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Tales of Faerun


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"That sounds like quite a battle. I wish I could have been there. Relieve some of the boredom of drifting between jobs." Weyland's mood had picked up a little bit and he flashed a genuine smile.


Amendale finished preparing and cooking a batch of fish, so he put them on a cloth on the ground and added some spices to liven the meal up a little bit. Once enough were ready for the entire group to grab a portion, Amendale announced "First serving of fish is ready." And put one on a plate for himself.


Weyland stood up and walked over to where the fish was laid out on the ground and grabbed some. He was quick to dig in to the freshly-caught meal, and was surprised at how well prepared it was. Between a mouthful of fish, he congratulated Tannin and Amendale. "Wow, this fish is really well done. If I didn't know better I'd say you guys cooked for the nobles." He raised his eyebrows.


"As for me? I haven't fought anything compared to what you guys have taken out. Probably the most powerful opponent I've faced would be the Lamia that we were talking about earlier. Other than that, it's mostly zombies, criminals and kobolds, although obviously I've gone up against far more than that."

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Rhaine rose to help herself to some of the fish and retook her place by the fire. As Weyland stated, it was remarkably tasty and well-prepared.


"Very nicely done, you two," she said to Amendale and Tannin.

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Tannin laughed at Weyland's comment. "I did better. I cooked for myself. Think i would live off of gruel and the like? No sir, Course working in the kitchen of a tavern in waterdeep helped a lot. Taught me how to cook just about anything. Now whether or not it's any good is up for debate and personal taste." He said getting his own serving. "And don't feel bad Weyland. Kobolds and criminals can be quite the challenge if properly organized. And zombies well…. I’ve seen plenty of town brought down by an outbreaks of the walking dead. So be proud of your accomplishments. You’ve survived what many couldn’t.” He said before biting into his fish. He chewed it with an odd look and after swallowing he let out a disgruntled sighed. “Still not a fan.. I’ve lived by the coast most all my life and yet I don‘t have the taste for fish. I find that very odd.”

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"Zombies" Xallistine chuckled. He recalled the event that had bound the group together, and a plague that had dogged them constantly on their journey. "Zombies, believe it or not, brought myself, Rhaine, Nawen, and the other... veterans of this travel together. An undead plague was ravaging the Underdark when we all met, brought about by a certain sect of the Cult Of The Dragon, Ravenna was overseeing. That initial battle really bound us all together with ties of friendship, after I had paved the way by allowing everyone lodging in my home. That battle saw us all sustain many injuries, you see, the Witch called upon her powers of Telekenesis to animate simple statues, and send the crumbled shards flying around the battlefield in clouds of needles. If i recall correctly, my Stomach bore a large hole after that." He winced at the memory, but continued on with his tale. "After the coward gave up, she feigned aid, sending us off to face the Dracolich that was bound in the temple... Luckily only it's guardians remained, and It's Phylactery was destroyed... Rendering my physical capabilities to the pitiful state they are in now, it forged a friendship that has lasted this long. I don't think you would be able to understand just how satisfying it was to watch that dagger pierce through her stomach, sending her off to the Hells." he added, his tale directed to the newer members of the group, as it was one Rhaine and Nawen were a part of. He had not actually spoken to Weyland, Amendale, or Tannin since they had arrived, and what better way to get acquainted than the telling of a story?

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Rhaine ate quietly as Xallistine told the tale of how they had met. The Doomguide nodded in agreement with his words, and when he finished, she added, "Xallistine is right, of course. And were it not for his efforts, I do not think we would have fared well against Ravenna...we might not have succeeded at all."

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Weyland listened intently to the story, quite interested. So these people had been brought together by crisis... that explained why they were so close. Weyland finished off the last of his fish and got up to wash the plate, still listening. Amendale, also listening, simply soaked in the story that had been told and drank some water. The Moon Elf enjoyed stories, his family used to tell them all the time, along with the other members of the group he came from.


Weyland chuckled. "One time I beat a slime to death with my bare hands. I didn't have Amendale to help and I couldn't hit it with my weapon, so I started punching it. Ha! I don't actually know how I still possess my hands, but it's funny to think about."





Even to a child, the sounds that emanated throughout the quiet forest would sound ominous, and suspicious. Two angry voices muttering threateningly to one another, and then silence.


Around Arland's feet a small pool of blood was beginning to gather, that of a recently-deceased landowner with a reputation for keeping his tenants poor with taxes. Arland withdrew his sword from the man's flesh with a sickening liquid sound and dropped the arrogant snob's corpse into the dirt, one of two dead bodies and three unconscious guards. Arland didn't like killing guards-they worked for a living like any common man. It was their employers he was after.


The youthful renegade wiped the blood off of his blade and sheathed it, wishing he'd slashed the noble instead of stabbing him...impaling wasn't what his blades were designed for. He took one last look around the scene-a wrecked carriage, two nervous horses, bodies living and dead strewn out among the dirt road- before he headed off into the forest, not too far from the road as to get lost, but enough to restrict visibility from any observers. The local authorities weren't going to be happy about the two murders. But with that noble dead the local farmers and settlers that lived on that land would at least be able to say that the man got what he had coming to him, even if the next landlord was just as bad. And improving the lives of the populace? That was why Arland did what he did. One didn't make things better for everyone without first getting their hands dirty. If Arland became a wanted criminal for it, then he became a wanted criminal for it. That was simply a consequence.


Arland continued through the brush for almost a quarter of an hour, his neck-length hair getting the odd twig or lead tangled in the wiry stands. His boots were soaked in mud and the odd speck of crimson, his chainmail clanking with each step and glinting in the moonlight. The sight of distant movement in the bushes caught his attention, however, and he silently drew a blade and crept forward, utterly failing at being stealthy but making himself a smaller target should one of them be carrying a bow. He approached the figures and stood to his full height, a blade in his hand but trying not to draw attention to it. He only had it drawn in case these-


Arland gaped at the pair he ran across. One of them, a dark-skinned elf, was the more ordinary of the two, if she could be called ordinary at all. What caught Arland's attention was the Lamia, standing much taller than a fully-grown man, and with the body of a panther.


"Uh...you two aren't looking for me, are you?" He asked, his cloak pulled over his head to hide his face should they be bounty hunters.

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Tannin listened to both stories. Thankful that neither brought up any memories. "Sounds like this group's been through a lot. Good to see that you're all friends. Been in too many that petty infighting has torn it apart and ended up getting someone killed." He turned to Weyland with a smirk. "And i don't think that story paints you in the best of ways. When your weapons don't work.. your first instinct shouldn't be to punch whatever it is you're fighting." He chuckled. "But i suppose whatever works. I've gone through plenty of bad ideas that should have resulted in my death and yet.. here i am."

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Rhaine laughed, "You speak truly, Tannin. In more ways than one."


The Doomguide set her plate aside, rising to stretch. Her wings arced above her head as they always did when she flexed her back muscles, their ebon tips nearly touching.


"Well, I believe I'm going to try and get some rest early. We've a long day ahead of us."


With that, she went into her tent and disarmed, stripping down to her arming doublet and breeches before lying on her bedroll to sleep. It was hard and uncomfortable, but better than the ground. After a few moments, she fell asleep.




Ginafae hissed aloud at the sudden presence of the newcomer...the male. He reeked of blood and sweat.


"Jaluk," she spat, "Who are you and what are you doing here? Answer me or die!"




Maydiira nearly gasped at the sight of a man stumbling through the woods. He ran right past her, catching Ginafae's attention. She pitied the poor man...if he answered in any way that set ill with the drow, she would kill him. She might even kill him anyway.


The Favored Soul slowly rolled over to get up, hoping this distraction would allow her to run away.

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Weyland chuckled again. "I see this a little bit different than you do, Tannin. Way I see it, if my weapons don't work, try and kill it anyway! That's how Weyland Grey gets stuff done." He stood up. "Still, I think Rhaine has the right idea. I'm going to start getting ready for bed if that's okay by you all. Sleep is probably the most precious thing a living soul can do, and I'm feeling an awful need to do so right now." He smiled, and then walked back to his tent. He began undressing and getting ready for bed.






The slightest rustle in the bushes behind this woman and the Lamia was completely lost on Arland, who was uncomfortable with the thought of provoking this woman and her friend. He would likely not even touch them unless it was in self-defence, but he wasn't sure this was a fight he could win. One or the other he could likely take, but not both.



"I don't mean you harm unless you plan so for me. My name is Arland Grey, from Westgate. You want me to put it bluntly? I killed a noble because he brought suffering upon his tenants. He's lying in a pool of blood on the road right now, the arrogant fool. Most of his bodyguards are probably waking up as we speak." Arland shrugged, the blade of his leaf-bladed sword flashed in the moonlight as it moved. "Guy had it coming."



He wasn't hoping to provoke these two, he figured there had been enough killing for the hour.

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Ginafae's eyes narrowed. She barely caught a flash of silver beyond the man, but she paid it no heed.


"Grey?" she paused, mulling over the word. Sana was hunting a Weyland Grey. Surfacers were unfortunately similar to drow in that they shared House names.


"Any relation to a Weyland Grey?" the drow priestess continued after a few moments, her words dripping with silken allure. The trap was open...now to see if the mouse took the bait...




Maydiira took off through the forest, suddenly finding the strength to run again. Fear would do that to a person. Her breath came out in frosty puffs as she ran, panting with every stride. Where she was going, she had no idea, but anywhere was better than here.

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