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Tales of Faerun


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"I came here to make sure the girl was okay, that's all. She sure was a lively one, though, wasn't she? I'm indifferent to all this. Then again, the world could be in jeopardy right now and I wouldn't care at all." Reona made a small curtsy to Lokii, as you never know what sorts of outcomes these sorts of things may have, and politely excused herself back downstairs. Edited by tokyobleach
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"Personally i say we dig a hole and drop the skull into it, that or chunk it into the ocean. But I'm sure you'd rather hang onto it and occasionally use it to unleash some sort of unimaginable power whenever it's convenient to you." Tannin said in a bored tone. "But now that the threat of you all killing each other is over. I shall take my leave and return downstairs." He said as he left the room.
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"Aye," Rhaine agreed, "Now that it seems that the immediate threat of Lucifer is over, we can discuss this more tomorrow. I'm sure we would all benefit from rest and some...alone time. Good night."


With that, the Doomguide left the room, following Reona and Tannin. Instead of rejoining her fellows, however, she continued out of the inn and into the night air, heading towards the river. An evening stroll would do her good...and perhaps calm her frazzled nerves.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine sat on the rivers bank, his robed legs dipped into the cool water, his two longest tentacles swishing about the Oxygen-plenty liquid, and his hands rested on his lap, clasped together in contentment. He had needed the peace of water for a while, and the soft flow of Loudwaters river was the only sound that night, aside from the occasional rustle as the grass shifted under the winds force.


He turned his head as Rhaine approached, her boots padding softly in the green. His brow lifted as he saw his friend approach. In the pale moonlight, The Ulitharid's features were shown to their full extent, and in such light, it was clear he was old. The bags under his eyes were numerous, and the whole structure of his tentacles were low, almost as if they were the long beard of an ancient sage. His light purple skin was the only contrast to this ageing appearance, and appeared smooth and fresh. "My dearest Lady... it is so very good to see you again."

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Rhaine smiled, moving to stand beside the Ulitharid, "And you, my friend."


She looked up. The night was clear; Selune shone bright and full, illuminating the river and making it sparkle like a gypsy's scarf. The Doomguide took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing her eyes momentarily. After a few moments, she sat down beside Xallistine, crossing her legs beneath her. Still gazing at the sky, she remarked, "It's times like these that the dominions of the gods seem only a step away."

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Xallistine's mood picked up as the Doomguide sat beside him, his troubles drifted to the back of his mind as he stared up at the beautiful sky, seeing what Rhaine meant as she voiced her comment. "I'm half expecting a staircase of light to descend, take us the next realm." he said with a soft chuckle, using only the link he and Rhaine had formed in their travels together. No effort was needed to communicate in this way, it just... happened.


"It has been so long since we sat and rested, truly, rested. Not the concept of sleep in those inns... that's just a break before the storm picks up again." He said, looking to his half-elven companion, who's complexion appeared incredibly radiant under the white light. "We have been through so much M'lady, such terrible, terrible things. And yet here we remain, broken and beaten, but alive. These months of travel have opened my eyes to such wonders, the surface is so beautiful, when compared with the darkness of the underdark, i think i actually enjoy the feel of real light on my skin. And i have but one to thank: You." He paused for a moment, pondering his words in an attempt to convey them properly. "I Love you, Rhaine Alcinea... not in that way you mammals express love to create offspring... not... like that but, as a true friend, a bondmate, despite what i am, despite my kind, i have found only trust and friendship in you, and for that, i cannot repay."

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Her smile widened.


First Tak'we, now Xallistine.


"You honor me with your words, my friend," Rhaine replied, "and I myself must confess that you have opened my eyes to your own world. Never would I have thought to share company with an Ulitharid...sleep peacefully in his dwelling...and then travel side by side with him as an equal. I am now convinced that there must be good in every one of the supposed 'evil' races. I certainly hope that our newest ally will only serve to reinforce that notion."


She paused for a moment, picking up a pebble and tossing it from hand to hand, "I consider you one of my closest friends, Xallistine...and that is saying quite a lot. There are very few who I would trust with my life. You are one of those few."


She then skipped the pebble across the surface of the river, watching as it plashed a few times and then sank beneath the black waters.

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Xallistine bowed as Rhaine's words mirrored his own, he was so very pleased that she thought of him a friend, an equal, and someone she would trust her life with. "Your words mean more than i can say, M'lady. I am so, so very pleased that perhaps you see there is a glimmer of hope for my kind; I hope the same is true with our newest companion, but i believe he shall resent me once he learns of my species."


His tentacles seemed to fan out, as a mimick of a smile, to express his gratitude of Rhaines words "I.. know not how to express this, M'lady. I too would trust you with every fibre of my being, while my thanks are words only, perhaps i could share with you a secret?" Xallistine said, watching the sleek pebble skip across the water, eventually plopping to the bottom. Secrets shared were a sign of utter trust in the Illithid's society, secrets were power, and were shared with only the most trusted. "I have seen so much of your past revealed to me, not only during the ritual, but as we have travelled, i have discovered only more about you. And yet you know only that i am a Loremaster, who chose to rebel against his nature."


Xallistine paused again, realizing how reserved he had been. "My birth, Lady Rhaine, was not like that of an average Illithid, or Ulitharid for that matter... I was split from a tadpole know as 'Leviathan' The largest recorded in my species history... it was foretold 'Leviathan' was sent to become a conqueror, to unite all Illithid under one rule, but as evident, it was simply myth. The tadpole split into two, one red, and one blue... I was blue, embodiment of Leviathan's urge for knowledge, and proficiency for magic... The other half, my twin, Illestine, embodied it's brutality. A gargantuan of my people, he is a feared warlord, and unmatched swordsman, he embodies everything wrong about my kind, slavery, torture, pillaging... these are but footnotes. He is my greatest foe, and one day, i shall have to destroy him. Perhaps not a tale you expected to hear... but it is one closest to my heart, and i thought that insight into what i was was only fair."

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Rhaine's brow furrowed. She had not thought that Xallistine would have an enemy amongst his own kind. It was worrisome...and yet the Ulitharid seemed perfectly content with the inevitability of the clash between himself and his...evil twin.


"I thank you for sharing this with me," she answered, "but...do you think that we will ever run across this...Illestine?"

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