. He honestly didn't care what their business was or where it was taking them. His only intention was to put as much distance between him and Waterdeep as possible. And a half-drow traveling alone was simply begging for trouble.
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Mahira was dumbfounded; she hadn't anticipated that Lord Kelemvor would say anything remotely like this. She gazed at his silver mask for what seemed an uncomfortably long while, and when she finally spoke, she felt as though a tremendous burden had been lifted from her. "Thank you, my lord, with all my heart ... you are very generous. I promise you, I will be very careful in handling such a gift."


* * *

The matronly waitress came bustling back with a loaf of warm bread and a glass of wine, and set them down on the travelers' table to one side of the map. In her absence, the party had grown somewhat; one of the latest arrivals was an uncommonly lovely young woman who looked as if she had been crying, or was nursing a cold. When the young lady asked about oatmeal, the waitress beamed. "We certainly do, miss, and if you're with these fine folk, it's already paid for." She hesitated a moment, then cleared her throat. "Would anyone else like something from the kitchen while I'm at it?"

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Kelemvor's only reply lingered in the air long after he suddenly vanished from Mahira's residence.




"I am fine for now, thank you," Rhaine dipped her head to the waitress, then indicated the stranger whom Amendale had healed, "but that young man looks like he could do with a hot meal."


She winked at the man, who seemed to be a half-elf...though the Doomguide could not be certain, "My apologies if I seemed critical of you, friend. Why don't you join our table and we can discuss this proposal of yours. You are right, of course. We could use every available hand...but what kind of help can you offer? I cannot discern your trade."

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"Well uhhh if.. if you insist." Tannin said with a smile as he pulled up a chair. Looking up at the waitress as he sat down he he didn't know what was served there. "I'll um.. Just.. have whatever's good and cheap?" He said with a nervous laugh. He then looked around at the group, Trying to get a read on what they were like and planning out how he would answer. "As for my trade umm.. Well i did train in the bardic arts for a few years when i was younger, though i'm not really one for marching along while singing a song to be honest, No i'm actually a bit of an actor. I've been working in Waterdeep for the past few years and have been in several plays that have caught the attentions of nobles all over the city, and a few because they were actually of decent quality." He joked. "I'm alsooo good at slipping into places that i shouldn't be in without drawing attention." He said as his fingers tapped on the table. "I can also kind of sort of tell what kind of person someone is and if they’re lying by looking at them, nothing as impressive or foolproof as aaa magical ability you see, I've actually been wrong more times than i'd like top admit you see it's more of umm.. Well you see, when you're around actors as much as i am you tend to pick up the ability to tell when someone is acting or not. Little.. tells that the body makes when it's acting different than normal. Voice pitch, The position of the body, where the eyes are looking, You know the.. normal little things that anyone could pick up on if they pay attention." He said fidgeting around in his hair in a nervous manner. "I know it's not really that useful of an ability but it's something i pride myself on." He added with a smile. "That and i'm not too shabby in a fight either. Well… when I‘m not horribly outnumbered." He said with a nervous laugh. "So yeah i'm not really that great at anything heheh... But if you're ever in need of a story i've got tons of em." He added.
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Amendale simply nodded politely at the man and turned away from him to sit down. Weyland remained standing and listened to the man describe himself.


"Well, sounds like you could come in useful along the road. Sounds." He commented. "Well, my turn. I'm a fighter, in case that much wasn't already obvious. I'm comfortable wearing even heavy armor and can fight with a slew of different weapons. Sword, axe, mace, or something heavier like a claymore, and even if I'm completely unarmed. I'm at my best with a blade and a shield. I can use a crossbow, but I'm not very good with one. Really it just leaves me some kind of defence at a longer range."


Amendale didn't speak much. "I am a healer, sorcerer, and bladesman. I wear no armor, but I can cast spells at long range, comparable to a bow. Close-quarters combat is where I make use of my blade." He said.


"That about sums us up. My strategy is usually to charge to the front line and keep everything busy, to be honest." Weyland admitted. "Just for if we run into trouble on the road."

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"Well," Rhaine replied with a smile, "It sounds like you all will be true assets to our group. Welcome. Now, there is the matter of buying supplies for our journey. I propose we split the purchases between us, and then all of us can meet outside the southern walls by...highsun, perhaps?"


The Doomguide produced the money that she had just recently acquired, placing both pouches on the table before them.


"Nawen, could you see that we get enough food and water for the horses to last for at least three tendays? Aricia, I'd like you to restock our healing supplies...make sure we have enough salves for burns, in case the sun does too much damage. Xallistine, we may need more alchemical ingredients and herbs should we run out of potions. Ianthe, I think it would be wise to acquire some extra blankets and cloaks for spending the nights outdoors...I hear the deserts are strangely cold after the sun sets. As for myself, I'll handle rations for us. The rest of you, peruse the market and purchase anything else that you think we may need for our travels. It wouldn't hurt to pay a visit to the temples here, either."


With that, she refolded her map and placed it back into her pack, tearing off a piece of bread and taking a sip of her wine.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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