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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine nodded to Xallistine, understanding the Ulitharid's need to be alone...perhaps she would take a midnight stroll of her own after checking on the hoodlums upstairs...


She saw Weyland, Amendale, Reona, the woman, and Lokii all crowded in the same room, seemingly trying to decide what to do about the gith's poisoned condition - she had caught the last bits of conversation, and it seemed Weyland was reluctant to give up his antidote.


"Oh for the love of the gods," she said in irritation, pushing herself into the room, "Save your potion...I can purge poison easily."


Placing her hands on Lokii's shoulders, she cast a simple Cure Poison spell. It was an old incantation that she had learned while still in paladin training...luckily for her, it didn't drain her energy too much. There was a small flash of light as she expelled the spider venom from the gith's body.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Reona crossed her arms and propped herself against the door's frame, watching the healing take place. "Hm, lucky for you the healer was the one to come to check up on you, though. Honestly, I'd not care whether I lived or died if I were in your condition, but still be thankful they have saved you. I only came to keep Arva from coming instead. The girl deserves her privacy."


Arva led the half-orc over to the table where Tannin sat and slammed his fist on the table, laughing. "Look at what she can do!"


Blushing, Rena held the flower Arva had given her between her index finger and thumb, squinting in concentration. The flower turned brown, wilting, then a splash of brilliant orange began to dapple the stem and petals as it reversed itself into a bud. It bloomed a few more times, before she put it down on the table and sat down, winded by the use of magic, even if it was a simple trick.


Arva seated himself as well, his head pleasantly buzzing by now.


Alphonse raised an eyebrow at the half-orc woman from across the room, "It's not often you see half-orcs, especially ones who look pleasing to the eyes of either race." He remained completely unaware that Tannin had said much the same thing a moment ago, and sipped at his wine.


The old couple he and Ianthe were sitting with then both seemed to be utterly convinced that Alphonse had made a comment about horses whom he found pleasing to look at, and promptly left.

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Amendale followed up on Reona's statement. "She's right. You're lucky Rhaine or I found you or you may have died. Be more careful in the future."


Weyland didn't shy away from returning the animosity. "One: Amendale's a moon elf. Two: Amendale's the one who healed you, not me. Don't thank me. Three: watch your tone with him. Amendale's not the one who disapproves of you being here right now. He holds no animosity towards you, that's not the way he works."


"I can speak for myself, Weyland, correct as you may be." Amendale frowned. Then he turned to Rhaine. "Could you teach me that spell sometime? It could come in handy, as shown."


"I'm not denying you're a monster. Not because you're a Githyanki but because you're a warlock, to say nothing of actions. Now, you mind explaining what you were doing with this young woman here?" Weylands eyes had narrowed slightly. "No...Amendale's right, I'll let her speak for herself. What was he doing with you?" He asked the woman directly. He almost found it odd that he didn't get along with Lokii. After all, Weyland could get along with almost anybody. But mistrust tended to do that.

Edited by Flipout6
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Lokii growled in rage, he had had enough of Weyland's animosity. He turned, his eyes were flaring eldricht energy. "You have no idea of what is to be like me! Hunted for being what you are! Cursed with a power you cannot control and hated because of it!." He roared, his body beginning to give off dark energy. His hands were gripped tight and the room began to shake. "You will never know what is it like to be forced to slaughter your own family, to have to watch yourself rend your wife and son with your own blade and helpless to stop yourself!" The energy burst into dark flame around him, his rage grew larger. He began to lift from the ground and the room shook harder as his mind raced with images of the night his family died.


Barabas laughed inside of him, "Good, let that darkness consume you..." He spoke, Lokii closed his eyes and began to lower to the ground. His feet gently touching and his dark power beginning to fade away as he calmed himself. "You do not know what it is like to have to serve the creature that forced you to become a monster... to be unable to take your own life... To have to do an monsters bidding so your family doesn't spend eternity in torment in pain at the hands of the very creature that slaughtered them..." He confessed his darkness to them, finally sick of having to deal with unreasonable animosity.


"You wanna kill me? Get in line... Cause everyone else has a reason to kill me just as foolish as yours. I seek not pain or agony for innocents... I seek to turn my dark powers against those that commit evil deeds, harm innocents and seek to murder and kill to further their own ends. I promise this Weyland, I will find these people... and show them what true darkness is..." He vowed.




Katerina watched the display in shock, seeing the truly tormented soul that he was. When she heard the man speak his name, "Lokii, his name is Lokii." She thought. When he was on his knees she sat down next to him, her eyes turning to Weyland. "Leave! He means me no harm and he saved my life. That is all you need to know.." She said sternly, upset with this mans anger towards Lokii. As far as she knew, he did nothing to the man besides have a dark past and the bad luck of being born of what he was. She began to grow angry with all the people in his room. She turned to Amendale and the woman with wings. "I thank you for your aid but he must leave..." She said to them and then pointed at Weyland.

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Rhaine was unfazed through Lokii's entire show. Looking the gith straight in the eyes, she said, "I do not appreciate power displays. They neither impress nor frighten me. As for my companion," she glanced at the female, gesturing to Weyland, "he is just as much a part of my party as your savior here. And I believe he has a valid inquiry." Her gaze returned to Lokii, "What were you doing when you rescued this woman?
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Weyland drew his blade as Barbaras' power began to overwhelm Lokii. He lifted his shield to just below his eyes, prepared to try and block any magical projectiles that may fly his way, or strike from that blade. He stood pranced on the balls of his feet and slightly crouchesd, ready for action. and putting as much of himself behind the shield as he could.


"Everybody get behind something." He warned. Amendale's eyes narrowed at the situation.


For all the warlock powers and levitation, Weyland remained unfazed. While Lokii may have been wearing some armor, Weyland had taken on foes that were armoured from head to toe, and the coat didn't appear to be armoured entirely. Looking carefully, Weyland located what appeared to be a Asian in the armor, to hit if he was forced into a fight. Then the power display stopped, and Weyland didn't relax a bit. For all he knew that could just have been a charging process and the spells were going to start flying now. He listened to what Lokii had to say and nodded in thanks at Rhaine's support.


He spoke with a slightly raised voice. "Are you done?" He raised his eyebrows. "That slaughter of your family is the reason I don't trust you. Barbaras' prescence fortifies those feelings. And who was it who 'forced' you to become a monster? Unless I remember incorrectly you made a deal with him. That, to the extent of my knowledge, is how warlocks gain their power. Now, answer Rhaine's question. You saved her life, so she says. I'd like to hear your side of things." He relaxed a little bit, but only a little.

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Echo slept solidly for the rest of the night without another dream, unaware of all that was happening with her companions. It was the most restful sleep she'd had in a very long while.
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Katerina grew impatient with them, He had done her no harm and they all seemed very ready to kill him for talk of him being apart of them. Lokii approached, not threateningly but he rapidly grew impatient with them all. "Warlocks gain their powers from fell pacts that is true but I was already a Warlock... In ages past to stave off the Illithids my ancestors pacted with a demon. That demon gave them and their descendants the power I possess now... I did not seek this power for my own reasons I sought it to save my people from a greater threat. A threat that still looms over us..." He said to them all, tired of their suspicion.


"Barabas has ahold of me but he does not have my spirit... only when he is strong can he take me over... the more souls he consumes the stronger he gets, I have lived with him for over ten thousand years I know some of the ins and outs of this demon. Not a moment goes by that I do not regret the deal I made and I am seeking to right the wrongs I made..." He said to them all, not just Weyland. If they killed him then his purpose is undone. He cannot die right now but when he knew the spirits of his family were safe that might change.


Katerina stood up and walked over to them standing in front of Lokii. "He saved me from a cult of devil worshippers here in the city, they were going to sacrifice me. He got me out and was stabbed in the process... Now since you do not consider him one of your people... Get out!" She shouted, and pointed to the door. He had done nothing to deserve this suspicion in her eyes and she was fed up with it, almost as much as Lokii. "Either kill him for being what he is or accept him... those are your only choices Chosen..." She said, knowing who Rhaine was, she had heard the Chosen was in the city on their last venture here.

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Rhaine's sword was in her hand in an instant, her eyes flashing at the insolence of this woman. The pale green flames licked Touch of Death's edge due to the anger of its mistress.


"You ignorant girl. If you knew who I was," she said threateningly, "you would not have dared to speak to me that way. Lokii is part of my party...and as long as he remains so, anything and everything he does that might or might not cause harm to myself or my companions is my business. It is not up to you to decide what I do or do not do with him. Until he brings harm to any of us, I will do nothing to him in return...none of us will. But I will not stand for secrets. Secrets get people killed. Secrets cause distrust."


She thrust Touch of Death forward until the tip was against the woman's throat and she was looking down the silver blade at the fool, "Go home. Now. "

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Amendale decided to step in. He put his hand on Rhaine's shoulder gently, trying to calm her down.


"Lady Rhaine, we came up here for her sake, not to harm her. There is no need for any more violence this night." He said gently.


Weyland glanced uneasily at the situation with Katerina. "My grudge is with Lokii and Barbaras, I hold no qualm with you. I'd reccomend following her instructions, even if all it accomplishes is getting you out of the line of fire if things keep going the way they are."

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