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Tales of Faerun


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Tak'we's stomach growled as he smelled something good being cooked. "What isss that?" the thri'kreen asked Amendale, peeking over the softskin's shoulder at the pieces of meat being fried. "That smellsss good!" He saw Weyland and Rhaine eat some of it, obviously enjoying it, and so he decided to try some.


He took one piece and tried it...and absolutely loved it. *Tck-tcktck-wee!* "Thisss isss" *tck!* "deliciousss!" he exclaimed, clicking and whistling in delight. "What isss thiss called?" *Wee!* Nearly knocking Amendale over, Tak'we grabbed several more pieces of bacon with each hand, the heat not bothering his chitin-covered fingers, and went over to his pack, devouring the tasty meat rapidly.


Licking the grease from his claws after gorging himself on the strange new meat, the thri'kreen checked to make sure his pack was together, then lifted it onto his shoulders and picked up his staff. "Thisss one isss ready whenever everyone elsssse isss," he said cheerfully.

Edited by GrueMaster
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Xallistine had remained solitary and silent for much of the time the group had camped, sitting on the outskirts of their little settlement. He regarded Mireth as she was introduced to the group, and passed a few words to her, but other than this brief encounter, he kept himself to himself. He was still in grieving for Mahira, for Aricia, and his mind was rife with images from the Temple of Sune. Hearing Tannin's humorous tale of the temple did not stir a reaction from the Ulitharid- a part of him wanted to tell of his last trip to a temple of sune- A trip from which he returned one companion down, his mind full of bloody images of the slashed throats and drained bodies, and a friend that died after facing the Vile witch. But he did not, and instead sat away from the others. A quill in his hand, and his journal opened before him, he noted down the events of the past few days, finding nothing of which he could assist the others with- Being useless was one of the reasons he disliked breaks, rests from adventure. He slept not that night, and was still scribbling down into his book as the morning broke through the clouds.


Mireth made sure she slept not that night, as the group wove tales she listened intently, and found the story of the Orcish Sunite amusing, hiding her hatred for the Orcs with a giddy laugh. perhaps they all weren't so bad, but they had made an enemy of her lord, and therefore an enemy of her. As breakfast was served she watched the insectoid greedily devour the slithers of bacon with amazement- It was like watching a child taste it's first solid meal. She understood not his kind, but couldn't help but smile at what she saw.

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As everyone milled around the wagons...eating, waking up, packing...Rhaine noticed Xallistine sitting alone on the fringes of the camp. Pulling Echo's stone from her pocket, the Doomguide walked up to the Ulitharid and greeted him.


"Good morning, Xallistine. Do you mind if we speak for a few moments?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Bard finished packing his gear, his arm feeling better since Amendale's healing. His mind drifted to Lelana at the riverbank as he did so. He wondered why she would appear before him now, now that his head has cleared he began to lull things over in his mind. He picked up his scabbarded sword and wrapped it into his bedroll, he tied the bedroll to his pack and threw it over his shoulder, he put a toe under his lute and kicked it into the air and caught it with his hand. Bard took a few pieces of bacon and readied himself, he ate it and drank from his waterskin as he waited for everyone to resume travelling.


He noticed Rhaine conversing with someone but he could not make out who that someone was, he shrugged and bit down on the piece of bacon he was eating and idly strummed a light tune on his lute. His greasy fingers making it somewhat harder to play but he overcame that and continued. He sat down on a nearby rock as he played.

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Rhaine smiled, "I have something I want to give to you. Echo found this rogue stone in the banshee's lair, and she says that it grants one their heart's desire, but only once...then it must be given to someone else to be of use again. So, I could think of no one better to give it to than you. Use it wisely, and be careful what you wish for...but you already knew that."


The Doomguide then passed the stone to Xallistine, hoping he would find it helpful.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Echo grinned appreciatively at the end of Tannin's story, although its humor was tempered by a note of sadness. She understood that Thrag - or Thomas - had obviously been a cherished friend of the half-drow, and wondered what had happened to him, but didn't take the opportunity to ask. Since Weyland wasn't in the mood to tell his own story, the halfling decided it was time for sleep; she got up, cleaned her dishes, and put them in her saddlebag. Her little bedroll seemed comfortable enough, situated in a sandy hollow in the earth beneath her tent, and it wasn't long before she fell asleep.


The following morning, she woke not long after Amendale, got dressed and sat atop her bedroll with Rhaine's book, reading until the rest of her companions were awake. Highly amused by Tak'we's reaction to his first taste of bacon, she helped herself to a few pieces and heartily thanked Amendale for making breakfast. After she ate, she struck her tent and carefully packed it along with her bedroll, then gave another apple to White-Nose and spent some time checking the condition of the mare's hooves and shoes. On the opposite side of the campsite, she saw Rhaine hand something very small to Xallistine; she wondered whether it was the rogue stone, and what the Ulitharid's heart's desire might be. A moment later, she thought of Tak'we at breakfast and chuckled to herself, hoping the thri'kreen wouldn't use the stone to wish for more bacon when his turn came.

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Tannin kept busy during the night by writing out his new play series that his traveling companions had inspired. A few moments of quiet however was all he needed. He found himself lost in his thoughts and old memories surfaced. Very rarely did the good memories ever replay in his mind, it was usually the bad ones, companions and friends that had been lost, the horrors that he had seen face to face. And the blackness that haunted him so many years after his encounter. All of these were enough to put Tannin in a sour mood.

As the others started to rise he pulled out random components from his pack and started grinding them up before pouring them into a vial. By the time the bacon was done all he had all the components in and ready and the vial was now filled with a dark orange liquid. Staring at the vial he started to psych himself up. Taking in deep breaths and exhaling slowly, his hatred of the liquid plain to all to see. After a few moments he finally reared his head back and drank the vials contents causing him to double over and clasp a hand over his mouth as he started to gag. His body lurched forward several times trying to expel the vile liquid. After his stomach finally settled down he shot Bard a glare. "Next time you go off in the middle of the night to piss off a group of goblins I'll shove this down your throat. Keep you awake all day and night so you can make sure your stupidity doesn't cause a horde to come charging down our throats!" He growled, his accent, manner of speech, and even his voice completely different from normal. Even his eyes had changed, the usual warm cheerfulness replaced with a seething anger not yet seen by the group. An infamous trait of his heritage fully on display. Though it wasn't obvious, drow blood still flowed through his veins, and no matter how hard he tried the wrath of the drow was not something that could be kept down forever.


He grabbed a few strips of bacon and sat a short ways away from the others of the group. But not far enough away that his occasional angry muttering couldn't be heard. Mostly concerning the fact that the potion he drank was ruining the taste of the bacon.

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Maydiira pressed herself against the back wall of a storeroom.


She had miraculously managed to avoid detection and had found both her armor and her beloved Velve'drathir. Her cloak and ring, however, were nowhere to be found...the wizards had likely taken them both for their own use, and she cursed the loss.


As luck would have it, the storeroom was empty, and she was able to re-arm herself without interruption. Getting back out would be another matter; her Ethereal Jaunt had worn off, and she had yet to find the exit from this horrible place. It was a massive labyrinth of tunnels, seemingly once a mine shaft, and it was crawling with cultists and rogue Red Wizards.


If only the Barra Ktonos could see me now, she thought.

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Bard just laughed at Tannin's display of anger, he continued to play his lute and ignored the threat. "I would love to see you try..." He said, he did not care for threats that were based in nothing. He knew how to deal with goblins and he dealt with it, he wasn't some rookie he knew how to vanish in the desert. "By the time those goblins find us, we'll be long gone and they won't come close to Llorkh so were safe imbecile. Goblins by nature are cowardly, unless they outnumber you they won't attack." He explained as he played. He was a veteran of the Goblin-Wars and he knew their tactics very well. Bard stood up and stretched, he placed the strap of his lute over his torso.


"We are heading to The Dalelands, all along the roads there are Orcs and Goblins and many other threats that are far scarier then you..." He said, he was not scared of Tannin and his little display and he wanted him to know it. He turned away and started walking along the road to Dalelands, figuring he would get a headstart and clear their path.

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